Activity: 10
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 07:06:09 AM |
Do not worry Admin -- This thread will go in to silence - No comments from cetobeto+scammer
hahaha. Underling of admin! 
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 30, 2017, 07:14:28 AM |
Do not worry Admin -- This thread will go in to silence - No comments from cetobeto+scammer
hahaha. Underling of admin!  I am Here to Support Donald -- What for YOU? Moderator of Bitcoin Talk - One More Hidden Identity - Sure there will be 100% Slangs - Why to allow them in this Forum? Better you should take action on these
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 07:30:23 AM |
Do not worry Admin -- This thread will go in to silence - No comments from cetobeto+scammer
hahaha. Underling of admin!  I am Here to Support Donald -- What for YOU? Moderator of Bitcoin Talk - One More Hidden Identity - Sure there will be 100% Slangs - Why to allow them in this Forum? Better you should take action on these are you girlfriend of admin? 
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 07:44:37 AM |
ure too provocative pramila.. as mod there just help member dnt need to be provocative.. rofl see cetobeto+scammer comeback with new account.. already too much enemy with his old account.. >_<
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 30, 2017, 07:49:25 AM Last edit: January 30, 2017, 08:00:25 AM by pramila28 |
Do not worry Admin -- This thread will go in to silence - No comments from cetobeto+scammer
hahaha. Underling of admin!  I am Here to Support Donald -- What for YOU? Moderator of Bitcoin Talk - One More Hidden Identity - Sure there will be 100% Slangs - Why to allow them in this Forum? Better you should take action on these are you girlfriend of admin?  Donald and Me -- Donald=Faucet Owner and Me=User+Mod -- Who are YOU here? Fan of DONALD - Supporter of DONALD -- What for YOU? Trying to Safe Guard -- What for You?
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 07:59:58 AM |
I've been reading the different posts. Above all, excuse me for my awful english. I don't want to say that Donald is a scammer, but...I was member of Donalcoin and now of Cetobeto and both times I couldn't be paid when he decided to sell the site. Problems don't come from one day to another, he could (should) have explained us before. He stopped the withdraw several times with different excuses but he never told us the truth until we saw the "on sale" announcement. Also, if he had to closed a faucet before (where we must suppose that he lost money), why did he decide to open a new one?  ? From my point of view it's a bit strange, isn't it? I mean, I wouldn't open a new faucet if I've lost money before... I don't want to annoy anyone, but that's my opinion.
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 30, 2017, 08:05:56 AM |
ure too provocative pramila.. as mod there just help member dnt need to be provocative.. rofl see cetobeto+scammer comeback with new account.. already too much enemy with his old account.. >_<
I am for Donald - Admin is not a Scammer -- I have tried to explain real situation of Faucet Owners - Gitcoin GG and Now its happening in CetoBeto
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 08:19:23 AM |
Wow Admin --- here is silence now ... you can concentrate on your selling activity
I am here to support you Morally and Protect from harm/damage  thats what i meant.. i know.. admin trying his best.. he dont need u.. member is the one that need u more.. help member not provocating them?
Activity: 1524
Merit: 1001
NOBT - WNOBT your saving bank◕◡◕
January 30, 2017, 08:30:52 AM |
Admin kindly try to eliminate BOT Users VPN Proxies Multiple Account Holders - Kindly Please Check your System and Do it Fast
I do not know what is this All About -- I just Wrote my Point -- to Save you from Damages /Harm
I am your FAN and Supporter here trying to Protect you as much as possible But Please do pay to Honest Users - My Friend is waiting - Taaap Premium Account Holder 0.01BTC
And I suspect this would have shown you HIGH Payments -- Faucet Owners Am I Right?
There are no security system substance one hundred percent, Bots and scammer are updated their ways every hour!
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 30, 2017, 08:44:15 AM Last edit: January 30, 2017, 09:08:00 AM by pramila28 |
Wow Admin --- here is silence now ... you can concentrate on your selling activity
I am here to support you Morally and Protect from harm/damage  thats what i meant.. i know.. admin trying his best.. he dont need u.. member is the one that need u more.. help member not provocating them? did he tell that to me? he himself is silent and why do you interfere on my activity? he reads all my posts here and also there in chat read all my posts. its my activity and one more I never support bad users giving troubles to faucet owners - this is affecting honest players don't you know that? He Likes my Activity.... I want to give an END for this - Next time it shouldn't happen on Faucet Owners.. Owners should come up with new solution I know he is doing best and putting efforts, plus he is keeping his words - Stop writing on Admin -- without proof some are writing negative feeds -- get me the real proof before writing such feeds
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 08:49:15 AM |
I hope admin dont forget about pending payment Iam waiting for news but sure as you dont want to put money from your pocket we also dont like to lose our our money (invested) in your site
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 08:55:50 AM |
dam ur noisy.. cause im a member also.. mod interested in arguing more than helping other member.. scroll ull see lot people asking help thats not answered.. better than give admin mental support.. support him in organizing his job by helping other member..
ps : lazy to type not interested answering back after this
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 09:19:41 AM |
I believe that the main problem is that the admin of Cetobeto both been banned from google adsense. I came to know that more than 500 websites have been banned from adsense because suspects. If the admin Cetobeto not been banned just leave the adsense banner and one month pay before those who have invested money and then begin to pay those who must receive at least 400,000 satoshi. Under 100,000 satoshi is not paid anyone and the problem is solved in a month. Then you can think of selling the site ... Sorry for the English but they are Italian:  PS: When I mean "pay those who invested bitcoin" I mean only pay what you invested and not the gain.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 09:20:49 AM |
dam ur noisy.. cause im a member also.. mod interested in arguing more than helping other member.. scroll ull see lot people asking help thats not answered.. better than give admin mental support.. support him in organizing his job by helping other member..
ps : lazy to type not interested answering back after this
its a bit annoying when some ppl keep on saying the same thing over n over again..doesnt matter either to support or to said the admin scam..i think ppl here clever enuf to get their point n no nid to keep saying it on every post..
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 09:26:57 AM |
dam ur noisy.. cause im a member also.. mod interested in arguing more than helping other member.. scroll ull see lot people asking help thats not answered.. better than give admin mental support.. support him in organizing his job by helping other member..
ps : lazy to type not interested answering back after this
its a bit annoying when some ppl keep on saying the same thing over n over again..doesnt matter either to support or to said the admin scam..i think ppl here clever enuf to get their point n no nid to keep saying it on every post.. agree.. was annoyed also.. >_< let ppl decide by theirself..
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 30, 2017, 09:48:21 AM |
dam ur noisy.. cause im a member also.. mod interested in arguing more than helping other member.. scroll ull see lot people asking help thats not answered.. better than give admin mental support.. support him in organizing his job by helping other member..
ps : lazy to type not interested answering back after this
its a bit annoying when some ppl keep on saying the same thing over n over again..doesnt matter either to support or to said the admin scam..i think ppl here clever enuf to get their point n no nid to keep saying it on every post.. When you work during situation like this how you will be ? switch off phone, not online- mail, switch off every thing, Admin is silent with no reply, he is working - understand his situation too...He will pay members -- give him time
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 10:02:42 AM |
As i said many time before, he will not pay any person have balance more than 0.001 .. donald markabi scam all for second time and he will do it again in few months .. moderating here must take an action and show all his details to warn all people about him ..
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 10:11:07 AM |
When you work during situation like this how you will be ?
What kind of working he do right now on dis kind of situation? switch off phone, not online- mail, switch off every thing, Admin is silent with no reply, he is working - understand his situation too...
If he switch off phone and ppl who got interested to buy his site to contact him? He will pay members -- give him time
I dont complain on the admin..I complaining on user who keep on repeating the same thing about support or scam thing
Sr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
January 30, 2017, 10:24:38 AM |
Moderator s -- should take action on hidden identity account holder -- these are writing without valid proofs. Admin is currently trying pay 0.001btc above here is one proof 94467 Sergom 196101 Jan/29/2017 faucethub Done And some are refunded because faucethub is empty - proof is here Words of Donald is OFF | Only FAUCETHUB
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
January 30, 2017, 10:27:59 AM |
dam ur noisy.. cause im a member also.. mod interested in arguing more than helping other member.. scroll ull see lot people asking help thats not answered.. better than give admin mental support.. support him in organizing his job by helping other member..
ps : lazy to type not interested answering back after this
its a bit annoying when some ppl keep on saying the same thing over n over again..doesnt matter either to support or to said the admin scam..i think ppl here clever enuf to get their point n no nid to keep saying it on every post.. agree.. was annoyed also.. >_< let ppl decide by theirself.. appreciate ,too many questions and answers is not valuable for everythings,just we talke mian point and many quote is not helping each other,exactly happening situations while is happens just finished main point to comments is better.