Hey all,
Let me first say, for everyone, thanks for hanging in there.
Second, none of this would have been possible without some very hard work and insight from nomaxpi and LittleDigger, send them some sugar.
Third, all of this would not have been possible without serious initiative from Bitcoin.Greece. He should get some sugar too.
Fourth, this would all not even work if it weren't for everyone's support. Let's all get some sugar.
I wanted to get out some quick notes I have on Linux compiles. These are not complete instructions, but information I collected while testing the new client. I hope to get more complete instructions put together, but I think these notes will help point all the Linux people in the right direction if you are running into difficulty.
Right now, I am really speaking as a regular user, not as a member of the dev team.
The compile throws a number of warnings. These are normal, but if the build breaks, here's what I've found:
Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTSThe default version of Boost-dev is 1.46, you can manually upgrade it:
sudo apt-get libboost1.48-all-dev
Then run the compile:
cd src
make -f makefile.unix
Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTSThe default version of Boost-dev is 1.40, and the easiest option here is to edit main.cpp.( If you don't mind frankensteining your system you might be able to find a ppd, or download the boost source for 1.48. You'll have to set the pathing in makefile.unix )
*A word of caution!!* (and mainly why I'm speaking as a User)
I have been running the client with these changes successfully myself, (sending, receiving, mining and pool tests) but HAVE NOT been able to do EXHAUSTIVE testing. Although all my testing to date has shown this to be safe, and this is my main workhorse client, I MUST put out a disclaimer. This change is at your own risk at the moment.Here's the diff output:
< //#include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>
< #include <boost/random/uniform_int.hpp>
> #include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>
< //random::mt19937 gen(s);
< boost::mt19937 gen(s);
< //random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(1, range);
< uniform_int<> dist(1,range);
> random::mt19937 gen(s);
> random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(1, range);
So edit the 'includes' section, then around line 826, make the above changes.
Compile as above.
Sexcoin-qt (GUI candy)
To compile the Sexcoin-qt client in Ubuntu 12.04, I upgraded the Boost libs as above, and used synaptic to install QtCreator. If I recall correctly, all the dependencies I needed for the Qt build were installed with QtCreator.
Use QtCreator to open the Sexcoin-qt.pro project, then click the 'build' button in the lower left corner.
*Note* I had already pulled in dependencies like miniupnpc, boost, and BDB. YMMV.
If you get stuck, I'll try to help you out as best I can.
"But, Your client is SO BIG!"yeah.
The default makefile creates a debug version. To run for production you have two options:
1) run strip against the binary: (I really hope the irony doesn't escape you!)
2) edit makefile.unix and recompile
For Sexcoin-qt I found it much easier to run strip.
I hope this helps!