July 26, 2017, 01:31:16 AM Last edit: July 26, 2017, 01:44:36 AM by Renegade1979 |
Anyone have experience with the "optimized" Nvidia miner (for .025 BTC)? THANKS Alexis spmod v1 seems +50% compared to ccminer 2.2-skunk, 19 MH/s vs 11 MH/s with gtx1060 G1 Gaming. Set -i 20 for -0.25 MH/s drop and then you can even watch youtube without some evil stuttering you get with default intensity 25. I also have spmod v2 and it seems to do the same 19 MH/s PS difficulty around 10k. Price around 2300-2500 sat all day. Tomorrow seems to make it even worse for mining unless you have a bunch of something kinda gtx1080+
July 26, 2017, 01:36:17 AM |
moon when
Someone is heavy selling out his SIGTs. And no more pumps like a day before. You can still easily get $30-50 a day with few nvidia cards, so a lot of miners are happy with that and are not looking in long-term profits and sell at market price. Just be patient Patience will pay indeed, after block 100 000 no more POW coin, I'm HODL!
Full Member
Activity: 298
Merit: 100
July 26, 2017, 01:44:34 AM |
Guys, we're doing a group buy for SP signatum skunk mod #3! We're going in together at 0.01 btc each and we need 2 more people to join! PM if you're interested. Regards Anyone that gives money to a newbie and falls for this bull SHOULD lose their money. BE CAREFUL of people asking for money. This is for all of the noobs joining crypto. There is a saying, "A fool and his money are soon parted!". for cmdash's user number 1056313 - 19 matches.. seems legit (tm)
Activity: 1164
Merit: 1010
July 26, 2017, 01:56:42 AM |
Dual 1080ti What miner are you using, and with what clocks on those 1080ti's?
July 26, 2017, 02:19:34 AM |
Dear lord new ath reached... Net Hash: 1,041,156.05 MH/s..
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 02:29:38 AM |
You can definitely see the noobs from the wise.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 02:45:17 AM |
moon when
Someone is heavy selling out his SIGTs. And no more pumps like a day before. You can still easily get $30-50 a day with few nvidia cards, so a lot of miners are happy with that and are not looking in long-term profits and sell at market price. Just be patient i am getting $30 a day with my 2X GTX 1080 TI
July 26, 2017, 02:47:20 AM |
Dual 1080ti What miner are you using, and with what clocks on those 1080ti's? interested as well. is this the paid sp miner? only getting 34MH/s max on an asus 1080ti using the signatum cc miner. stock tdp/clocks
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 02:52:11 AM |
the price is very low and has been sold by many people.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 03:01:43 AM |
the price is very low and has been sold by many people. this is what happens if a coin becomes popular or made popular. They do not value the coin, they just want quick profits. Lets wait until PoS.
July 26, 2017, 03:11:15 AM |
the price is very low and has been sold by many people. this is what happens if a coin becomes popular or made popular. They do not value the coin, they just want quick profits. Lets wait until PoS. Early access to the stock exchange. It seems to me that in order to save the price, it is necessary to appear now in other exchanges. Otherwise they will sell 500sat.
Ho, вoт, чтo интepecнo, были y ниx дeньги, и кoличecтвo этиx дeнeг нe yмeньшaлocь и нe yвeличивaлocь. Cдeлaны oни были дaвным-дaвнo из мeтaллa нepжaвeющeгo и тяжeлoгo. И были oни пo фopмe в видe пиpaмидoк, и нe былo нa ниx ни цифp, ни бyкв, тoлькo блecк. Oтлил иx зoлoтыx дeл мacтep, пo зaкaзy cтapeйшин oпpeдeлeннoe кoличecтвo. Пpи этoм, кoличecтвo пиpaмидoк былo тaкoe, чтoбы вceм xвaтaлo. И cтapым, и мaлым, и, ecтecтвeннo Зpeлым. Macтep yмep, a ceкpeт изгoтoвлeния дeнeг был yтepян. Taк чтo в этoй cтpaнe, кoличecтвo дeнeг ocтaвaлocь пocтoянным. И нe былo coблaзнa иx yвeличивaть или yмeньшaть.
Cтяжaтeльcтвo зa этим нapoдoм cкaзoчным нe вoдилocь, и дeньги xpaнилиcь в дeтcкиx кoмнaтax. Дeтвopa любили c ними игpaть, нe ocoзнaвaя, чтo этo мepa oбмeнa, и чтo в кaждoй пиpaмидкe ecть дoля тpyдa иx poдитeлeй. Чтo в пиpaмидкe зaключeнa нeкaя энepгия, кoтopyю мoжнo oбмeнять нa eдy, oдeждy и пpoчиe цeннocти. Ho oднaжды cлyчилocь нeoбъяcнимoe… У ceмьи xлeбoпёкoв дeньги в нoчь oднy иcчeзли caмым cтpaнным oбpaзoм. Beчepoм eщё были, a yтpoм иx нe cтaлo. Cнaчaлa дyмaли, чтo кpaжa этo, нo дeньги эти тaк и нe вcплыли нигдe. Hиктo нe cтaл пoкyпaть пpoвизии и oдeжды бoльшe, дa и y тpaктиpщикoв выpyчкa нe yвeличилacь.
Из oбopoтa гopoдcкoгo пpимepнo чeтвepть дeнeг иcчeзлa, чтo cкaзaлocь нa дeлax тopгoвo-финaнcoвыx. И cocтoялcя cxoд cтapeйшин, и былo пpинятo peшeниe yпpaзднить дeньги. Paз тaкoe пpoизoшлo oдин paз, тo этo вeдь мoжeт и пoвтopитьcя? И cтaли люди жить бeз дeнeг. Heпpивычнo этo, кoнeчнo, нo cтaли. A имeющиecя дeньги-пиpaмидки y вcex coбpaли, пepecчитaли, дa и пoд aмбapный зaмoк.
И нaчaлcя тoвapo-ycлyгa-oбмeн. Oбмeнивaли oни peзyльтaты cвoeгo тpyдa дpyг y дpyгa, нo кaзaлocь им, чтo oни, кaждый в oтдeльнocти, yпycкaeт “cвoю выгoдy” в oбмeнe. Кaждый cтapaлcя paбoтaть пoмeньшe, a пoльзoвaтьcя peзyльтaтaми чyжoгo тpyдa пoбoльшe. И нaчaлcя yпaдoк.
Bидя этo, cтapeйшины нa oчepeднoм cxoдe peшили cлeдyющee: pacпилить пиpaмидки имeющиecя нa poвныe чacти и paздaть из в тoй пpoпopции, в кoтopoй oни были изъяты из oбopoтa. Taк и пocтyпили, тoлькo вoт ceмья xлeбoпeкoв ocтaлacь ни c чeм. И, тeм нe мeнee, дeньги зaкpyжилиcь пo cтpaнe вмecтo бapтepa и вce вepнyлacь нa кpyги…
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 03:29:44 AM |
Hi all! Honestly I have been trying to mine this for quite a while, since almost the beggining actually, and my GPU isn't compatible Can someone tell me how much coin/MH are you getting to see if it is wise for me to try and get them on the exchange? I want in on the project but haven't been able, and I am affraind that just participating by buying it would be rather expensive and unbalanced opposed to this day miners.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 03:41:20 AM |
Hi all! Honestly I have been trying to mine this for quite a while, since almost the beggining actually, and my GPU isn't compatible Can someone tell me how much coin/MH are you getting to see if it is wise for me to try and get them on the exchange? I want in on the project but haven't been able, and I am affraind that just participating by buying it would be rather expensive and unbalanced opposed to this day miners. i am getting close to 600 coins a day with 2X GTX1080ti, around $34 a day based on today's price
July 26, 2017, 04:20:11 AM |
кaк мaйнить нa AMD кapтax, ecть мaйнep пoд ниx?
July 26, 2017, 04:21:48 AM |
I think nvidia is much better for mining this coin, than amd, i dont get some people, who are trying to mine with 7950? With nvidia you can easily mine ~20 mhash
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 04:23:44 AM |
Hello everyone, need help. I tried to solo mining (by using this guide: but nothing works. I getting this message: [07:15:13] Started sgminer 5.3.3 [07:15:13] * using Jansson 2.10 [07:15:14] Probing for an alive pool [07:15:17] slow/down or URL or credentials invalid First: I got a wallet. 2nd: I made a config file in C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Signatum: rpcuser=randomname1 rpcpassword=randompass1 server=1 listen=1 daemon=1 rpcallowip= rpcport=3333 3rd: Made a bin in my sig-miner folder: setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100
sgminer.exe -k skunkhash -o -u randomname1 -p randompass1 -I 21 pause So, how can I fix my problem and start solo-mining? (Google search didn't show me workable solution) Thanks.
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 04:25:56 AM |
is this still profitable to mine? I just heard the difficulty went high in just a matter of days. was hoping im not too late xD
July 26, 2017, 04:30:11 AM |
Hello everyone, need help. I tried to solo mining (by using this guide: but nothing works. I getting this message: [07:15:13] Started sgminer 5.3.3 [07:15:13] * using Jansson 2.10 [07:15:14] Probing for an alive pool [07:15:17] slow/down or URL or credentials invalid First: I got a wallet. 2nd: I made a config file in C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Signatum: rpcuser=randomname1 rpcpassword=randompass1 server=1 listen=1 daemon=1 rpcallowip= rpcport=3333 3rd: Made a bin in my sig-miner folder: setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100
sgminer.exe -k skunkhash -o -u randomname1 -p randompass1 -I 21 pause So, how can I fix my problem and start solo-mining? (Google search didn't show me workable solution) Thanks. Try the miner execution as: sgminer.exe -k skunkhash -o -u randomname1 -p randompass1 -I 21 But with the current difficulty, pool mining is the better option IMHO.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 04:32:39 AM |
Got into my wallet. Thanks. Looking for bright future
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
July 26, 2017, 04:33:51 AM |
I'm getting 25 MH/s with sp mod #1 on my 1070. What are good overclock settings for this (power, core, mem clocks)?