Activity: 1927
Merit: 1004
January 15, 2018, 12:55:44 PM |
someones having a large sell off. i am building my stash for a maternode.this coin can be such a good coin. i hope the development continues. what a great coin needs is good communication and that seems to be lacking as far as i can see
January 15, 2018, 01:28:42 PM |
They can also help with the New COLX Games Developments as well as Tek Tony is a Top Unity Gmes Dev with many years exprience... email me on: ethospete009 @ gmail .com and let's get the party started!! (y)
COLX - "Coin of the people, by the people, for the people; shall never, ever, perish from this Earth..." - Peter Aldred 01/01/2018
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
January 15, 2018, 02:18:36 PM |
January 15, 2018, 02:38:19 PM |
When would you like it..?
COLX - "Coin of the people, by the people, for the people; shall never, ever, perish from this Earth..." - Peter Aldred 01/01/2018
January 15, 2018, 02:41:11 PM |
Just for a point of reference for those worried about the COLX not going to 3 cents already.. 
Your signature here

Activity: 308
Merit: 10
ImmVRse | Disrupting the VR industry
January 15, 2018, 02:53:26 PM |
I holded my colx in coinsmarkets. I lost them forever?
Activity: 115
Merit: 0
January 15, 2018, 02:57:29 PM |
If it drops to 20/30 sats I'm going to get that sweet Masternode  For now, and probably the rest of 2018, I will be buying more on the dips. Unfortunately buying without selling anything is quite expensive haha
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
January 15, 2018, 05:34:41 PM |
A lot of flooding going on by the old Pete and his peeps to try and bury the links I posted while at the same time bumping the thread. This is not FUD, these are facts. This coin will not be going anywhere for one simple reason: The people managing it are simply clueless. 1. The guy writing the white paper.... His name is Adeel 'Akhi' Anwar. "Great Mama" on Telegram. He has 0 technical knowledge, no credentials whatsoever. The only reason he was chosen to write the whitepaper is that he offered to help and because he has a couple of masternodes that he bought for cheap... That speaks wonders of the seriousness of this project. It's just a pump and dump scheme. Smart people are already leaving. See here: The rest of the team is clueless and incompetent. Just a bunch of noobs trying to get rich. See here: from imgur: "wow guys, turns out organizing a team without a manager is really hard!" 3. Price dropped because people are dumping the project, including myself. We went from no max coin supply to unlimited coin supply. We went from 4bn coins in circulation to 10.5bn in circulation in less than a week. The official website is full of inaccuracies and no one bothers to fix them... It's either dishonesty or incompetence. Both are not ok. 4. No one wants to buy this coin. Volume is about $300k. Current price doesn't mean anything when there is only one or 2 orders buying at that price. When I sold my coins, I had to go as low as 70 sats. I started selling when it was at 116 sats. People are sitting on millions of worthless coins. That's why you see them losing it trying to shill the coin everywhere. They just want new suckers to come and bail them out.
January 15, 2018, 06:45:13 PM |
I think it is important for any coin to get listed on multiple trusted exchanges. The more the better so things don't go bad when one exchange is in maintenance or something
Yeah - it's hard to get a read on what is going on price wise if it is so hard to buy and sell. Hopefully these exchanges get on the ball. Hopefully the COLX devs hear back from the exchanges they applied for. If COLX can get listed on Kucion, Cryptopia and CryptoBridge, that will be a huge boost. Cryptopia and CryptoBridge Listing is Paid (11.5 BTC paid worth of DOT/ 0.5 BTC for Cryptobridge!!!) and in process. <7 Days COLX will be listed on 1 of these Exchanges for sure! Still waiting for Cryptopia. Dev Team paid about 11.5 Btc worth of DOT!!
January 15, 2018, 06:45:35 PM |
A lot of flooding going on by the old Pete and his peeps to try and bury the links I posted while at the same time bumping the thread.
This is not FUD, these are facts.
This coin will not be going anywhere for one simple reason: The people managing it are simply clueless.
1. The guy writing the white paper.... His name is Adeel 'Akhi' Anwar. "Great Mama" on Telegram. He has 0 technical knowledge, no credentials whatsoever. The only reason he was chosen to write the whitepaper is that he offered to help and because he has a couple of masternodes that he bought for cheap... That speaks wonders of the seriousness of this project. It's just a pump and dump scheme. Smart people are already leaving. See here:
2. The rest of the team is clueless and incompetent. Just a bunch of noobs trying to get rich. See here:
TLDR from imgur: "wow guys, turns out organizing a team without a manager is really hard!"
3. Price dropped because people are dumping the project, including myself. We went from no max coin supply to unlimited coin supply. We went from 4bn coins in circulation to 10.5bn in circulation in less than a week. The official website is full of inaccuracies and no one bothers to fix them... It's either dishonesty or incompetence. Both are not ok.
4. No one wants to buy this coin. Volume is about $300k. Current price doesn't mean anything when there is only one or 2 orders buying at that price. When I sold my coins, I had to go as low as 70 sats. I started selling when it was at 116 sats. People are sitting on millions of worthless coins. That's why you see them losing it trying to shill the coin everywhere. They just want new suckers to come and bail them out. = BULLSHIT
I buy now. Buy low - Sell high Devs are working Full Time. And they did a fantastic Job so far. Coin Swap, Coin Burn = alll completed. Price x100 in less than 1 month. They Paid 11.5 BTC worth of DOT!!!!! to get listed on Cryptopia. All other garbage is Fudshit from brainless "calisardine". It won't drop more. They announced to publish the Roadmap very soon, follows Whitepaper, Marketing Campaign and Zerocoin Implementation in Q1
January 15, 2018, 09:37:11 PM |
Anyone selling ColossusCoinXT OTC here? thanx
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
January 15, 2018, 10:06:19 PM |
I can see that the team is at least trying to make an effort, and the product is already in a working state, with a working wallet, staking, and coin burn implemented. We just need to give them some time.
Jr. Member
Activity: 64
Merit: 2
January 15, 2018, 10:59:56 PM Last edit: January 16, 2018, 01:46:49 AM by Shalafi |
Aight nice to stumble upon this at a dip.  Cryptopia listing will surely help the price recover, that much is certain to me due to statistics- so I am in. We'll see about long term holding decisions in the coming few weeks. Nice update on the roadmap in twitter too.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
January 16, 2018, 02:19:13 AM |
Aight nice to stumble upon this at a dip.  Cryptopia listing will surely help the price recover, that much is certain to me due to statistics- so I am in. We'll see about long term holding decisions in the coming few weeks. Nice update on the roadmap in twitter too. Yes, excellent Twitter update. It looks like the team is starting to work overtime to help dispel the FUD, which is more than I can say for dozens of other coins
Cpt. Moe
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
January 16, 2018, 02:58:45 AM |
I think it is important for any coin to get listed on multiple trusted exchanges. The more the better so things don't go bad when one exchange is in maintenance or something
Yeah - it's hard to get a read on what is going on price wise if it is so hard to buy and sell. Hopefully these exchanges get on the ball. Hopefully the COLX devs hear back from the exchanges they applied for. If COLX can get listed on Kucion, Cryptopia and CryptoBridge, that will be a huge boost. Cryptopia and CryptoBridge Listing is Paid (11.5 BTC paid worth of DOT/ 0.5 BTC for Cryptobridge!!!) and in process. <7 Days COLX will be listed on 1 of these Exchanges for sure! Still waiting for Cryptopia. Dev Team paid about 11.5 Btc worth of DOT!! Are you confient Cryptopia will make a turn? I could not do any trades with LTC or DOGE for more than a week and the BTC fees + minimum trade value required are not a good environment for coins of low value - so for now, that sucks i think... I'm interested in why you think Cryptopia will be a strong support, because i am keeping my distance from Cryptopia for some time. CoinExchange is pretty rad though.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
January 16, 2018, 03:10:52 AM |
I am waiting for the listing in cryptopia. I have a few coins there that I can use to purchase. Don't want to spend 20 dollars just for the transaction fees alone.
January 16, 2018, 03:48:05 AM |
It has been a bloodbath across the board for most coins. COLX is hanging in there and will come out the other side with a renewed strength and mission to break past the 2 cent barrier.
Your signature here
January 16, 2018, 03:50:29 AM |
A lot of flooding going on by the old Pete and his peeps to try and bury the links I posted while at the same time bumping the thread.
This is not FUD, these are facts.
This coin will not be going anywhere for one simple reason: The people managing it are simply clueless.
1. The guy writing the white paper.... His name is Adeel 'Akhi' Anwar. "Great Mama" on Telegram. He has 0 technical knowledge, no credentials whatsoever. The only reason he was chosen to write the whitepaper is that he offered to help and because he has a couple of masternodes that he bought for cheap... That speaks wonders of the seriousness of this project. It's just a pump and dump scheme. Smart people are already leaving. See here:
2. The rest of the team is clueless and incompetent. Just a bunch of noobs trying to get rich. See here:
TLDR from imgur: "wow guys, turns out organizing a team without a manager is really hard!"
3. Price dropped because people are dumping the project, including myself. We went from no max coin supply to unlimited coin supply. We went from 4bn coins in circulation to 10.5bn in circulation in less than a week. The official website is full of inaccuracies and no one bothers to fix them... It's either dishonesty or incompetence. Both are not ok.
4. No one wants to buy this coin. Volume is about $300k. Current price doesn't mean anything when there is only one or 2 orders buying at that price. When I sold my coins, I had to go as low as 70 sats. I started selling when it was at 116 sats. People are sitting on millions of worthless coins. That's why you see them losing it trying to shill the coin everywhere. They just want new suckers to come and bail them out.
WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIT  Man. Man oh man. What's happening to crypto these days? You call this facts? These arent facts. These are just a couple screenshots of a conversation and the telegram chat! This is fud. Horrible fud. Hell when I fudded XBY I put way more energy into it, and I actually had decent points. This is amateur hour. Nothing here proves that the team is incompetent. Its just a bunch of people whining on the telegram. You have no background information or proof of "Great Mama". NOTHING except a screenshot. Are you kidding me? What a joke. This is ridiculous. Amateur hour on BTC talk!!!! LMAOYou admit it right before our eyes, "I sold this coin". You idiot fudder. You're so blinded by your greed you didnt even use the line "I'm just trying to save innocent investors from this project". Ridiculous. Total amateur. If you are going to fud you need to bring up facts. Those arent facts, its just conjecture and speculation. From what I can see, COLX has the same challenges as any other smallcap non-ICO project. They look fine to me and is why I'm buying this dip.
January 16, 2018, 04:16:01 AM |
Just for a point of reference for those worried about the COLX not going to 3 cents already..  BRILLIANT! And a very valid point everyone seems to have suddenly and conveniently forgotten... (y)
COLX - "Coin of the people, by the people, for the people; shall never, ever, perish from this Earth..." - Peter Aldred 01/01/2018
January 16, 2018, 04:19:53 AM |
A lot of flooding going on by the old Pete and his peeps to try and bury the links I posted while at the same time bumping the thread.
This is BOLX , these are facts -
COLX - "Coin of the people, by the people, for the people; shall never, ever, perish from this Earth..." - Peter Aldred 01/01/2018