Dude, me being courteous doesn't mean I'm bowing down to anyone
I've brought up a dozen points that no one has addressed, and that's only for a few pages of the whitepaper
As to the "let's see it work in practice argument", the theory is presented in such a sloppy and foggy way in the whitepaper that there is no way to tell whether the proof of work will be trivial (compared to that of the average blockchain), and the burden of proof rests on you guys to show that is the case (even theoretically, there is no such proof in the whitepaper and again that whitepaper really doesn't look professional)
Can we say that Bitcoin proved to be practical? Taking into account enormous resources burned for its support.
You're answering besides the point.
Bitcoin works. People use it everyday. The theory behind bitcoin rests on a sound basis, it was pretty much a certainty that the theoretical concept behind bitcoin would work in practice. Can't say the same about what's presented in the iota whitepaper, there are too many uncertainties and too much fogginess and sloppiness and points not addressed.
You want to compare iota with bitcoin, why don't you compare iota with a theoretical blockchain geared especially towards the internet of things? A lot of improvements could be made regarding the use of resources within a blockchain framework.
And regarding the point that was being made, you can't tell how much resources iota will burn until either you come up with a sound and detailed theoretical concept, or you build it in practice. You can't predict much from the iota whitepaper there is too much missing, it's a broad sloppy draft.