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Author Topic: Digital money or virtual currency?  (Read 4208 times)
South Park
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July 04, 2018, 08:48:32 PM

with the aid of many social media available, very soon crypto publicity will be high. bitcoin is not just here today , it took time. nothing good comes easy. well , in my country people are gradually accepting cryptos, infact we have many local merchant sites where you can convert your coin to fiat
Some time ago many social media websites banned ico ads on their platforms and if cryptocurrencies keep becoming more popular and governments feel threatened by this I do not have doubts that governments will ask social media websites like Facebook to prohibit any kind of comment or post in their platform that promote cryptocurrencies, this may seem impossible for some but the possibility is there.
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July 05, 2018, 03:57:03 PM

If i am not mistaken, your country knows that bitcoin is just a currency used in paying online and online alone?. This is particularly wrong. It is just normal to a country which has a low cryptocurrency adoptation rate. They can understand the cryptocurrencies function in time when it gets popular to your country. Its a good start indeed. Atleast they are aware that bitcoin exists.
Right, in due time people will be more aware that aside from online transactions there's also a good possibilities that system will be created to adopt bitcoin payments, though still far from that but I constantly believing that someday the economy will find other means of payment transactions and
blockchain will be maximized its usage, government needs to see the potentials of this system in order to adopt with developments and innovations
coming from the digital era.
Bitcoin will be used just online because it is internet base currency and has no physical shape and online currency will only be used in online shopping and payment.  I think the acceptance ratio will increase with the passage of time and one day it will take over the currency market. The future is that of cryptocurrency and bitcoin is the king of cryptocurrency.
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July 06, 2018, 11:04:27 PM

Gradually crypto currency enters our life, we can already pay some goods or services with crypto currency. I think that over time, trust will grow
There is no doubt that people are continuously increasing the use of bitcoin and that is only because that they know about the importance and benefits of bitcoin, i think that after few years most of the people of the world will be using bitcoin for their shopping.
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July 06, 2018, 11:26:15 PM

In the country I stay, though many think of it as a scam but the remains that knows about the technology abuse the system. I am pretty sure it just like in other countries, most of the little that knows about it derived joy is scamming others.
Yes some people don’t believe in bitcoin just like you have mentioned because they are saying it is just a way of scamming and wastage of time, but beyond that there are a lot of countries who have embrace the new technology, same as in my place people are really hoped about the presence of crypto currency, they are having patience about the movement of the market because now coming age is going to be the age of crypto currency so better of accept it as digital money as now everything is converting to digital system.
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July 08, 2018, 09:18:07 AM

with the aid of many social media available, very soon crypto publicity will be high. bitcoin is not just here today , it took time. nothing good comes easy. well , in my country people are gradually accepting cryptos, infact we have many local merchant sites where you can convert your coin to fiat
Bitcoins and many other coins in the cryptocurrency market have been of great interest to the media over the years, making it even closer to people around the world. This trend will not stop and will grow stronger over time as demand grows.
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July 08, 2018, 12:11:12 PM

frankly if for now I use both of them but if for a day I gunaka a viritual while the digital ean savings that make it not in use for day to day but for investment.
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July 08, 2018, 04:47:53 PM

Virtual currency this is legit currency that can be use to trade in any cryptocurrency business.
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July 08, 2018, 05:57:12 PM

This misconception of the coin is because they have misunderstood all this new technology. It is very likely that when they were introduced to this business model they only talked about BTC and that was it. When introducing this subject to a lay person always start with BLOCKCHAIN explain to her the ultilities and areas she can cover and interact with, only then after doing so you enter into the money and values that the BTC can provide.
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Blockchain with a Purpose

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July 08, 2018, 11:27:30 PM

Well people think and analyze a thing but they come up with a different conclusion and result, but for you,-you and you know what are some uses of it, don't get confuse on the run keep what you think it will help you.    ■))   BLOCKCHAIN WITH A PURPOSE
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July 08, 2018, 11:47:40 PM
Last edit: July 09, 2018, 01:44:25 AM by hajimasan

Hello friends.
I have a problem to share.
My country is average. They are too familiar with outdated and old technologies.
In my country many people still understand Bitcoin as virtual currency. BTC does not bring anything to life. They just think Bitcoin investment is gambling, chance, black red.
Why do not they look at Bitcoin, ETH or blockchain technology for the present.
Blockchain minimizes transportation costs, intermediates and risks.
Personally, I always try to absorb and learn nonstop.
And you? How is your country?
In my country condition is almost same , most of the people think that bitcoin is just a type of the fun purpose thing and it has not a better value and it cannot be better for the future but still people are making Investment in it and wasting Thier time in this field .
And also government of my country is not in favour to use cryptourrency but still I am thinking that they will do something better regrading the cryptocurrency , hope goes everything well and they can understand how the bitcoin can change life of the poor people also .
Here for us it is better that we can give better solution to the people who have not better understanding , they are just thinking about it to make small income , but if we can explain them that it is a way of making unlimited earnings and also lots of problems to solve like unemployment and also to grow the local business at higher level in the worldwide level easily .
So here if we can make ourself confident to explain everyone about it then we can create a big strength of the people who will come in the favoure to legalise and regualte bitcoin .
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July 09, 2018, 05:12:24 AM

Hello friends.
I have a problem to share.
My country is average. They are too familiar with outdated and old technologies.
In my country many people still understand Bitcoin as virtual currency. BTC does not bring anything to life. They just think Bitcoin investment is gambling, chance, black red.
Why do not they look at Bitcoin, ETH or blockchain technology for the present.
Blockchain minimizes transportation costs, intermediates and risks.
Personally, I always try to absorb and learn nonstop.
And you? How is your country?
wherever you are there will be people who can not accept bitcoin, nobody can accept bitcoin well because they have their own opinion.
but with advanced technological developments and if bitcoin prices are able to reach another 297 million I will definitely more and more people are interested and willing to accept bitcoin.
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July 09, 2018, 12:50:03 PM

Bought. Wink

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July 09, 2018, 03:47:02 PM

In my country condition is almost same , most of the people think that bitcoin is just a type of the fun purpose thing and it has not a better value and it cannot be better for the future but still people are making Investment in it and wasting Thier time in this field .
And also government of my country is not in favour to use cryptourrency but still I am thinking that they will do something better regrading the cryptocurrency , hope goes everything well and they can understand how the bitcoin can change life of the poor people also .
Here for us it is better that we can give better solution to the people who have not better understanding , they are just thinking about it to make small income , but if we can explain them that it is a way of making unlimited earnings and also lots of problems to solve like unemployment and also to grow the local business at higher level in the worldwide level easily .
So here if we can make ourself confident to explain everyone about it then we can create a big strength of the people who will come in the favoure to legalise and regualte bitcoin .

I recently came into "possession" of some local videos, home-made all and some more sophisticated than others, all about Bitcoin. Shared mainly by a family member who's really, really plugged into the local goings-on. And then at about the same time, I'm also somewhat plugged into local crypto communities here, literally on the other side of the world, with homemade videos also shared, generally about Bitcoin, all in local European languages.

Similar themes, stunningly similar. It's still a fun thing. People in general think it's not too serious and part of pop culture. A handful of people still view it with a lot of suspicions (wrongly associated with HYIPs, unfortunately, but that's how they came to know of it). Rightly, everyone is handling it with some healthy amount of caution.

But precious few view it as money, or currency. Precious few. I offered almost two years ago, when my ex-classmates in their online group wondered about Bitcoin, to share some small satoshis for their first wallets. Hoping they'd use them. They did, but never to buy something, just to store in some investment, which I told them was probably fake.

That was when I bothered trying to talk about it. Now I just don't say anything. But I still hope every now and then when I do talk to people who ask, about me and my family and how we try to use Bitcoin in our lives, that we introduce someone interested enough to one day make their first Bitcoin purchase that leads to many more.

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July 09, 2018, 08:18:34 PM

Hello friends.
I have a problem to share.
My country is average. They are too familiar with outdated and old technologies.
In my country many people still understand Bitcoin as virtual currency. BTC does not bring anything to life. They just think Bitcoin investment is gambling, chance, black red.
Why do not they look at Bitcoin, ETH or blockchain technology for the present.
Blockchain minimizes transportation costs, intermediates and risks.
Personally, I always try to absorb and learn nonstop.
And you? How is your country?
wherever you are there will be people who can not accept bitcoin, nobody can accept bitcoin well because they have their own opinion.
but with advanced technological developments and if bitcoin prices are able to reach another 297 million I will definitely more and more people are interested and willing to accept bitcoin.
To some extent it is true some people are still there who don’t trust or invest in bitcoin but a lot of them are really want to learn but it. Digital money is getting value more than virtual currency because people knows now it is modern age where almost all of us will need bitcoin badly, so it is good to accept the reality as earlier as possible because later on we will be sad for not being hurry to buy bitcoin when it was not too high in price, so wakeup to invest in digital currency as it is gona be our future currency.

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July 10, 2018, 06:22:31 AM

In my opinion, there are big differences in these two currencies. As we all know before payza, webmoney, payoneer ... it is heavily used in payment and is called virtual currency. Bitcoin is really a digital coin. It also offers superior technology, utility and innovation. A revolution to define decentralized supply is the difference.
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July 10, 2018, 07:41:38 AM

Actually a huge part of world is not acknowledge of crypto. It will take time to spread knowledge about crypto. Then open minded people will invest in bitcoin.
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July 10, 2018, 08:24:53 AM

There are many such people around me, but I always ask them, what is stock? The same is just a number!
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July 12, 2018, 11:27:03 PM

I read a topic about that
Is it possible to combine the benefits of Digital money and virtual currency?

Adopting centralized systems for the decentralized network might work.

As reported by Forbes, more than two bln people are unbanked or do not have access to bank services. There are over five bln people that use mobile phones, and this number is growing rapidly. Thus, the banking system can be implemented into the mobile network to provide services to more people. Using cryptocurrency and Blockchain, you can enjoy all the benefits of transparency, security and decentralization. With digital money, you get controlling body, a number of digital wallets and regulation base.

One of the examples of how to combine the two is being realized by Telcoin. The main idea is to combine mobile companies over the world with the banking system. The banking system is represented by the symbiosis of digital money and a new cryptocurrency, that will provide different services, like mobile money, prepaid credit and postpaid billing platforms.

I think a success of Cryptocurrencies Linked to regression of Digital Currencies
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July 13, 2018, 01:50:40 AM

Well, there's no instant in this world. All things comes in the right time, by the time they acknowledge btc, it's too late for them to regret and by that time just laugh at them while you are already making profit. In my country those people that aren't into crypto says btc is just a scam but I'm just ignoring because most of them are just in social media.
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July 13, 2018, 06:36:19 AM

digital currencies and virtual currencies are all needed by humans so I think it's better all there because digital currencies and virtual currencies are very helpful for human survival and economic development of all countries ...
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