Hi guys this has been a crazy year at least last half of it

We have been focusing on our platform or i could rather say 3 products

First we have a signed contract and we are moving on to the big players its about package tracking and delivery
http://www.btrack.io this is just a preview of the page we are doing right now and sgould be finished in 3 weeks
i mean marketing FB advertising whitepaper etc...
Second product we have is a CRM product which will include integrations like :
- ip telephony
- asset management
- workgrups
- fleet management-
- Work orders
- Fiscalisation online
- mail and sms campaigns
- extensive reports...
basiccly what every company needs.
Yes i know there are many software solutions like this, but when we did a research, nobody has modular features like we do, and simple and easy to use thats what counts when buying a product...
its a very complex app, web and android and IOS based, adn we are at final stage now.
Immediately after a new year we have meetings with guys who integrated largest B2B platforms like shopify etc, and we are connecting with them to have a turnkey and complete solution for sales marketing
so we wil have multiple API's for our platform
and our third project its about 70 % done , will be launching that in a 3 - 4 months:
Platform for investors ...
That means anyone can invest an become like a shareholder and gain profit or dividends on each sold licence we will provide to our customers...
Al licencing and payments (yes crypto ones) will be done through that platform....
so this is what we have been doing for past few months,
i know weh heavent put much effort in marketing, and exchanges etc...
but we are stable as you see and we will deliver what we peomised...
i see Netko value now only a few % of what i think its worth.
Patience is a virtue
thanks guys
see you after a new year
marry christmas and a happy new year (you filthy animal )
