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Author Topic: ••• [ANN][SMC] SmartCoin • KGW • Cryptsy • Reduced Block Rewards • Update your wallets • 10 EXCHANGE  (Read 298857 times)
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January 31, 2014, 01:06:12 PM

Buying big amounts of smc , pm me if you have some Smiley

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January 31, 2014, 01:36:28 PM

Every "noobs" sell their 45 SMC offert by the devs.
You just have to wait introduction on crypsty and price should be about 0.0006~0.0008 BTC by SMC if you compare with RPC or other "news" alternative currency.
So...HOLD  Grin
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January 31, 2014, 01:44:02 PM

Every "noobs" sell their 45 SMC offert by the devs.
You just have to wait introduction on crypsty and price should be about 0.0006~0.0008 BTC by SMC if you compare with RPC or other "news" alternative currency.
So...HOLD  Grin

Does anyone else feel like there needs to be quite a bit more "hype" around this coin before it reaches Cryptsy? Whilst the dev is doing a great job, having a single point of failure for anything is a big, big risk.

But yes everyone, hold!! Unless you *really cannot afford* to lose the money that SMC is worth on right now you should hold Smiley

VTC: VxNWL9jDRvEcCT48vqQkLxckREUafYowVu
SMC: SYLjkCM63iJyYpoz14dJcq27tEfw6r9w6m
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January 31, 2014, 02:13:19 PM

i started to feel like i made a mistake on buying this...
only sell orders on coinmarket, no matter at what price it is...
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January 31, 2014, 02:21:01 PM

thx for the coins! everything worked fine!
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January 31, 2014, 02:21:37 PM
Last edit: January 31, 2014, 02:32:41 PM by itsallpc

i started to feel like i made a mistake on buying this...
only sell orders on coinmarket, no matter at what price it is...

im hoping for the best Smiley how much is a lot of smc? also think we need much more transparency of the premine think its making investors twitch there is nothing on the opening post now and all information about it the premine and its use has vanished ?

It used to say smc wanted to be totally transparent about the premine and its use.. Can we have a Premine update please dev let us know whats happening how much spent how much left etc and update and leave it on the OP?

Thanks an (investor in smartcoin i put BTC in getting worried now)
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January 31, 2014, 02:37:08 PM

Quote from: sheinsha SMC SmartCoin PPLNS Mining Pool

I have setup a VARDIFF+Stratum PPLNS Mining Pool, so you are welcome to join and spread the network hashrate.

Please let me know if you find anything out of normal, comments and suggestions also welcome!

I have set pool fees to 1% and only 0.01 SMC payout fee to pay the actual transaction fee.

Start your miner using the following parameters:
Sample command-line:
   ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// --scrypt -u username.worker -p workerPass UP AND RUNNING!
Everybody welcome here! Spread the hashrate!!

Anyone else want to mine over here??

I've used for mining Cryptogenic Bullion and they are one of the best I've used, very stable, no issues with payouts etc.

I'm mining there by myself at the minute, anyone fancy joining me??  Smiley
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January 31, 2014, 02:39:28 PM

Too many coins, too many choices. Not enough hashing power for people to get on 1,000,000 different coins... we need some coins to completely die and be shutdown so we can take their hashing power on new and exciting coins like SMC
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January 31, 2014, 02:50:43 PM

i started to feel like i made a mistake on buying this...
only sell orders on coinmarket, no matter at what price it is...

im hoping for the best Smiley how much is a lot of smc? also think we need much more transparency of the premine think its making investors twitch there is nothing on the opening post now and all information about it the premine and its use has vanished ?

It used to say smc wanted to be totally transparent about the premine and its use.. Can we have a Premine update please dev let us know whats happening how much spent how much left etc and update and leave it on the OP?

Thanks an (investor in smartcoin i put BTC in getting worried now)

it's not a lot but it's really annoying to see there's not a single buy order on list, only sell (dump) orders...
i hope dumper is not the dev!!!
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January 31, 2014, 02:58:19 PM

Keep mining guys! Just remember that the dev sent out 1500 lots of 45 coins today, that's 67,500 coins in total. I guess a lot of people are just dumping them for the $2 or whatever they get for it. Pretty much all coins have a dip soon after launch anyway and this is only going to make it worse. Personally I bought as many of the cheap coins as I could and I don't regret it, I think there is a high chance of the coin going up in value quite a bit given it's low supply. As long as people keep mining and don't let it die then the future is bright.

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January 31, 2014, 03:32:21 PM

Currently leafcoin is gettin all the attention, thgh i own some.

But again SMC was far better than leaf, y the decrease in price..I myself owned more than a 1000 SMC bought from

Din expect my investment to dip, prbbly it will rise back. Lets hope for the best  Smiley

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January 31, 2014, 04:11:55 PM

Bet on the NFL Super Bowl with SMC

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January 31, 2014, 04:27:46 PM

Keep mining guys! Just remember that the dev sent out 1500 lots of 45 coins today, that's 67,500 coins in total. I guess a lot of people are just dumping them for the $2 or whatever they get for it. Pretty much all coins have a dip soon after launch anyway and this is only going to make it worse. Personally I bought as many of the cheap coins as I could and I don't regret it, I think there is a high chance of the coin going up in value quite a bit given it's low supply. As long as people keep mining and don't let it die then the future is bright.

So how is the price doing? I told you back at .00020 that it would keep plunging, oh well. So , I did get the email with free coins, I have no use for them, the coin is near valueless. Problem is the wallet will no longer sync, if anyone can tell me what is wrong they can have the coins. They aren't worth much but maybe in 20 years they will be worth something as memorabilia??

Anyway, if anyone wants however many coins I got in my email, I redeemed them but can't see them yet, just send me the answer on how to get my wallet to sync and you can have them if you post your address here, or PM it to me. Offer does not apply to the dev as I don't think she knows how to fix this problem.
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January 31, 2014, 04:29:20 PM

A friend of mine has whipped up a Smartcoin calculator:

Sadly because Smartcoin doesn't have any trading data available via API it can't pull in the latest price so it's a manually adjusted figure for now.

VTC: VxNWL9jDRvEcCT48vqQkLxckREUafYowVu
SMC: SYLjkCM63iJyYpoz14dJcq27tEfw6r9w6m
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January 31, 2014, 04:31:24 PM

Got the 45 coins thank you very much.

Thought I read it was going to be 60 but I must have misread Smiley Happy anyways and hoping for the best for SMC.
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January 31, 2014, 04:35:05 PM

Got the 45 coins thank you very much.

Thought I read it was going to be 60 but I must have misread Smiley Happy anyways and hoping for the best for SMC.
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January 31, 2014, 04:45:05 PM

Keep mining guys! Just remember that the dev sent out 1500 lots of 45 coins today, that's 67,500 coins in total. I guess a lot of people are just dumping them for the $2 or whatever they get for it. Pretty much all coins have a dip soon after launch anyway and this is only going to make it worse. Personally I bought as many of the cheap coins as I could and I don't regret it, I think there is a high chance of the coin going up in value quite a bit given it's low supply. As long as people keep mining and don't let it die then the future is bright.

So how is the price doing? I told you back at .00020 that it would keep plunging, oh well. So , I did get the email with free coins, I have no use for them, the coin is near valueless. Problem is the wallet will no longer sync, if anyone can tell me what is wrong they can have the coins. They aren't worth much but maybe in 20 years they will be worth something as memorabilia??

Anyway, if anyone wants however many coins I got in my email, I redeemed them but can't see them yet, just send me the answer on how to get my wallet to sync and you can have them if you post your address here, or PM it to me. Offer does not apply to the dev as I don't think she knows how to fix this problem.

So my wallet did sync, but someone can have the 45 if they want, I don't need them anymore. If they had been given out within 2 days of the launch they would have been worth 10.00, now they are worth a few pennies, anyone want them before I delete my wallet??  Deleting in 5 minutes.
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January 31, 2014, 04:47:23 PM

Deleting in 3 minutes, reply with your address to pm if you want the 45
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January 31, 2014, 04:47:57 PM

Keep mining guys! Just remember that the dev sent out 1500 lots of 45 coins today, that's 67,500 coins in total. I guess a lot of people are just dumping them for the $2 or whatever they get for it. Pretty much all coins have a dip soon after launch anyway and this is only going to make it worse. Personally I bought as many of the cheap coins as I could and I don't regret it, I think there is a high chance of the coin going up in value quite a bit given it's low supply. As long as people keep mining and don't let it die then the future is bright.

So how is the price doing? I told you back at .00020 that it would keep plunging, oh well. So , I did get the email with free coins, I have no use for them, the coin is near valueless. Problem is the wallet will no longer sync, if anyone can tell me what is wrong they can have the coins. They aren't worth much but maybe in 20 years they will be worth something as memorabilia??

Anyway, if anyone wants however many coins I got in my email, I redeemed them but can't see them yet, just send me the answer on how to get my wallet to sync and you can have them if you post your address here, or PM it to me. Offer does not apply to the dev as I don't think she knows how to fix this problem.

Hi there,

I got my 45 coins as well (thanks). For AtlantisPlatform, you may want to update your nodes in smartcoin.conf: smartcoin.conf should be in %APPDATA% folder. On winxp is c:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application data\smartcoin on other windows c:\User\..... similar. Add the nodes in that file and save. The most recent nodes you can find in the first post of this thread. Good luck and if you want to get rid of your SMC: SZ9BARZFgRT59P41zdaGnemdLrGAUvS6Us <- or for anyone else who want to to get rid of them Smiley
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January 31, 2014, 04:48:36 PM

Deleting in 3 minutes, reply with your address to pm if you want the 45
I'd like them?
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