January 28, 2017, 11:43:38 PM |
I have been scammed for a second time for this foolish apprentice. You are a selfish person interested in your own benefits despite the thousands of people losing their money because of your fake promises to give them a profit that you knew you could not keep.
But I hope you find the right punishment that corresponds to every fraudster.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 12:16:29 AM |
withdraw now activated for limited time. please be hurry because site will be closed within next week. advice : withdraw all your balances now  HELLO MR donaldbitcoin My wallet title 16j4HHvUiXXiHUh8E6bowGZpCTXZHmZJdB All what I was gutted from time sent the site just as you are true in your dealings always kept 
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 12:21:57 AM |
Officially notify you.
We have received hundred complaints of our citizens about what you are trying to steal their money and usurp. snip~
If you want to be taken seriously, you might at least learn to spell anonymous.
That said, I have seen faucets come and go. My best advice, never invest in them more than your time. Paying to upgrade becomes like a HYIP.
The first few get a return, but at some point the ponzi rears it's head.
Thanks Donald for a really clever, unique faucet that was more fun than the common drudgery that most faucets are...
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 02:42:23 AM |
I am like most people. Smallish balance ~40k
If the owner of the site cannot afford to pay out then why does he does not give the site (no cost) to someone who will and who belieives he/she can make it sustainable.
I'm 99% sure I could do that, if he'd be willing to give the site for free, lol, but I highly doubt this will ever happen Instead of ultimately closing the site, this is another option the CetoBeto site owner can consider. Whatever happens, thank you Donald for a site like! 
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 02:45:42 AM |
seems someone from KGB invest in Donald's faucet ... and losing. He angered Russian bear  Sorry Donald, no luck it.... they will not forgive him....
January 29, 2017, 03:26:13 AM |
Hello, I know it may not be an honest solution, but you better not pay the members, you have more than 10k members, if each member clicks on an adsense ad and clicks on a Bitmidia advertisement, this can help You to make payments to all members?
nice idea but he would get banned because of fraud clicks
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 03:32:37 AM |
I got paid as always.. Thanks admin of CetoBeto sry to hear that you will close this site, but I will do the same if I need give money from my pocket instead from advertising.. I hope you will have some new and better project for us soon  another worker for that scammer markabi=SCAMMERJUST STOP IT.......What is that you do on Admin? What were you doing last month? Have you not requested for withdrawals? You kept balances in account without withdrawing? 
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 03:40:37 AM |
I got paid as always.. Thanks admin of CetoBeto sry to hear that you will close this site, but I will do the same if I need give money from my pocket instead from advertising.. I hope you will have some new and better project for us soon  another worker for that scammer markabi=SCAMMERJUST STOP IT.......What is that you do on Admin? What were you doing last month? Have you not requested for withdrawals? You kept balances in account without withdrawing?  don't you know about Double Spend(negative transaction) in blockchain? when this happens transactions in blockchain network will not be confirmed results in unconfirmed transactions...  how much you have? 0.03?? 0.01 + 0.01 +0.01 -- 1st you request to admin for 0.01btc...
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 03:45:19 AM Last edit: January 29, 2017, 05:21:53 AM by pramila28 |
I got paid as always.. Thanks admin of CetoBeto sry to hear that you will close this site, but I will do the same if I need give money from my pocket instead from advertising.. I hope you will have some new and better project for us soon  another worker for that scammer markabi=SCAMMERJUST STOP IT.......What is that you do on Admin? What were you doing last month? Have you not requested for withdrawals? You kept balances in account without withdrawing?  don't you know about Double Spend(negative transaction) incoming transactions in blockchain? when this happens transactions in blockchain network will not be confirmed results in unconfirmed transactions...  Admin is not a scammer.... he said in blockchain bulk transactions with double spend will result in unconfirmed transactions. how this double spend happens I do not know - its all related to blockchain.. Even for Deposits (Incoming Transactions) resulted in slow confirmations taking more time to confirm by miners in blockchain. He has kept a limit for paying members -- try to request one by one and not at a time 0.03btc... how much you have? 0.03?? 0.01 + 0.01 +0.01 -- 1st you request to admin for 0.01btc... No where you will go if you keep on repeating bad words....I feel like laughing at you -- dumb don't have practical knowledge If you repeat words on Admin then I shall report to Bitcointalk Moderator to take action on your account..."Account with Hidden Identity" Person name not disclosed..
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 05:08:28 AM Last edit: January 29, 2017, 05:41:27 AM by pramila28 |
Admin I am feeling very bad....not interested in reading Negative Posts coming on you always... I couldn't tolerate so I wrote straight away BLOCKCHAIN - DOUBLE SPEND - this happens for Incoming transactions High Value - if you have more double spend transactions in your wallet then there will be problem like this ... try to find a solution for this -- how best to avoid double spend...
BLOCKR IO best wallet -- it has three priorities high medium low
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:15:31 AM |
seems someone from KGB invest in Donald's faucet ... and losing. He angered Russian bear  Sorry Donald, no luck it.... they will not forgive him.... might but doubt that.. theres too many "keyboard warrior" out there and if hes not getting paid mean balance less than 100k.. no way a kgb member will make too much fuss over less than $1.. He can just run away like all scammer did.. but not.. he keeps his words n eventhough i only ask for return investment (0.00647) he gives me 0.01 instead.. (+ all my available balance).. thats why imo he is very honest n honored him for that.. sorry dont meant to offend.. im not paid n not telling lies.. just honoring him.. heres my proof..
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:39:38 AM |
I invested in this site 0.1 Bitcoin and ROI 30% I have pending withdrawal of .04 bitcoin which requested yesterday when withdrawals are opened and admin didnt pay me anything so what do you think now Admin is not answering to messages or emails. he said he is gonna close the site next week and what about those people who invested money not just time
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 05:47:03 AM |
I invested in this site 0.1 Bitcoin and ROI 30% I have pending withdrawal of .04 bitcoin which requested yesterday when withdrawals are opened and admin didnt pay me anything so what do you think now Admin is not answering to messages or emails. he said he is gonna close the site next week and what about those people who invested money not just time
Why not request one by one 0.01 btc ? at a time he can't do that...Understand his pain point too...
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 05:54:57 AM |
I invested in this site 0.1 Bitcoin and ROI 30% I have pending withdrawal of .04 bitcoin which requested yesterday when withdrawals are opened and admin didnt pay me anything so what do you think now Admin is not answering to messages or emails. he said he is gonna close the site next week and what about those people who invested money not just time
Why not request one by one 0.01 btc ? at a time he can't do that...Understand his pain point too... Admin is not using blockchain -- closed that.... I already wrote that problem of blockchain... Request to Admin one by one - two days once - he will pay
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:57:47 AM |
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 06:08:36 AM |
Moderator of Bitcointalk Org -- should note this Point --- In CHAT -- Many wrote similar kind of imaginative talks on me and admin.. Whatever they say is not TRUE - There is nothing like that -- Soon take action on Hidden Account Holder cetobeto+scammer I am in Support for Admin... He is Honest Transparent and not a scammer | I am a Fan of Donaldcoin and CetoBeto | Fan of this Faucet Admin... 
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 06:42:19 AM |
Moderator of Bitcointalk Org -- should note this Point --- In CHAT -- Many wrote similar kind of imaginative talks on me and admin.. Whatever they say is not TRUE - There is nothing like that -- Soon take action on Hidden Account Holder cetobeto+scammer I am in Support for Admin... He is Honest Transparent and not a scammer | I am a Fan of Donaldcoin and CetoBeto | Fan of this Faucet Admin...  cetobto+scammer -- what for you if I try to protect admin from harm or damage? Yes I defend and I support that is my natural activity not for money or some thing...
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 07:02:18 AM |
I invested in this site 0.1 Bitcoin and ROI 30% I have pending withdrawal of .04 bitcoin which requested yesterday when withdrawals are opened and admin didnt pay me anything so what do you think now Admin is not answering to messages or emails. he said he is gonna close the site next week and what about those people who invested money not just time
Why not request one by one 0.01 btc ? at a time he can't do that...Understand his pain point too... It is not a problem for me to take it one by one but this was not given as a solution just silence , no replay for this forum message or email , I know any site can develop problems but it is about how to manage, I followed up the situation from the beginning and waited to see for admin solution but at last i didnt get paid. i dont want profits i just want my investment back i think that is fair enough.
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 07:18:20 AM Last edit: January 29, 2017, 07:33:56 AM by pramila28 |
I invested in this site 0.1 Bitcoin and ROI 30% I have pending withdrawal of .04 bitcoin which requested yesterday when withdrawals are opened and admin didnt pay me anything so what do you think now Admin is not answering to messages or emails. he said he is gonna close the site next week and what about those people who invested money not just time
Why not request one by one 0.01 btc ? at a time he can't do that...Understand his pain point too... It is not a problem for me to take it one by one but this was not given as a solution just silence , no replay for this forum message or email , I know any site can develop problems but it is about how to manage, I followed up the situation from the beginning and waited to see for admin solution but at last i didnt get paid. i dont want profits i just want my investment back i think that is fair enough. Admin is not there now.. He will come back soon...write a mail to him again 0.1 btc -- request one by one 0.0125btc.. 8 times.. ask him -- I am writing my points how best you can get paid...
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 07:23:15 AM |
Moderator of Bitcointalk Org -- should note this Point --- In CHAT -- Many wrote similar kind of imaginative talks on me and admin.. Whatever they say is not TRUE - There is nothing like that -- Soon take action on Hidden Account Holder cetobeto+scammer I am in Support for Admin... He is Honest Transparent and not a scammer | I am a Fan of Donaldcoin and CetoBeto | Fan of this Faucet Admin...  cetobto+scammer -- what for you if I try to protect admin from harm or damage? Yes I defend and I support that is my natural activity not for money or some thing... Ok, PRAMILA28! And what do i do, my dear and honesty, if 24.01.2017 i invested 0.8 BTC and 25.01.2017 invested 0.0291 !!!! Now I can't get my own BTC from my own pocket??? My balance now is 75,052,138 satoshi !!!! WHAT DO I DO, pramela28?  ??  I wait your honest and direct answer for me!!! I wait, my darling  .... Now!