From my point of view there 2 opinions to transfer your funds.
1. Transfer over Sweeping:
2. Transfer directly with export the private key
Is this cocrrect so far ? And if so then i have to trust chipmixer in an unlimited way or ?
sweeping only provides extra convenience to users who does not have import abilities
getting private keys was meant for immediate use not long storage (privkeys known by ChipMixer)
yes basically it's how much you trust ChipMixer, you entrusted your bitcoin when you make deposit
you have 3rd option:
3. Receive
voucher codeIf you trust ChipMixer like you're holding those private keys now, I recommend getting a voucher code instead
and only export chip amount as needed and get the rest on a voucher code
you can combine voucher code with your next deposit to create a new voucher code
once you have
a big enough whole chip, get a single private key and send to yourself with your own preferred fee