Will Reach At Least $1.20 By April 15th 2013 On for the days high.
Does this not indicate that the bet will be closed whenever the condition is true? Since litecoin has been over $1.20 at for a long time, should not the bet be settled ?
Or do I misunderstand ? Is the bet about whether or not the high of LTC reaches at least $1.20 that particular day ? million people will be without electricity due to a natural event before April, 15 2013
This statement is true if at a given time before April 15, 2013, two millions people or more in North America are simultaneously without electricity due to a natural event.
It can be caused by tsunami, earthquake, solar flare or what ever is natural.
Isn't this rather vague ? If there's a major outage for whatever reason, how can anyone know if 1.9 or 2.1 million people are without electricity. And when you say people, how do you count them ? If someone has all the family coming over from Italy for a wedding, then that house will have more people than normal, while others may be on vacation, thus having homes with zero people at the time of the possible 'event'.
Also, the defintion of what's natural is vague. If an operator of some heavy machinery gets a heart attack, and his crane cuts a major powerline, then you may say that his heart attack is a natural cause, but the line was cut by a man-made machine, so what would it be ?
I think it may be better to rephrase it and include the exact scenarios that are accepted as a possible reason, for instance: Eartquake, Flooding, Thunderstorm. There should be no 'etc' and 'so on', that leaves too much to be desired.
Perhaps a better bed would have to be something to the extent of:
There will be a major natural electric outage lasting 5 hours or more before April, 15 2013, confirmed to be a natural disaster by at least one major local newspaper.
This statement is true if at a given time before April 15, 2013 (what's that - in america, europe or what - shouldn't time stamps be given so there will be no need to discuss it ?) the largest local newspaper somewhere in North-America reports on a major electrical outage causes by a natural cause limited to: Earth quake, flooding, solar flare, thunderstorm, (put in more that would fit here)
Also, I think times should be given as: Sunday 31 March 2013 01:00 GMT or at least as UTC or CET. Preferrably the same format should be used throughout the site.
And is there a way to work out exactly how much you're going to win if you win ? If I bet on something with 0.2 BTC, I would be very interested in knowing my odds ? Or does one not know until betting is settled?