Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 04:52:10 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  he will not reply . same like he sis with me . believe me he is a scammer
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 04:55:18 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him..
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 05:00:07 PM |
Anyway, it is already too late, cetobeto faucethub.io balance is dry again
I said this in chat on 26th Jan 2017.... understanding pains of our admin? Did I say anything bad about him? Oo no try entering into site to withdraw Hmmm, seems "no" is a typo, and it meaned "now". Sorry, if I understood you wrong, as it spelled it sounds like you said me not to try entering site only to withdraw my funds.  java problem in your browser? flash player problem? I know only this much...  STOP DEFENDING ABOPUT THAT FUCKIN SCAMMER. HE JUST PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE BALANCE UNDER 0.001 BUT WHO HAVE MORE , HE NOT PAYING .. HE IS A FUCKIN SCAMMER LIKE YOU EXACTLY BOTH OF YOU ARE SCAMMERS , TELL YOUR FUCKIN GREEDY ADIMIN TO PAY MY BALANCE write your name as per cetobeto.... try to show screen shot...of your account...what for to write my username if you not admin and not work with markabi as you told me before now you changed what you said before ?? if you want to pay for me , its so easy. i can write my username and my wallet address I want to see your transparency.....what I changed? you are offending admin.. you are the one with slangs in RED What admin i offened !!! and who are you ! his lawyer ??!! i need my balance who deleted !! tell you scamming admin to return me back my money .. as i told many time its 0.03 What is that Scamming show me the PROOF? how admin will take your balance? don't show stunts without evidence
I have already disclosed Old site Donaldcoin Balance proof who are requesting for withdrawals....
Its my Activity Protecting Admin -- What for you?
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 05:04:50 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  Stay Active here and in cetobeto -- before closing / selling admin will pay you -- he is not replying me too (I wrote stating about my friend 0.01btc) - give him time -- he is working hard and doing his best
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 05:08:34 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:12:40 PM |
My Score Balance: 73,173 Satoshi Last Deposit: 0.0053 BTC Withdraw History: Pending BTC: 0 Satoshi Paid BTC: 588,342 Satoshi send several imails to admin for payment telling him he could cosider my deposit as a gift still no anwer, BITCOIN WALLET 1G1C6VjtMkvCJMuMdstoJjgVTKnZtCZPtA user name MORLAK2006 Pay me please. Im still active with upgtade so balance will grow.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:15:18 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here KEEP FOOLING PEOPLE !!! IF SOMEBODY WILL GET MORE THAN 0.001 FROM HIS BALANCE PLEASE SHOW TO US .. I'M SURE AFTER FEW MONTHS HE WILL START WITH A NEW SCAMMER SITE .. BUT BELIEVE ME THAT SITE WILL BE HIS END AND IT WILL BE ON MY HANDS .. FUCK YOU PRAMILA28 AND FUCK DONALD MARKBILA
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:17:30 PM |
i just created this account i want to know how i can withdrawal now.thanks http://prntscr.com/e1v8xc
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:26:38 PM |
Pramilla28. Do you write me to PM box? Ok? And what about my friend (account: argroupru)? I can write to him at this moment when you messange me. 
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:29:25 PM |
Pramilla28. Do you write me to PM box? Ok? And what about my friend (account: argroupru)? I can write to him at this moment when you messange me.  FORGET , HE WILL NOT PAY .. YOU HAVE BALANCE MORE THAN I HAD AND HE DID NOT PAY FOR ME . HE IS A FUCKIN SCAMMER AND FOR SECOND TIME AFTER HIS OLD SITE ( DONALDCOIN)
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 05:39:23 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here KEEP FOOLING PEOPLE !!! IF SOMEBODY WILL GET MORE THAN 0.001 FROM HIS BALANCE PLEASE SHOW TO US .. I'M SURE AFTER FEW MONTHS HE WILL START WITH A NEW SCAMMER SITE .. BUT BELIEVE ME THAT SITE WILL BE HIS END AND IT WILL BE ON MY HANDS .. FUCK YOU PRAMILA28 AND FUCK DONALD MARKBILA Moderators of Bitcoin Talk Org -- shouldn't keep this person in this forum {identity is completely hidden } + High Usage of Slangs Vulgar in nature[/color][/color][/b]
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 29, 2017, 05:45:41 PM |
Pramilla28. Do you write me to PM box? Ok? And what about my friend (account: argroupru)? I can write to him at this moment when you messange me.  be here daily.... I will send you PM Again.....
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:55:32 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here KEEP FOOLING PEOPLE !!! IF SOMEBODY WILL GET MORE THAN 0.001 FROM HIS BALANCE PLEASE SHOW TO US .. I'M SURE AFTER FEW MONTHS HE WILL START WITH A NEW SCAMMER SITE .. BUT BELIEVE ME THAT SITE WILL BE HIS END AND IT WILL BE ON MY HANDS .. FUCK YOU PRAMILA28 AND FUCK DONALD MARKBILA Moderators of Bitcoin Talk Org -- shouldn't keep this person in this forum {identity is completely hidden } + High Usage of Slangs Vulgar in nature[/color][/color][/b] do you think they will listen to some scammers like all of you  !!! BE SURE THAT I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I GET BACK MY MONEY
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 05:59:12 PM |
i just want to know,this site still paying not,because withdraw is paused now the owner of cetobeto must clear it to us if u cant paying anymore,just close this site so im not waiting for nonsense.thanks
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 06:00:57 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here KEEP FOOLING PEOPLE !!! IF SOMEBODY WILL GET MORE THAN 0.00100000 FROM HIS BALANCE PLEASE SHOW TO US .. I'M SURE AFTER FEW MONTHS HE WILL START WITH A NEW SCAMMER SITE .. BUT BELIEVE ME THAT SITE WILL BE HIS END AND IT WILL BE ON MY HANDS .. FUCK YOU PRAMILA28 AND FUCK DONALD MARKBILA Moderators of Bitcoin Talk Org -- shouldn't keep this person in this forum {identity is completely hidden } + High Usage of Slangs Vulgar in nature[/color][/color][/b] do you think they will listen to some scammers like all of you  !!! BE SURE THAT I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I GET BACK MY MONEYHow much does he owe you? I'll send you some btc so you just stop spamming and bumping this thread constantly.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 06:03:31 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here KEEP FOOLING PEOPLE !!! IF SOMEBODY WILL GET MORE THAN 0.00100000 FROM HIS BALANCE PLEASE SHOW TO US .. I'M SURE AFTER FEW MONTHS HE WILL START WITH A NEW SCAMMER SITE .. BUT BELIEVE ME THAT SITE WILL BE HIS END AND IT WILL BE ON MY HANDS .. FUCK YOU PRAMILA28 AND FUCK DONALD MARKBILA Moderators of Bitcoin Talk Org -- shouldn't keep this person in this forum {identity is completely hidden } + High Usage of Slangs Vulgar in nature[/color][/color][/b] do you think they will listen to some scammers like all of you  !!! BE SURE THAT I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I GET BACK MY MONEYHow much does he owe you? I'll send you some btc so you just stop spamming and bumping this thread constantly. wow, I agree. my balance was 0.03 ! can you send it to me now ?!
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 06:08:00 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here KEEP FOOLING PEOPLE !!! IF SOMEBODY WILL GET MORE THAN 0.00100000 FROM HIS BALANCE PLEASE SHOW TO US .. I'M SURE AFTER FEW MONTHS HE WILL START WITH A NEW SCAMMER SITE .. BUT BELIEVE ME THAT SITE WILL BE HIS END AND IT WILL BE ON MY HANDS .. FUCK YOU PRAMILA28 AND FUCK DONALD MARKBILA Moderators of Bitcoin Talk Org -- shouldn't keep this person in this forum {identity is completely hidden } + High Usage of Slangs Vulgar in nature[/color][/color][/b] do you think they will listen to some scammers like all of you  !!! BE SURE THAT I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I GET BACK MY MONEYHow much does he owe you? I'll send you some btc so you just stop spamming and bumping this thread constantly. wow, I agree. my balance was 0.03 ! can you send it to me now ?! Yes, so you just stfu. PM me with address.
January 29, 2017, 06:08:38 PM |
mexicantarget sent me some satoshi (atleast 0,01 BTC) or I will start spamming too !! 
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 06:12:51 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here KEEP FOOLING PEOPLE !!! IF SOMEBODY WILL GET MORE THAN 0.00100000 FROM HIS BALANCE PLEASE SHOW TO US .. I'M SURE AFTER FEW MONTHS HE WILL START WITH A NEW SCAMMER SITE .. BUT BELIEVE ME THAT SITE WILL BE HIS END AND IT WILL BE ON MY HANDS .. FUCK YOU PRAMILA28 AND FUCK DONALD MARKBILA Moderators of Bitcoin Talk Org -- shouldn't keep this person in this forum {identity is completely hidden } + High Usage of Slangs Vulgar in nature[/color][/color][/b] do you think they will listen to some scammers like all of you  !!! BE SURE THAT I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I GET BACK MY MONEYHow much does he owe you? I'll send you some btc so you just stop spamming and bumping this thread constantly. wow, I agree. my balance was 0.03 ! can you send it to me now ?! Yes, so you just stfu. PM me with address. the address is : 1ZmG6K1og5bhSBEfXXxE6M4JysJKBJDsA
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 06:14:17 PM Last edit: January 29, 2017, 06:38:25 PM by mexicantarget |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here KEEP FOOLING PEOPLE !!! IF SOMEBODY WILL GET MORE THAN 0.00100000 FROM HIS BALANCE PLEASE SHOW TO US .. I'M SURE AFTER FEW MONTHS HE WILL START WITH A NEW SCAMMER SITE .. BUT BELIEVE ME THAT SITE WILL BE HIS END AND IT WILL BE ON MY HANDS .. FUCK YOU PRAMILA28 AND FUCK DONALD MARKBILA Moderators of Bitcoin Talk Org -- shouldn't keep this person in this forum {identity is completely hidden } + High Usage of Slangs Vulgar in nature[/color][/color][/b] do you think they will listen to some scammers like all of you  !!! BE SURE THAT I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I GET BACK MY MONEYHow much does he owe you? I'll send you some btc so you just stop spamming and bumping this thread constantly. wow, I agree. my balance was 0.03 ! can you send it to me now ?! Yes, so you just stfu. PM me with address. the address is : 1ZmG6K1og5bhSBEfXXxE6M4JysJKBJDsA Do you understand ENGLISH? PM ME AN ADDRESS. PM - PRIVATE MESSAGE. Send me a new address IN PRIVATE MESSAGE. EDIT: Guy is mentally retarded. Seriously. I asked him to send me a new private address in PM, he sent me the same. http://prntscr.com/e1waqwAin't gonna send any coins, lol. I'm really amazed how stubborn you are. You had your chance 2 chances to get your 0.03 BTC, but you read with your ass, instead your eyes. Wasted enough time. EDIT2: Actually. Post with your real account and I'll send you 0.04  Just interested to see the content of your real account.