NXT Newsletter
Hi Pin, NxtChoice, utopianfuture, brooklynbtc, Damelon, allwelder, fmiboy +
I'm sorry that I haven't followed up on the Newsletter-issue before, but deadlines on my job are brutal right now, and I have to sleep too. Which doesn't go that well, but I guess I am not the only one here having good and bad dreams about NXT at night.
Let's get that newsletter together. It's important that we are on the same track. To reach some consensus about content, let me start with my own idea (cleverly attached to the magazine-idea by utopianfuture) :
NXTers can be divided roughly into 3 categories:
1. Following all NXT threads on btctalk post by post + active in the forums.
2. Following prices. Following cryptos. Maybe following Damelons daily reports.
3. INTERESTED. Don't get it. Wants to get it. Be part. But this NXT thing is so hard to understand!
Cat. 1 will read the same sources as cat. 2.
So we are targeting category 2 and 3. Or should it be 2 OR 3?
2 and 3 are 2 holds different mindsets, and should be handled accordingly.
Articles for cat. 2 will bore and possibly be rejected by cat. 3 and vice versa.
The newsletter can be a mashup, and balance the content for both groups - or it could just aim for one of the two. In what box would you file the peercoin newsletter? Cat. 2., I believe.
Most important when choosing angle, is where our own interest lies. Writing articles we don't get anything from ourselves will kill us. I know that, I work on a shit series right now, that many people are gonna love, but me - I just hate writing it.
First thought is, that the crypto community (cat. 2) is the most obvious place to start. Not so much explaining to be done. Just references to bitcoin. Many features are not developed and implemented yet, but they will understand, they will see the potential, they have money to invest, and so on. Sure. They will make the price behave like crazy.
Cat. 2 will soon read more about NXT in other crypto news. Also in Bitcoin Magazine.
They want more? Damelon does an amazing job summing up the development in his daily resumes of the bitcointalkthread. They want more? They will go to coinmarkedcap.
We need to break features to the world. Therefore, we got press releases.
We need to push all the great NXT press-links to people. We got fb and twitter.
So who is our main target?
We don't wanna commit ourselves to writing a weekly article if it is wasted time.
We, the "veteran" NXTers are able to write the best articles. No doubt.
We go for category 3 and make it include journalists. We tell them what NXT is.
What they got to tell to people who don't get it. Why they want to get it and be part.
We educate. We look to the future. But we don't go into crazy details about code and votings in the community. Just results. Links to further information, that a few will follow and get.
Our newsletter #2 will link to #1. Oh, don't you get this? I understand. Read #1.
I have nxtmag.org registered for the archives. Simple wp-installation for starts, and go.
We need to brainstorm on how to get the word out.
Getting emails for the list should start immediately. Signup-link on nxtcrypto and nextcoin, in signatures, in forum threads and so on - just great. Newsletters posted on torrent sites > but how to convert the readers then? It might be a good idea to hand out NXT for signups - like the 100 first or for EVERY signup!
Receivers read the newsletter and check out the features as they read. Buy more.
Donations for this is welcome. Newsletter account is: 7849037285621103550.
If we should advertise, this could be it. Join the newsletter. Get free NXT. Click it.
The main btctalk-thread is a treasure chest. I gathered quite a bunch of links to posts, that could be the basis for articles and stories, and on top of that there is the wiki and all that is common knowledge to most of us, but all new to the world. We should present it in a form, that allows people from the outside world to get in. Lucky they are, that they found NXT. And please contact us, if you got a story to tell. Maybe there are more "NXT saved my dog"-stories out there. I am sure that there will be. Or "NXT ruined my life". - Who will be the first to get an in depth interview with Frictionless Coin? Bounty for that, right?
Just a little comment on Bitcoin. And myths. When introducing NXT to the world (Average J), let's not forget, that the mainstream media didn't cover Bitcoin much before last year. This meaning: Let's not assume that everybody knows everything about it. To most people it's still just some "internet cash", possibly used for drugs, a commodity, something new and dangerous from the darknet and hard to get. Remember that most articles and news hosts on TV still have to implement an explanation about what bitcoin is, before the news come. Leave it be. Let's tell them about NXT instead of constantly making references to BTC. Or telling what NXT NOT is. It is not a scam. No of course not.
Why introduce NXT like it's something that could be a scam when it is not?
In the history books (coming out in about 1 year, right?
), the trolling and scam-accusations will be funny stories, and we all get our revenge, when NXT has become the very fundament of the internet by that time. But let's not give trolls the first say. They are just trolling so why bother. Let them be. Let's just tell about NXT. What is it? What can it do? How and why is this gonna change the world and become a global revolution? Now I feel I'm beginning to ramble. I guess you got my point.
What are your thoughts?
To sum up:
Let's go for signups asap. Link will be here tomorrow, just need to fill in the blanks.
I chose Mailchimp.
Let's make the first newsletter an introduction to NXT for dummies.
First articles might be used for book - we need to go mainstream, people.
Let's built on top of that introduction in the following newsletters.
Announce client and features when they arrive. Details. Links to further information.
I have to get back to work now. Got a final deadline 01.03 but I will have more time after this week. Please post your thoughts, I will check in daily. Thank you!