Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
February 01, 2017, 03:31:34 AM |
i have never used these sites but i have always maintained if you are going to run sites no matter what, you need to pay your users even if it bankrupts you because that is the right and honest thing to do.
taking peoples deposits and not fixing them up when you close down is very dishonest.
if you want to make it almost right you should give the site to someone that can pay the outstanding debt and carry on.
there is no way in hell the site will sell with debt attached to it and even if it was debt free its not worth 1 btc led alone 10
February 01, 2017, 03:48:08 AM |
When it will buy the site? Payments did not produce a good project ..., and others were also normal. It is a pity that the greed destroys all (
| Hello! Voluntary donations that will go towards the development of my coin. 34bwEhH3GMx6swYXt2NBfFbYGkdTcaWtXz....BTC | |
| |
February 01, 2017, 06:40:20 AM |
If admin want to sell this CetoBeto website he need to stop generation and pay all members , because noone will buy website for 10 BTC where he will need 10 BTC more for paying all members..
btw. I think that Google Adsense ban CetoBeto website that's why admin selling this site.. Remember last time when he get banned from G.A. he close down DonaldCoin , BearCoin and other site which was connected in that G.A. account and he create new site (CetoBeto) because once you get site banned you can't add G.A. again on banned sites..
So is this CetoBeto worth 10 BTC ?? Definitely no , because there are no Ad Network that pays more then Google Adsense.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
February 01, 2017, 07:53:57 AM |
If admin want to sell this CetoBeto website he need to stop generation and pay all members , because noone will buy website for 10 BTC where he will need 10 BTC more for paying all members..
btw. I think that Google Adsense ban CetoBeto website that's why admin selling this site.. Remember last time when he get banned from G.A. he close down DonaldCoin , BearCoin and other site which was connected in that G.A. account and he create new site (CetoBeto) because once you get site banned you can't add G.A. again on banned sites..
So is this CetoBeto worth 10 BTC ?? Definitely no , because there are no Ad Network that pays more then Google Adsense.
No, it's not worth 10 BTC. The site isn't sustainable with it's current upgrade and referral programs. If the site does sell and the new owner changes the programs and adds safeguards that adapt to rising BTC prices, it has a good chance of being successful. But don't expect the new owner to honor any account balances, upgrades, referrals, etc. Everyone will be starting over. (but if it sells, i hope all that invested are at least refunded so no one loses money)
Activity: 3150
Merit: 1364
'tis the season to make love :D
February 01, 2017, 08:27:42 AM |
Well here is my take on the current situation: I stopped using faucets a long time back - I have my own studies, work and earnings to spend time on, not kneel before some tap where dust accumulates. However Cetobeto was one of my favorites and I hate to see the site being sold away like this. But what I hate even more is that the admin had similar situations before as well and though this time its the rising bitcoin price and not Adsense, Donald should have worked on the system to make it more sustainable. Seeing the site in this situation and the massive amount of spam (and not mention) popularity that this thread has gained over this week, I decided to to finally make a post of my own here. To Newbie accounts, crying SCAM - please stop wasting your time here, you are actually spamming this forum which is already filled with junk posts from the signature spammers. To Cetobeto Supporters - Good Luck to you all. It was good while it lasted To Nonsense idiots out there - get a life, get a job and more importantly, get a girlfriend, Extremely important for you people, get laid in proper manner.  To Donald - I think it is possible for you to sustain the site, just needs some time otherwise it was good while it lasted. To mexicantarget - Good Luck with your projects man.
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Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
February 01, 2017, 09:13:58 AM Last edit: February 01, 2017, 12:08:52 PM by pramila28 |
Greedy SCAMMERS on Faucet Owner -- Last time it was not Google Adsense and this time too its not Google Adsense -- Its all related to Bitcoin Price and Greedy Scammers using tricks on Donald Next Rule : It is forbidden to register or log in more than one account from the same computer. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation. The main rule: 1 computer = 1 account. Only one IP Allowed Greedy users used vpn proxies bot auto collecting Next Rule : It is forbidden to use the same data in more than one account, including the number of purses payment systems. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation, or complete blocking of accounts to withdraw cash. In chat I had seen many posted saying system flagged as multiple account/bot Greedy users always did this Continuous every day every hour Problem is this in CetoBeto System - Payments are high  Rule is this : It is strictly forbidden to register more than one account! When detecting two or more accounts are used by a single user, all of which will be banned and removed. Status, reputation and availability of funds on the balance sheet of the offender will not be counted. Now Admin is doing some calculations - do not stress on him I am not involved in all these with Admin - I am writing Reality Points and I am in Favor of Admin - He is Transparent and Whatever knowledge I have gained from him I am sharing ... FAN OF DONALD AND CETOBETO -- Donald Duck vs Daisy Duck -- Do you have issues if I write like this Admin didn't tell me any thing so far I have kept BULLS EYE. I won't tolerate if this continues always... GOODBYE Admin you should think twice and thrice before taking decision on closing - Same thing happened in Gitcoin GG - Greedy users doing tricks on them. you are the real scammers on faucet owners - greedy doing it with tricks and giving troubles to owners and honest one account holders my freedom of expression - favoring Admin ok - he is not paying me for my writing ok... understood greedy scammers on faucet owner donaldcoin admin cetobeto plz adopt this - banned users are not allowed to register again - new rule - Admin should implement this.. Stop defaming Admin -- Stop all your offensive words and imaginative foolish talks on admin and me... Try to find solution to save cetobeto Caution to Faucet Owners - Not to Pay Greedy Scammers - Bad Users - Eliminate them - BE STRICT ALWAYS WITH YOUR RULE
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
February 01, 2017, 10:04:49 AM |
would you be interested to sell the domain only after you close the site? I'm interested to get the domain and redirect it to one of my sites
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
February 01, 2017, 10:15:04 AM |
Are we allowed to withdraw before you sell it?
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
February 01, 2017, 12:21:37 PM Last edit: February 01, 2017, 12:33:43 PM by Gabyas |
Greedy SCAMMERS on Faucet Owner -- Last time it was not Google Adsense and this time too its not Google Adsense -- Its all related to Bitcoin Price and Greedy Scammers using tricks on Donald Next Rule : It is forbidden to register or log in more than one account from the same computer. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation. The main rule: 1 computer = 1 account. Only one IP Allowed Greedy users used vpn proxies bot auto collecting Next Rule : It is forbidden to use the same data in more than one account, including the number of purses payment systems. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation, or complete blocking of accounts to withdraw cash. In chat I had seen many posted saying system flagged as multiple account/bot Greedy users always did this Continuous every day every hour Problem is this in CetoBeto System - Payments are high  Rule is this : It is strictly forbidden to register more than one account! When detecting two or more accounts are used by a single user, all of which will be banned and removed. Status, reputation and availability of funds on the balance sheet of the offender will not be counted. Now Admin is doing some calculations - do not stress on him I am not involved in all these with Admin - I am writing Reality Points and I am in Favor of Admin - He is Transparent and Whatever knowledge I have gained from him I am sharing ... FAN OF DONALD AND CETOBETO -- Donald Duck vs Daisy Duck -- Do you have issues if I write like this Admin didn't tell me any thing so far I have kept BULLS EYE. I won't tolerate if this continues always... GOODBYE Admin you should think twice and thrice before taking decision on closing - Same thing happened in Gitcoin GG - Greedy users doing tricks on them. you are the real scammers on faucet owners - greedy doing it with tricks and giving troubles to owners and honest one account holders my freedom of expression - favoring Admin ok - he is not paying me for my writing ok... understood greedy scammers on faucet owner donaldcoin admin cetobeto plz adopt this - banned users are not allowed to register again - new rule - Admin should implement this.. Stop defaming Admin -- Stop all your offensive words and imaginative foolish talks on admin and me... Try to find solution to save cetobeto Pramila you retarded ugly girl, again you write much without saying anything , as I said it many times, you live in your own world where you and this scammer (markabi) the admin of ceto-beto and dead donaldcoin are in a relationship where you two are singing together the song of bitcoin holding hands , in a world where pigs are flying and unicorns are eating a rainbow made from cotton candy are lost in your own imagination and this fact is because you refuse to take your medication for your mental disorders ...please listen your friends (if you have any) and your parents (if they didnt suicide when they realised what a retarded girl they made) and take your meds and go back to the hospital for medical attention ...stop writing in forums showing off with your ignorance ...pretending something that you're not, or do a good thing for everybody and kill yourself because you're making shadow to earth for nothing
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
February 01, 2017, 02:12:36 PM Last edit: February 01, 2017, 02:26:11 PM by pramila28 |
I am fan of DONALDCOINS and CETOBETO  I am fan of Admin CetoBeto I am Real PLAYBOLD here and every where I am like this  DONALD DUCK CARTOON ( Offifical Movies ) DONALD DUCK & CHIP AND DALE CARTOON - in this Movie - Donald Duck Always Wins Donald Duck vs Daisy Duck -- Howzat?
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
February 01, 2017, 02:22:17 PM |
Greedy SCAMMERS on Faucet Owner -- Last time it was not Google Adsense and this time too its not Google Adsense -- Its all related to Bitcoin Price and Greedy Scammers using tricks on Donald Next Rule : It is forbidden to register or log in more than one account from the same computer. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation. The main rule: 1 computer = 1 account. Only one IP Allowed Greedy users used vpn proxies bot auto collecting Next Rule : It is forbidden to use the same data in more than one account, including the number of purses payment systems. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation, or complete blocking of accounts to withdraw cash. In chat I had seen many posted saying system flagged as multiple account/bot Greedy users always did this Continuous every day every hour Problem is this in CetoBeto System - Payments are high  Rule is this : It is strictly forbidden to register more than one account! When detecting two or more accounts are used by a single user, all of which will be banned and removed. Status, reputation and availability of funds on the balance sheet of the offender will not be counted. Now Admin is doing some calculations - do not stress on him I am not involved in all these with Admin - I am writing Reality Points and I am in Favor of Admin - He is Transparent and Whatever knowledge I have gained from him I am sharing ... FAN OF DONALD AND CETOBETO -- Donald Duck vs Daisy Duck -- Do you have issues if I write like this Admin didn't tell me any thing so far I have kept BULLS EYE. I won't tolerate if this continues always... GOODBYE Admin you should think twice and thrice before taking decision on closing - Same thing happened in Gitcoin GG - Greedy users doing tricks on them. you are the real scammers on faucet owners - greedy doing it with tricks and giving troubles to owners and honest one account holders my freedom of expression - favoring Admin ok - he is not paying me for my writing ok... understood greedy scammers on faucet owner donaldcoin admin cetobeto plz adopt this - banned users are not allowed to register again - new rule - Admin should implement this.. Stop defaming Admin -- Stop all your offensive words and imaginative foolish talks on admin and me... Try to find solution to save cetobeto Caution to Faucet Owners - Not to Pay Greedy Scammers - Bad Users - Eliminate them - BE STRICT ALWAYS WITH YOUR RULE Pramila28! Why don't reply me on my messange to your PM box? Time is out, site will be close soon!!! And my 0.75 btc still on balance and Admin nothing to do.... [/size]
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
February 01, 2017, 02:40:26 PM |
Greedy SCAMMERS on Faucet Owner -- Last time it was not Google Adsense and this time too its not Google Adsense -- Its all related to Bitcoin Price and Greedy Scammers using tricks on Donald Next Rule : It is forbidden to register or log in more than one account from the same computer. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation. The main rule: 1 computer = 1 account. Only one IP Allowed Greedy users used vpn proxies bot auto collecting Next Rule : It is forbidden to use the same data in more than one account, including the number of purses payment systems. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation, or complete blocking of accounts to withdraw cash. In chat I had seen many posted saying system flagged as multiple account/bot Greedy users always did this Continuous every day every hour Problem is this in CetoBeto System - Payments are high  Rule is this : It is strictly forbidden to register more than one account! When detecting two or more accounts are used by a single user, all of which will be banned and removed. Status, reputation and availability of funds on the balance sheet of the offender will not be counted. Now Admin is doing some calculations - do not stress on him I am not involved in all these with Admin - I am writing Reality Points and I am in Favor of Admin - He is Transparent and Whatever knowledge I have gained from him I am sharing ... FAN OF DONALD AND CETOBETO -- Donald Duck vs Daisy Duck -- Do you have issues if I write like this Admin didn't tell me any thing so far I have kept BULLS EYE. I won't tolerate if this continues always... GOODBYE Admin you should think twice and thrice before taking decision on closing - Same thing happened in Gitcoin GG - Greedy users doing tricks on them. you are the real scammers on faucet owners - greedy doing it with tricks and giving troubles to owners and honest one account holders my freedom of expression - favoring Admin ok - he is not paying me for my writing ok... understood greedy scammers on faucet owner donaldcoin admin cetobeto plz adopt this - banned users are not allowed to register again - new rule - Admin should implement this.. Stop defaming Admin -- Stop all your offensive words and imaginative foolish talks on admin and me... Try to find solution to save cetobeto Caution to Faucet Owners - Not to Pay Greedy Scammers - Bad Users - Eliminate them - BE STRICT ALWAYS WITH YOUR RULE Pramila28! Why don't reply me on my messange to your PM box? Time is out, site will be close soon!!! And my 0.75 btc still on balance and Admin nothing to do.... [/size] give them time - they are working by doing some calculations.....admin is not online here and not there in cetobeto..
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
February 01, 2017, 04:09:37 PM |
Greedy SCAMMERS on Faucet Owner -- Last time it was not Google Adsense and this time too its not Google Adsense -- Its all related to Bitcoin Price and Greedy Scammers using tricks on Donald Next Rule : It is forbidden to register or log in more than one account from the same computer. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation. The main rule: 1 computer = 1 account. Only one IP Allowed Greedy users used vpn proxies bot auto collecting Next Rule : It is forbidden to use the same data in more than one account, including the number of purses payment systems. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation, or complete blocking of accounts to withdraw cash. In chat I had seen many posted saying system flagged as multiple account/bot Greedy users always did this Continuous every day every hour Problem is this in CetoBeto System - Payments are high  Rule is this : It is strictly forbidden to register more than one account! When detecting two or more accounts are used by a single user, all of which will be banned and removed. Status, reputation and availability of funds on the balance sheet of the offender will not be counted. Now Admin is doing some calculations - do not stress on him I am not involved in all these with Admin - I am writing Reality Points and I am in Favor of Admin - He is Transparent and Whatever knowledge I have gained from him I am sharing ... FAN OF DONALD AND CETOBETO -- Donald Duck vs Daisy Duck -- Do you have issues if I write like this Admin didn't tell me any thing so far I have kept BULLS EYE. I won't tolerate if this continues always... GOODBYE Admin you should think twice and thrice before taking decision on closing - Same thing happened in Gitcoin GG - Greedy users doing tricks on them. you are the real scammers on faucet owners - greedy doing it with tricks and giving troubles to owners and honest one account holders my freedom of expression - favoring Admin ok - he is not paying me for my writing ok... understood greedy scammers on faucet owner donaldcoin admin cetobeto plz adopt this - banned users are not allowed to register again - new rule - Admin should implement this.. Stop defaming Admin -- Stop all your offensive words and imaginative foolish talks on admin and me... Try to find solution to save cetobeto Caution to Faucet Owners - Not to Pay Greedy Scammers - Bad Users - Eliminate them - BE STRICT ALWAYS WITH YOUR RULE Pramila28! Why don't reply me on my messange to your PM box? Time is out, site will be close soon!!! And my 0.75 btc still on balance and Admin nothing to do.... [/size] give them time - they are working by doing some calculations.....admin is not online here and not there in cetobeto.. Ok, Pramila! I very hope, Me and my friend will get paid own invest from our pocket to cetobeto money...... But now - total silence.....
Activity: 1524
Merit: 1001
NOBT - WNOBT your saving bank◕◡◕
February 01, 2017, 04:33:13 PM |
Your site is excellent and has a multitude of visitors per day. . You exploit that and find a realistic solution, satisfies users to your site, and at the same time does not lead to your loss.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
February 01, 2017, 05:45:49 PM |
Greedy SCAMMERS on Faucet Owner -- Last time it was not Google Adsense and this time too its not Google Adsense -- Its all related to Bitcoin Price and Greedy Scammers using tricks on Donald Next Rule : It is forbidden to register or log in more than one account from the same computer. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation. The main rule: 1 computer = 1 account. Only one IP Allowed Greedy users used vpn proxies bot auto collecting Next Rule : It is forbidden to use the same data in more than one account, including the number of purses payment systems. Such acts are considered and punished by MCA ban and the removal of all accounts involved in the violation, or complete blocking of accounts to withdraw cash. In chat I had seen many posted saying system flagged as multiple account/bot Greedy users always did this Continuous every day every hour Problem is this in CetoBeto System - Payments are high  Rule is this : It is strictly forbidden to register more than one account! When detecting two or more accounts are used by a single user, all of which will be banned and removed. Status, reputation and availability of funds on the balance sheet of the offender will not be counted. Now Admin is doing some calculations - do not stress on him I am not involved in all these with Admin - I am writing Reality Points and I am in Favor of Admin - He is Transparent and Whatever knowledge I have gained from him I am sharing ... FAN OF DONALD AND CETOBETO -- Donald Duck vs Daisy Duck -- Do you have issues if I write like this Admin didn't tell me any thing so far I have kept BULLS EYE. I won't tolerate if this continues always... GOODBYE Admin you should think twice and thrice before taking decision on closing - Same thing happened in Gitcoin GG - Greedy users doing tricks on them. you are the real scammers on faucet owners - greedy doing it with tricks and giving troubles to owners and honest one account holders my freedom of expression - favoring Admin ok - he is not paying me for my writing ok... understood greedy scammers on faucet owner donaldcoin admin cetobeto plz adopt this - banned users are not allowed to register again - new rule - Admin should implement this.. Stop defaming Admin -- Stop all your offensive words and imaginative foolish talks on admin and me... Try to find solution to save cetobeto Caution to Faucet Owners - Not to Pay Greedy Scammers - Bad Users - Eliminate them - BE STRICT ALWAYS WITH YOUR RULE Pramila... I'm not hear to argue with you, but... Donald did use the drop in advertising as part of the reason for the site going under. He posted a graph to indicate how the loss of advertising revenue hurt the site. Multiple accounts and Bots are big problems (and anyone who opened multiple accounts to scam the site and are now crying about not getting paid...what goes around, comes around) Upgrades and referral programs need to be adjusted also... generous programs will encourage some to scam...just sayin'. The rising price in BTC is a problem for all faucets. Some sites make adjustments in real-time, Ceto did not. The site did not react quickly enough (IMO) and the big increase in BTC earlier this year was probably the final nail in the coffin. BTC is going to continue to go up, hopefully if this site stays alive, a plan is in place to adjust faster to any rise or drop.
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
February 01, 2017, 07:39:32 PM |
I am fan of DONALDCOINS and CETOBETO  I am fan of Admin CetoBeto I am Real PLAYBOLD here and every where I am like this  DONALD DUCK CARTOON ( Offifical Movies ) DONALD DUCK & CHIP AND DALE CARTOON - in this Movie - Donald Duck Always Wins Donald Duck vs Daisy Duck -- Howzat? Pramila I can see how retarded you are and I hope everybody else will see it and will ignore you might have 28 years old but your brain stopped working around the age of 5 years old , please take your medication and go to see a doctor , you really need it ... so sad ...very sad ...that retards like you are free , when you should be locked in a nice pink room with walls made from sponge 
Sr. Member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
February 02, 2017, 03:45:43 AM |
I just started doing this site when he holds the withdrawal of satoshi's, this site was branded as legit on the other reviews site i looked for (I think it was top 2 then that time), and i didn't wasted my time on doing more.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
February 02, 2017, 02:29:46 PM |
donaldbitcoin ادمن كما دمرتني وسرقت لي كل ما أملك أسال الله تعالى ان ينتققم منك انت واهلك في الدنيا قبل الاخرة وان يسلظ عليك الامراض الخبيثة حتى تتمنى الموت ولاتجده يارب
how much was your balance ?
February 02, 2017, 06:36:34 PM |
You are a Registered Scammer !