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Author Topic: [ANN] [PXC] Phoenixcoin v0.7 ~ NeoScrypt Original ~ 11 Years Old  (Read 136403 times)
ghostlander (OP)
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November 11, 2013, 04:55:07 PM
Last edit: February 08, 2025, 07:06:18 PM by ghostlander


The current production version is 0.7
Release date: 7-February-2025

32-bit Windows GUI client

64-bit Windows GUI client


64-bit Linux GUI client & daemon


64-bit MacOS X GUI client

Be sure to take a look at README.txt before running the new client or daemon.

The source code is available at GitHub as usual.

Our official web site is
Block chain data for rapid deployment:

.phoenixcoin.tar.xz (3483787 blocks, 15-May-2023, 1520Mb)
 md5sum (.phoenixcoin.tar.xz) = e451dcd10331db8caedd94eae78d5e90
 (for Windows users, rename extracted .phoenixcoin to data)

NeoScrypt CPU and GPU miners

CPUminer (source code and binaries)

NSGminer (source code and binaries)

CUDAminer (source code and binaries)

NSGminer: The Fastest NeoScrypt GPU Miner

Recommended Phoenixcoin NeoScrypt settings for solo mining




Phoenixcoin Wiki

Mining Pools

P2Pool (0% fee, 1% donation, 2% block finder's reward bonus)

third party pools have a habit of dying without notice,
so they are not listed here

Block Explorers (official)


FreiExchange (PXC / BTC)
FreiXLite (PXC / LTC)
Xeggex (PXC / BTC, PXC / USDT)
C-Patex (PXC / BTC)
Altilly (PXC / BTC, PXC / USDT)
NovaExchange (PXC / BTC, PXC / DOGE)
Cryptopia (PXC / BTC)


total coin supply: 98 million

block target: 90 seconds
block reward: 3.125 PXC
block reward gets halved every 1 million blocks

retarget: every 20 blocks
max. difficulty change: +2% to -5%
averaging window: combined 100 + 500 blocks 0.1 damped
Example phoenixcoin.conf


Phoenixcoin is one of the first 30 altcoins.
Launched in May of 2013.
The original announcement thread
Support the development of Phoenixcoin by donating:
PXC: PhoeniXzfbYF4gZWnn1PvUL2oj2DobdLTa

"If you've got a problem and have to spread some coins to make it go away, you've got no problem. You've got an expence." ~ Phoenixcoin (PXC) and Orbitcoin (ORB) and Halcyon (HAL)
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November 11, 2013, 06:16:42 PM

Good on you for picking up the pieces...I'll give it a whirl  Grin
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November 11, 2013, 08:15:45 PM


Keep up the good work  Smiley
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Waves | 3PHMaGNeTJfqFfD4xuctgKdoxLX188QM8na

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November 17, 2013, 09:20:06 PM

Hey Ghost,

The link to the PhoenixCoin block-explorer seems to link to a .com domain while the block-explorer is on a .org domain.
ghostlander (OP)
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Activity: 1245
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November 18, 2013, 05:43:07 AM
Last edit: October 02, 2022, 09:34:26 AM by ghostlander

Phoenixcoin P2Pool

There are many P2Pool nodes either set up and maintained by me or other community members. P2Pool is a secure decentralised anonymous pooled mining solution with no registration required. Use your wallet address for all your workers. The password can be any or none. Both GetWork and Stratum are supported. Payouts are sent automatically once a block is found.

My nodes operate with a 0% fee, 1% donation towards the development, 2% block finder's reward bonus. (Nuremberg, Germany) (Los Angeles, CA, the USA) (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Please don't use an exchange address while mining. P2Pool doesn't use regular transactions for payouts. Everything gets into the coin base and most exchanges ignore it.

Configuration example for CPUminer:

minerd -a neoscrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u <address> -p x

<address> is your PXC address

All blocks found by our P2Pool network can be found at PtoPXC8MmB5VwfHFNhVTynATLSHLzq5MgF

If you're interested in setting up a P2Pool node, the source code is on GitHub: ghostlander/p2pool-neoscrypt


"If you've got a problem and have to spread some coins to make it go away, you've got no problem. You've got an expence." ~ Phoenixcoin (PXC) and Orbitcoin (ORB) and Halcyon (HAL)
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November 19, 2013, 09:19:10 PM

For those interested...
We've Reopened our pool with the new client v0.6.5.0 and upgraded the pool to use Vardiff Stratum
ghostlander (OP)
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Activity: 1245
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November 19, 2013, 11:18:01 PM

For those interested...
We've Reopened our pool with the new client v0.6.5.0 and upgraded the pool to use Vardiff Stratum

Good to see you around again. Added links to your pool on the site and forum.

"If you've got a problem and have to spread some coins to make it go away, you've got no problem. You've got an expence." ~ Phoenixcoin (PXC) and Orbitcoin (ORB) and Halcyon (HAL)
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November 26, 2013, 09:03:53 PM

Where is the wallet.dat file located?
I'm looking in Users\Username\AppData\Roaming but I can't find any PXC directory there?

A fine is a tax you pay for something you did wrong.
A tax is a fine you pay for something you did right.
ghostlander (OP)
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Activity: 1245
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November 27, 2013, 03:59:50 AM

Where is the wallet.dat file located?
I'm looking in Users\Username\AppData\Roaming but I can't find any PXC directory there?

In the data subdirectory of where you have installed Phoenixcoin. README.txt explains it well.

"If you've got a problem and have to spread some coins to make it go away, you've got no problem. You've got an expence." ~ Phoenixcoin (PXC) and Orbitcoin (ORB) and Halcyon (HAL)
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December 16, 2013, 12:08:54 AM
 #10 is on the latest version too!

Good to go. Smiley

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December 16, 2013, 02:01:51 AM

The new data directory sucks...  move it back please.
ghostlander (OP)
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Activity: 1245
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December 16, 2013, 11:26:16 AM

The new data directory sucks...  move it back please.

If it sucks for you, change one line of the code and compile the client for yourself or use -datadir to point anywhere you like. Most users like the new location.

"If you've got a problem and have to spread some coins to make it go away, you've got no problem. You've got an expence." ~ Phoenixcoin (PXC) and Orbitcoin (ORB) and Halcyon (HAL)
ghostlander (OP)
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Activity: 1245
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December 16, 2013, 11:33:58 AM

By the way, a native 64-bit Windows build with an integrated Qt v4.8.5 is available now.

"If you've got a problem and have to spread some coins to make it go away, you've got no problem. You've got an expence." ~ Phoenixcoin (PXC) and Orbitcoin (ORB) and Halcyon (HAL)
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January 18, 2014, 12:24:08 PM

OPEC oc2E9cQ4StgaMW2a18pKuZGe5h9RZdLL9c

Non nobis solum, sed omnibus! - Franko

ghostlander (OP)
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Activity: 1245
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February 02, 2014, 01:08:00 AM

Phoenixcoin v0.6.5.1 Released

Although this v0.6.5.1 release isn't a major one, there have been many various improvements made. You a get a better wallet interface, working DNS seed nodes, new RPC commands and options, minor performance and security improvements. Many wallet translations have been de-uglified, though there is a lot of work to do still.

The built-in mining interface for pooled mining has been enhanced with the Stratum support. It relies upon Pooler's CPUminer, so the performance is very good. Those of you who still mine PXC with processors now can do that straight from the wallet. Our pre-compiled wallet binaries for Windows come bundled with the latest CPUminer for users' convenience.

"If you've got a problem and have to spread some coins to make it go away, you've got no problem. You've got an expence." ~ Phoenixcoin (PXC) and Orbitcoin (ORB) and Halcyon (HAL)
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February 04, 2014, 09:02:46 PM

You can exchange PhoenixCoins for Gold, Platinum, Silver, and Palladium @ Check it out!
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March 06, 2014, 09:05:27 AM

Nice changes...

Now all we need is gravity-well diff-adjusting, and this will become a strong player again. (Still gets hammered by hoppers who tap-out value.)

Join the dark side of the fire!
ghostlander (OP)
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Activity: 1245
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March 06, 2014, 03:09:19 PM
Last edit: March 06, 2014, 03:27:45 PM by ghostlander

Nice changes...

Now all we need is gravity-well diff-adjusting, and this will become a strong player again. (Still gets hammered by hoppers who tap-out value.)

Join the dark side of the fire!

Our difficulty adjustment is fine, no big problems with coin hoppers. Kimoto's gravity well isn't as good as the popular belief says. There are problems with dumpers and merchants not willing to work with small altcoins, but that's a different matter.

We are working on PXC still, v0.6.5.2 is expected in a few days with the Coin Control implemented and a few security updates.

"If you've got a problem and have to spread some coins to make it go away, you've got no problem. You've got an expence." ~ Phoenixcoin (PXC) and Orbitcoin (ORB) and Halcyon (HAL)
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March 16, 2014, 11:29:02 AM

We have added Phoenixcoin on check it out!
ghostlander (OP)
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Activity: 1245
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March 20, 2014, 03:15:07 AM

PXC has been listed on the AllCrypt exchange today.


"If you've got a problem and have to spread some coins to make it go away, you've got no problem. You've got an expence." ~ Phoenixcoin (PXC) and Orbitcoin (ORB) and Halcyon (HAL)
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