Regarding coins stored on a wallet, according to the below article, if you move your bitcoin after August 1, then the BCH are no longer going to be available through the coinomi app. article does not seem to really explain technically what happens to the BCH if the bitcoins are moved after August 1 - except maybe suggesting that the access to the BCH permanently destroyed by such movement? Could that be?
The punchline is that I moved my bitcoins after August 1, so can I no longer claim the BCH through any BCH wallet service - are my BCH gone? or is there some other service that would allow me to claim the BCH that would have been at my addresses on that wallet as of the August 1 fork?
So far I used electron cash and to reseed my 12 recovery words into them, and neither show any BCH, but I thought that possibly the electron cash problem was specific to electron cash because I was having the same problem with using my 12 recovery words seed in electrum - electrum would not show all of my addresses, either (and the electron cash and the electrum wallets seemed to have been based off of the same code). The electrum wallet actually only showed one of my addresses (I have 57 addresses through that seed).
Actually, I had a very similar problem with wallet on the ledger nano s, it would show me only 11 addresses, and only one address that had any bitcoin balance. I couldn't get my ledger nano s to recognize all 57 addresses (or the large majority of my bitcoins that should have been there), so that was when I gave up attempting to split my BCH through the ledger nano s spitting capabilities and resorted to moving my bitcoins from the wallet in order to attempt to claim the BCH through one of the other BCH wallets that were listed on the website and mostly what I thought was in accordance with the suggestions of OP - namely for me, so far, I tried electron cash and and neither was able to identify any BCH balances available through my 12 word seed.
Any suggestions or links to information, anyone? Or do I have to kiss those potential BCH as no longer being any kind of potential because of the way that they had been stored through that wallet system that could have somehow destroyed my ability to access BCH because of my moving of the BTC after August 1? Seems like I might be missing some understanding of how this works exactly and how the wallet storage might be different from other storage systems and how OP was suggesting to claim BCH?
Edit 1: I just looked at one of my BCH/BTC addresses on the BCH blockchain, and it shows that my BCH are still at that address and they have not been moved at the time that I moved the BTC off of that address. you look at the same bitcoin address on the bitcoin blockchain, you can verify that I moved the bitcoins from that address on 8/18, yeah, it appears that all my BCH are still reachable through my various wallet addresses. I just have to get to some kind of BCH interface in which I can plug in my 12 word seed and to see the 33 addresses that should have BCH on them... and then to be able to move or store them
Edit 2:
Actually, I decided to reload my ledger nano s and to attempt to get the BCH off of the one address with BCH that had showed up on there, previously, so I was able to send the BCH from one of the 33 addresses that should have BCH on them. I sent it to Bitfinex for trading (namely selling) 1 address down 32 to go.
Maybe the easiest way would be to figure out how I could get my ledger nano to recognize the other 32 addresses that have BCH in them?
One funny thing about the Ledger nano s, is that when I load the seed into it, it creates accounts. So it created 11 accounts that all showed empty balances, except one account had a balance of BCH (that I sent to Bitfinex). I could not find any place that there were a maximum number of accounts that it would recognize, but it is not recognizing approximately 46 out of 57 accounts --- 14 accounts (with no balances) and 32 accounts (with balances).