Did you find the page
https://makemoney.knotwork.com/stellar/ixc/ ?
Usually discovered by clicking through from
https://makemoney.knotwork.com/stellar/ ,
found by clicking through from
https://makemoney.knotwork.com/ ?
I see now I think your problem, thank you for asking about it!
You need to follow through to
https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset/IXC-GBHAQ252S4Z4AQOM4BWIRC3UHAOJIKCZQBUJGD336YH2O7W2NKRXMHA5There you should be able to find contact info.
I believe the generic contact route for the general public was intended to be KeyBase, not only because of its end to end encryption but also because that encryption should in theory also mean secure identification, so that users could be reasonably certain it was really me they were communicating with.
However for people such as yourself who evidently are themselves members of BitCoinTalk forum, and might not want to bother setting up KeyBase end to end encrypted chat system, a private message via this forum could also work, as it too would presumably alert me via email that someone is trying to message me.
As was always customary with crypto in the old days, typically each time one wants to accept coins from someone one traditionally would provide an address unique to that expected transaction, so it is necessary to get in touch to agree upon an address to send to...
BUT ALSO if you have been following any of the many explanations dating even all the way back to the start of the first
Digitalis Open Transactions Server, you will recall that I only tokenise half of the coins I actually have, so that I can store the tokenised coins as securely as I wish while still having the other half more-readily available still with which to redeem (buy back) the tokens without having to de-tokenise because the coins "bailed in" to be tokenised are thus still bailed in, still represented by those same tokens, even after I have bought the tokens back...
The result of that basically 200% reserve of real coins as compared to tokens is that of course I might not actually have minted yet enough of the token, or simply not have enough left of the tokens in my own accounts, to be able to in effect buy from you with the tokens the amount of real coins you wish to "bail in" to the system.
In principle that is where third parties should someday arise to fill in the gap, like the old e-Gold and suchlike in the old days, where most normal people never needed to deal with actual "bailing in" (nor for that matter "bailing out") real gold.
In other words in principle you should be free to buy the tokens from anyone who holds any, but of course not all of them would necessarily wish to sell them for any particular real on chain coin rather than just some other token or even some fiat currency of some nation or other.
Even with third party exchangers in the picture though, ultimately enough tokens need to exist to represent the number of real coins people would like there to be tokens for, but my 200% reserve tradition creates a bottle-neck whereby in the big picture aka in the long run sometimes I need to obtain real coins that are not going to become tokenised; this means sometimes for example I might have to sell other tokens or coins entirely for some real coin that I want to tokenise.
So if you want to put in massive numbers of a coin, I might not have enough tokens representing such a coin, so some work might have to be done to arrange that I get enough of the coin to tokenise half and still have the other half available with which to "redeem" the tokens for real coins again without dipping into the first 100% of my reserve of those coins.
(it is hoped in theory that it could be centuries, or forever, before my "heirs and assigns" eventually decide some particular coin is no longer worth bothering to represent with tokens thus that it is time to dig up the ancient first 100% of the reserves and de-tokenise...)
So basically you need to contact me about how many real actual on the blockchain coins you wish to trade for tokens, so that I can determine whether I have enough of the token on hand to simply trade tokens for them, or need to "bail in" more of the actual coins in order to increase the number of tokens in existence before having enough of the token on hand.
Is this making any sense to you?
-MarkM- (Knotwork or knotwork on some platforms, such as keybase, which I do not recall whether is a case-dependent platform...)
P.S. I have never noticed any high fees trying to withdraw anything from FreiExchange?
P.P.S. we could simply do the conversation about addresses to send to and so on right out in public so everyone can plainly see that coins and tokens as described really do get sent and received as intended, which potentially could be good for the reputations of all parties involved...