What was the team's purpose with this manual payout?! If there is no program, then what's the purpose of Wagger at all? What is the use? And the most important question: is this just the next scummy shit or a serious project?
They've been under massive pressure to show something, ANYTHING... since they claim they've been working on their software for 2 years yet have fuck all to show for it (Meanwhile their competitor STX already released a working alpha one month after ICO).
So they decided to use this boxing fight as a publicity stunt to drum up interest.
Unfortunately they are so goddam incompetent they couldn't even get MANUAL payouts right.
Apparently one of their braindead devs sent out 100x the payout to one of the bettors and now they are frantically trying to buy back the coins and pay out the money to the remaining bettors.
This is your investment money at work right there btw!
They haven't even managed to send out an email giving an update on this whole fiasco lmao.
What a fucking shitshow this is, unbelievable.
Now where is that chinese Wagerr-fanboy with tourette syndrome who usually vomits all over this thread? Hahahahha all the shills are awfully quiet right now.
Look I know alot of you don't wanna hear this, but this project is fucking done.
They will never release that testnet. Wagerr is vaporware, these devs are in way over their heads and you should be lucky they haven't taken off with the funds yet.