Never mind coin arrived after 1d6h23m, i leave here the original post to help others with similar situation.
I don't know is it OK or something is wrong.
I didn't get any masternode payout so far
I started a masternode on ubuntu more than a day and I saw ENABLED status in my windows local wallet.
But sometimes the status of tmy masternode turns into WATCHDOG_EXPIRED and goes back to ENABLED.
The active time is 1d 3h:52m:38s.
Statuses ( XX masked values ) says everything is OK.
aaaa@bbbb:~# innova-cli mnsync status
"AssetID": 999,
"Attempt": 0,
"IsBlockchainSynced": true,
"IsMasternodeListSynced": true,
"IsWinnersListSynced": true,
"IsSynced": true,
"IsFailed": false
aaaa@bbbb:~# innova-cli masternode status
"service": "XX.XX.XX.XX:14520",
"status": "Masternode successfully started"
This shows the right block height.
aaaa@bbbb:~# innova-cli getinfo
"version": 120109,
"protocolversion": 70206,
"walletversion": 61000,
"balance": 0.00000000,
"privatesend_balance": 0.00000000,
"blocks": 34874,
"timeoffset": 0,
"connections": 17,
"proxy": "",
"difficulty": 140.7557554198268,
"testnet": false,
"keypoololdest": 1512579275,
"keypoolsize": 1001,
"paytxfee": 0.00000000,
"relayfee": 0.00010000,
"errors": ""
But I see this message in the sentinel's crontab log
aaaa@bbbb:~# tail .innovacore/sentinel/sentinel-cron.log
Unable to submit: Object creation rate limit exceeded
Unable to submit: Object creation rate limit exceeded
Unable to submit: Object creation rate limit exceeded
Unable to submit: Object creation rate limit exceeded
Thank you for any idea!