Hi folks rest ashure not caring about the coin is a complete understatement. I have said before that Netko d.o.o. consists out of 2 people plus a female associate that is in charge of Wifi-hotspot project.
If anyone is running a small business you know that existing longtime clients and customers come first, side projects come with spare time. Gregor and Žiga have promissed to be more active in communications from now own i trust they will do so.
Regarding my personal involvment i will say this. Being active president of slovenian Bitcoin association on top of being a full time employed IT guy, a family man , having a small SMB IT company and a human being that must sleep as well (hopefully some time in the future more thatn 4-5h per day) i am here to tell you that we do care about NETKO and have not promissed anything that was not delivered.
I just came back from the 27th Economic Forum Poland lask week so i may suck at being the community guy here but i dont suck at doing what it takes so that crypto is becoming more and more mainstram everyday and we are now past the point of cryptocurrencies being a fad that fades into the history but as a technologial tool that will reshape the economy as we know it.
There are alway people that will post negative stuff or lack patience and spent a lot of their time talking trash on forums. Your participation in NETKO is a choice and that is essentially the only thing that is yours in life.
For those that decide to stick around, note that we are here to stay if NETKOs marketcap is 1M or 1000$.
PS: We made a very crappy vid of the Bitcoin and Blockchain panel in Poland in case someone is interested so here it is. (sound sucks big time)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8JoCuISF61EbqP5ZkMZL3SEv5aaDk4lMBest of everything to everyone.