I have the first results of the bookkeeping check I have done the last week and a halve. It has been hard, Soniq has helped me now and then but there are still questions unanswered.
First a few questions for Larry:
Eligius address 1EN3EqqQfqq484WNATFAMA13VXpJuJNv5c shows
All time total payout: 651.61300674 BTC, spreadsheet
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtH6ASvoAExHdF9IcFh3QmQ2dEt4Zk5qT3lRUDFDTVE&usp=drive_web&pli=1#gid=29 shows 791.57500405. Can you explain the difference of 140 BTC ? Is that the mistake you made and sent an email about ?
How can I check the total number of BTC mined on bitminter.com ?
Only part of the shareholders got a refund for the difference between share price and jupiter purchase price/30 (prorated column on KNC balance sheet, updated balance sheet tab:
For example I can’t find the 2.43255667BTC(according to the KNC balance sheet) I am entitled to in my wallet and it’s also not mentioned on KNC GB Calc, ledger jan 20/14 tab on
Probably transaction fee?
1. There is a 0.5btc difference between the claimed column total of prorated and the actual total.
2. Why is this sheet filled with only values and no formulas, which would make it easier to see what the value represent ?
3. There is also a 0.5btc difference on the total paid column.
Book check.0. IntroI did a check by using the available information I could find, being spreadsheets and the group buy thread on bitcointalk. I started with GB1, which gave me an advantage since I am participating in it, so I could relate certain payments with my own wallet. I haven’t checked GB2/3 yet and would like to suggest that a participant of GB2/3 does this so he can use his own wallet for reference.
This is the information I used:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtH6ASvoAExHdF9IcFh3QmQ2dEt4Zk5qT3lRUDFDTVE&usp=drive_web&pli=1#gid=28https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtH6ASvoAExHdDVzUTNLcmRJbWFYWTRpUkNkWmoteWc#gid=0https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtH6ASvoAExHdHRmNnY1Qm9xTWM1aHhyU09sdVRsNFE&usp=drive_web&pli=1#gid=0https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=226319.0http://eligius.st/~wizkid057/newstats/userstats.php/1EN3EqqQfqq484WNATFAMA13VXpJuJNv5c<my own bitcoin-qt information>
1. GB1, buying of the JupitersOverall this has been well recorded in a spreadsheet. My questions are:
1a. There is a difference between the actual purchase price and the total amount paid for shares between the various Jupiters. An attempt has been made to refund the difference, but this looks like an
unfinished job. I
urge Soniq to have a look at the „updated balance sheet” on
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtH6ASvoAExHdHRmNnY1Qm9xTWM1aHhyU09sdVRsNFE&usp=drive_web&pli=1#gid=6 and check the column „prorated balance” against the share price difference payments he has done according to
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtH6ASvoAExHdF9IcFh3QmQ2dEt4Zk5qT3lRUDFDTVE&usp=drive_web&pli=1#gid=281b. I also
urge all participants to do the same as I did and check their own information on the two sheets mentioned and compare it to their bitcoin-qt information.
2. MiningThis is where it becomes harder. The starting moment of the mining is unclear, Soniq claims he started about a week later than Tyrion and claims that this explains the huge difference between the performance of this GB compared to theirs. KnC has given 85BTC to compensate for the problems with the hosting, but this is not enough to close the gap. And to make it even worse, there seems to be a difference between the mined amount of BTC recorded in the books and the actual number mined on Eligius. I can not check the amount of BTC mined on Bitminter, since that is not viewable on the website. That’s why I
urge Soniq to post dated screen shots of the mined BTC when he calculates the dividends. It could help if I get a .csv of the bitcoin-qt wallet, but Soniq already stated that he also used this wallet for personal stuff and a filtered .csv will still leave uncertainty. In the mean time he has split his personal wallet and the GB wallets.
3. Dividend paymentEven harder is it to understand the calculated dividends. All kind of amounts and calculations(without formulas to make it even harder to understand) can be seen on the sheets and it’s not always clear what the base is for the calculations.
The dividend payments as registered in
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtH6ASvoAExHdDVzUTNLcmRJbWFYWTRpUkNkWmoteWc#gid=0 are hard to understand. There are a few payment periods, but some participants are not paid in all periods.
The individual participant payments, as registered in
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtH6ASvoAExHdF9IcFh3QmQ2dEt4Zk5qT3lRUDFDTVE&usp=drive_web&pli=1#gid=28 are a little bit easier to understand, but are missing descriptions and the order of the rows seems random and not chronological ?!
The sheet
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtH6ASvoAExHdDVzUTNLcmRJbWFYWTRpUkNkWmoteWc#gid=0 contains accumulated dividend payments. The amounts on this sheet are probably accumulations from another sheet, but it’s unclear to me which sheet that is.
4. Hosting paymentsPenalty for late hosting payment. Why has this happened ? And who is responsible ? Was the payment late towards KnC, or just a few participants being late?
The hosting payment itself is also not 100% clear. This needs to be registered on a separate sheet, each payment with a date, amount and transaction reference. And the future obligations needs to be registered too with the date due. All this needs to be accompanied with information from KnC about the past and future obligations.
Conclusion.The bookkeeping has been week and is hard to understand for me. Mixing the personal transactions and the GB transactions has been a huge mistake and makes it impossible for me to do a thorough book checking. Giving me access to the unedited .csv export of the wallet might help, but is still no guarantee. Future payments should be done in separate sheets and based on the suggested sheet I made a few weeks ago. If Soniq chooses this sheet, I will help him include the hosting fee payment and correction due to paying too much dividend. I advise against using external software and only publish accumulated information.
KISS (keep it simple stupid) applies here! Use the Excel sheet I made, we can all understand it.