Big Beaver has a new post on Telegram. He posted an image of some Russian text, something he was quoting. I used the Google Translate camera and the translation came out:
Termination of Russian gas supplies threatens Europe with at least 10 years of recession. So say German analysts. At the same time, the world's energy crisis has been predicted for a long time. Now it is getting worse. That's what I've been saying for a long time, including here. We are waiting for 10 years. And Russia. And not Russia, And all.
Vanga's own comment is this
Boт и я гoвopю дaвнo, в тoм чиcлe здecь. Hac oжидaeт 10 лeт пoлнoй ().()
И Poccию. И нe Poccию. И вcex.
which translates as
That's what I've been saying for a long time, including here. We are waiting for 10 years of full ().()
And Russia. And not Russia. And everyone.If you've been reading the eggheads on the macroeconomic implications of this geopolitical clusterfuck, there's a lot more to it than just recession. This will lead to a sea change in the way sovereigns treat money, away from trusting permissioned fiat (i.e. the dollar, SWIFT, U.S. Treasuries etc.) and toward commodity money.
The confiscation of Russia's reserves has put the nations of the world on notice that the capital they've saved up through decades of trade can simply disappear at any moment.
Say good-bye to dollar hegemony, and light a candle for the memory of Bretton Woods.
Say hello to massive inflation in the West, and celebrate the birth of a new Russia/China axis.