Guys, I bought in the pre-sale, I'm a day trader and care for the token that will have better accessibility through exchanges, i know it is early, but i have to ask which is that token? D or U?
this question probably been asked before, but search function sucks in this forum.
The u token gives the following benefits:
1-5% higher trade pay outs on smart option contracts
10 micro pip better spread on ULC-CFDs
All trade expiries on smart option contracts
All assets (not just a few per asset class)
All trade indicators (not just the ones found in the MVP)
Exotic trade types (smart option contracts such as knock-in-knock-outs, barriers,ladders and more)
Spectre Financial Education Academy (SpecED)
Token buy back
The d token pays out weekly and special annual dividends.
This here goes over the token types: