I mined on Ravencoin since March and HODL all the coins until today and I'm happy with the RVN-Netzwork, the team, the functionality and last but not least the great community.
Don't get me wrong - there is also a lot of happiness considering the actual pump, but the fast growing price looks a little "unhealthy" for me.

Hopefully it wouldn't crash. (a healthy correction isn't a crash!)
One big adress buys a lot of RVN at the moment.
This morning (europe time) one adress holds 470 Mio RVN (370 Mio before weekend).
We need a healthy plateau and maybe somewhere in the future a smaller trading volume as it is today.
But at the moment: Enjoy the ride.

I will continuing RVN in the future independent if there is a big correction or not....
Greetings to the community!
(sorry for the bad english)