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Author Topic: Nxt marketing & promotion :: Nxt forum now moved to  (Read 78008 times)
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January 26, 2014, 06:08:02 PM

ALDRIN did you donated anything here?


Aldrin had some personal issues last time I talked with him, which is beginning to be awhile since.
He was talking about wanting to donate a big amount, but he hasn't responded to my last PM.
I don't have the details of the issues he was facing, not that I would share without his consent, but I know enough to say that it was very, very serious and I have 100% respect for the fact that he might not put too much focus on NXT at the moment.

Hopefully once he decides to take a peak back at NXT he will see that a lot of the things I promised him in PMs almost a month ago has come to fruition.
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January 26, 2014, 06:28:38 PM

Pages I translated today: - sections  Security (5.1-5.4) + The Nxt Alias System (7.1-7.10) + Forging a bit (6.1)
salsacz (OP)
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January 26, 2014, 09:35:54 PM

About Nxt in 1 minute

we need to record 1 minute long recordings about Nxt to promote it in the radio. You can write a script, even record it or only come with idea what we should speak about. Or help with corrections.

Topics could be:
- formerly closed source nature, the limited distribution, the anonymous nature of the creators, the traps built into the source,
- all myths:

It could be a dialog - interview:

- personal experiences and feelings about NXT.

- a lot of different spots, spots with people answering the question "What is NXT" in their own words.

We need to do it fast. (in hours/few days)

Thank you for your cooperation.

-- the boss here would probably be Joefox, if he agrees. But I think - everyone can participate.

With a minute spot, I would suggest getting a couple of different people to read different spots.  You could have somebody doing mythbusting spots but I think it would be better to instead focus on the really cool features built into next and helping people imagine the reasons why they would actually want to use it.  People are very creative once you point them in the right direction, but the metacoin layer thing is a tough sell at first.     If you focus on the negative stuff people think about NXT, you come off as defensive but if you just talk about why your project is neat and why you're excited about it, that will attract more attention because people think its a good thing not a bad thing.

The perspective YOU bring, going into talk to people about NXT will be reflected in how they react.  If you think they'll hate it, they're probably going to hate it because you'll couch your words in such a way to make them prepare to hate it.  

You guys don't need to be defensive, you have a major advantage - a product that's out, and that seems to work with a development team that doens't have the legal liability of your competitors or some of the jurisdictional risk.   Your disadvantage is NXT appears to be a bit headless, with a few self-appointed organizers but no real structure besides stakeholders acting in what they feel is their own best interest.   It might be interesting talking about that, how NXT is a *real* decentralized org in that there is no formal company at all doing the development or paying for anything.
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This account was hacked. just recently got it back

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January 26, 2014, 10:47:43 PM
Last edit: February 02, 2014, 08:46:37 PM by newsilike

Ich habe mit ein paar Änderungen übersetzt.
Wenn ihr Verbesserungen, Ergänzungen oder Korrekturen habt dann immer her damit ! Smiley

Was kommt als nächstes in der Welt der Crpto-Währungen?

Nicht einfach 'ne andere Crypto-Währung, Nxt ist eine Cryptotechnologie der nächsten Generation, Nxt bietet eine komplett neuartige umweltfreundliche mining Methode zusammen mit vielen weiteren Features außerhalb der Möglichkeiten von herkömmlichen Crypto-Währungen.

In einer Welt wo Bitcoin der König ist und Altcoins nichts weiter tun als an ein paar Parametern wie dem hashing Mechanismus, der Zeit zwischen Blocks oder der anfänglichen mining-Schwierigkeitsrate zu drehen bleibt Platz für mehr. Nxt bietet mehr, es ist die nächste Generation unter den Crypto-Währungen;
Fünf der interessantesten Features sind folgende:

1. Nxt ist keine Altcoin wie Litecoin, Peercoin oder andere Coins welche sich am Code von Bitcoin orientieren beziehungsweise diesen nur leicht verändern.
Nxt ist brand neu, von Grund auf neu geschrieben.

2. Nxt implementiert ein neues Feature welches "Transparent forging" genannt wird, dieses wird Nxt erlauben Transaktionsraten auf dem Level von Visa oder Mastercard zu erreichen.
Keine andere Cryptowährung ermöglicht dies; es wird mit Nxt möglich da durch die im Protokoll bereitgestellt Transparenz, jedem Client noch vor der Generierung eines neuen Blocks, mitgeteilt wird welcher Node den nächsten Block forged. Andere Nodes können ihre Transaktionen direkt zu diesem Node schicken.. Dies ermöglicht erweiterte Transaktionsgebühren für Transaktionen mit Priorität. Eine ebenso wichtige Neuerung des Transparenten forgings ist ein Sicherheitsmechanismus welcher es verhindern wird, dass geforkte Blockchains von High-Stake Nodes mitgeforkt werden. Dies bietet eine so weitgehende Sicherheit, dass sogar jemand der 90% aller Nxt's besitzt keinen Fork herbeiführen könnte.

3. Nxt beinhaltet den Support für geplante dezentralisierte Features, unter anderem einer peer-to-peer Handelsplattform, gefärbte Münzen, Nachrichtenfunktion bzw. Chat, DNS und Möglichkeiten für beschleunigte Transaktionen. Bitcoin ist auf andere zukünftige Crypto-Währungen angewiesen, welche ihren Code in die Bitcoin Blockchain implementieren müssten um solche Features bereitzustellen. Nxt kann all dies alleine. (Mehr Informationen dazu folgen nach Punkt 5)

4. Nxt nutzt einen 100% Proof of Stake (PoS) Mechanismus, gegenüber dem Proof of Work (PoW) Mechanismus auf welchem andere Crypto-Währungen basieren. Dies löst das Sicherheitsrisiko, welches tief in anderen Coins implementiert ist. Probleme wie ein 51% Angriff und andere Schwachstellen von PoW Coins werden irrelevant. Außerdem sind ist Nxt wesentlich Umweltfreundlicher da PoS Mechanismen keine massiven Mengen an hashing Power wie Bitcoin/Altcoins benötigen. Jede 100% PoS Währung muss alle Coins zu Beginn des des Netzwerkes, nach Erstellung des Genesis-Blockes verteilen, anders wäre das Netzwerk bis alle Coins gemined worden sind anfällig für einen Sybil Angriff; die Distribution welche für 100% PoS nötig war hat jedoch dazu geführt das sich einige ungerecht behandelt fühlen, es wäre unfair, Investoren zu Anfang haben einen 6000 Prozentigen Gewinn erhalten. Diese Kritik lässt sich aber genauso auf Bitcoin anwenden, dort haben diejenigen die bereits zu Anfang gemined haben eine nahezu unendlich großen Gewinn erzielen können. Von dieser Kritik kommen wir zu #5...

5. Nxt wurde Sechs Wochen vor Start Angekündigt, anderes als einige Stunden früher, wie es bei anderen Altcoins der Fall ist. Die 73 Stakeholder sind für die weitere Distribution verantwortlich. Eine Milliarden Nxt Einheiten wurden aus dem Genesis Block, durch eine Injektion von insgesamt 21 BTC, erstellt. Dies ist für jede 100% PoS Coin notwendig. Solange nicht jeder der 7 Milliarden Menschen auf dieser Welt eine gleiche Anzahl von Einheiten beim jeweiligen Zahlungsmittel erhält, werden so genannte Early Adopter einen Vorteil gegenüber denen die später kommen haben. Darahn lässt sich einfach nichts ändern.

Nxt befindet sich momentan auf Platz 5 von  und es wird auf Plattformen wie, , oder (als Ripple/Nxt Gateway) wie auch auf im direkten 1 zu 1 Handel auf gehandelt.

Dezentralisierte Services

Dezentralisierter Handel:
Wie werden Crypto-Wärungen momentan gehandelt?
Du musst dich auf einer zentralisierten Plattform wie Cryptsy/BTC-E/Bter/etc anmelden, deine Bitcoin dorthin transferieren und variierende Gebühren zahlen. Diese Methode kommt mit einigen Risiken. So wurden vor kurzer Zeit auf dem Sheep Marketplace 96.000 Bitcoin gestohlen, einer der größten Diebstähle in der Cryptocurrency-Geschichte.

Nxt entwickelt einen peer to peer Handel um dezentralisierten Handel zu ermöglichen und auf Drittanbieter welche immer ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellen zu verzichten. Außerdem werden Transaktionsgebühren (abgesehen von der Standard-Netwerk-Gebühr) wegfallen.

Colored Coins (Gefärbte Münzen):
Colored Coins sind einer der interessanteren Services, sie gehen Hand in Hand mit einer dezentralisierten Handelsplattform.
Zuallererst jedoch ein wenig Hintergrundinformation:
Innerhalb der Bitcoin Blockchain können Transaktionen nachverfolgt werden, nicht direkt bis zum Besitzer selbst, jedoch können die Zahlungseinheiten selbst durchs Netzwerk verfolgt werden.
Da das ein Problem darstellt wäre das färben von Münzen eine Lösung, dies würde die Möglichkeit einer „Brücke“ von der Cryptowelt zur physischen Welt erlauben. Die gefärbten Münzen könnten dazu gebraucht werden um Aktien, Immobilien, Rohstoffe oder jegliche andere physische Konzepte welche eine konkrete Identifikation erlauben, darzustellen. Zusammen mit einer dezentralisierten Handelsplattform werden gefärbte Münzen ein weitere großer Schritt in der Crypto-Währungswelt sein.

Weitere dezentralisierte Services:
Wenn man nun die Möglichkeit einer dezentralisierten Handelsplattform hat fragt man sich:"Was wird noch möglich?"
Eine ganze Menge wie es scheint; die Entwickler entwickeln eine dezentralisiertes DNS System und den Support von Nachrichten und Chat.
Dies würde er sogar erlauben komplett dezentralisierte Webseiten und Zahlungen im Kombination mit einer anonymen Chat-Funktion bereitzustellen, 100% sicher, verschlüsselt und unwiderruflich.

Nxt und Bitcoin im Vergleich

Grün und Umweltfreundlich:
Wie einige wissen basiert Bitcoin auf einem Proof of Work Mechanismus. Dies führt dazu das tausende von Minern Welt weit versuchen
eine möglichst große Hashingpower zu erreichen um dementsprechend entlohnt zu werden, der Energieverbrauch ist enorm.

Proof of Stake beötigt kein herkömmliches „mining“ vielmehr kommt bei Nxt das sogenannte „forging“ zum tragen wer wann welchen Block forged wird durch die Anzahl der Coins im jeweiligen Account entschieden, das unnötige wetteifern um mehr Hashingpower fällt weg, es kann bei Nxt sogar auf einem für ca. 30€ erhältlichem rasperry Pi computer geforged werden, da nur die fürs Netzwerk profitablen Rechenprozesse durchgeführt werden müssen. Wer nun eine größere forgingpower haben möchte kann sich einfach mehr Nxt aneignen, ohne den Umweg über die Stromrechnung und Hardwarekosten beim Bitcoin-Mining zu gehen.

Zusätzliche Details
Um auf den momentanigen Nxt Client zuzugreifen muss eine lange und sichere Zeichenkette aka sicheres Passwort erstellt werden (30 Zeichen und mehr). In zukünftigen Clients wird es sehr wahrscheinlich jedoch auch die vom Bitcoin bekannten wallet.dat Dateien geben in welchen das gewählte Passwort dann verschlüsselt abgespeichert werden kann.
Der Nxt Client basiert momentan noch auf Java. Grund dafür ist, dass dies es den Entwicklern einfach macht neue Updates für alle Betriebssysteme zu veröffentlichen. Jeder kann jedoch auch Clients in anderen sprachen schreiben.

Um für Transaktionsgebühren zu forgen (aka minen) muss der Client gestartet sein.

Der offizielle Nxt Thread befindet sich hier:

Das für Nxt gewählte Währungssymbol ist

Der Nxt Blockchain Explorer ist hier zu finden:

Weiter Informationen gibt es hier:

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January 26, 2014, 11:04:42 PM

I can translate to Dutch. Which specific articles do you mean? This one: ?

farl4web, I am already working on that text, but have already gotten some bounties for other work.
If you want to field this text, I will gladly yield the opportunity to you.
The more people can get some return out of their work, the better I like it. Smiley

Can you let me know if you intend to do it, then I will stop work on it.

farl4web, are you going to do this, otherwise I am finishing it tomorrow.
It needs to be done Smiley

Member of the Nxt Foundation | Donations: NXT-D6K7-MLY6-98FM-FLL5T
Join Nxt Slack!
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January 27, 2014, 01:04:39 AM

Important notice regarding Let's Talk Bitcoin 1-minute spots!

Salsacz and I have been in touch about recording 1-minute spots for the Let's Talk Bitcoin network and we'd love to hear from Nxt champions all over the world.

We're asking you to record SHORT (10-15 second) answers to this question:

What is Nxt?

Here's how to do it:

  • Go to
  • Use your PC's microphone to record a message including your name (real name or forum nickname), location, and your answer to "What is Nxt"
  • When you're happy with your recording, hit the "email" button and send your recording to

FOR EXAMPLE:  "This is Come-from-Beyonce, from Belarus.  Nxt is so energy efficient that I can forge coins on a $35 Raspberry Pi computer powered by a solar panel!"

I'll be collecting these recordings and compiling them into a series of 1-minute spots to promote Nxt.  Keep your answers short by focusing each one on a Nxt feature that that is important to YOU.

They are expecting a completed ad in a couple of days, so please make a submission before Wednesday, January 29.  Record SEVERAL short pieces, if you like -- just keep each one brief.  I'll wrap it into a nice package, and do us all proud.

I admin the Nxt Wiki at Please support my work by donating to Nxt account #1234567740944417915
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January 27, 2014, 01:11:20 AM

Important notice regarding Let's Talk Bitcoin 1-minute spots!

Salsacz and I have been in touch about recording 1-minute spots for the Let's Talk Bitcoin network and we'd love to hear from Nxt champions all over the world.

We're asking you to record SHORT (10-15 second) answers to this question:

What is Nxt?

Here's how to do it:

  • Go to
  • Use your PC's microphone to record a message including your name (real name or forum nickname), location, and your answer to "What is Nxt"
  • When you're happy with your recording, hit the "email" button and send your recording to

FOR EXAMPLE:  "This is Come-from-Beyonce, from Belarus.  Nxt is so energy efficient that I can forge coins on a $35 Raspberry Pi computer powered by a solar panel!"

I'll be collecting these recordings and compiling them into a series of 1-minute spots to promote Nxt.  Keep your answers short by focusing each one on a Nxt feature that that is important to YOU.

They are expecting a completed ad in a couple of days, so please make a submission before Wednesday, January 29.  Record SEVERAL short pieces, if you like -- just keep each one brief.  I'll wrap it into a nice package, and do us all proud.

its going to be really really really hard to make this not lame. i will applaud you if you somehow manage to pull it off. you aren't marketing a new sent for lysol wipes to 40 year old house wives. i suggest doing everything you can to treat the listeners of bitcointalk with the respect that their intelligence deserves. i don't think soundbites from random people is going to achieve that. random people telling us why they think nxt is super duper neat is going to make it sound like an late night infomercial when they cut to "ordinary people" talking about the product they just tried 10 seconds ago.

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If one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
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January 27, 2014, 01:36:59 AM

Important notice regarding Let's Talk Bitcoin 1-minute spots!

Salsacz and I have been in touch about recording 1-minute spots for the Let's Talk Bitcoin network and we'd love to hear from Nxt champions all over the world.

We're asking you to record SHORT (10-15 second) answers to this question:

What is Nxt?

Here's how to do it:

  • Go to
  • Use your PC's microphone to record a message including your name (real name or forum nickname), location, and your answer to "What is Nxt"
  • When you're happy with your recording, hit the "email" button and send your recording to

FOR EXAMPLE:  "This is Come-from-Beyonce, from Belarus.  Nxt is so energy efficient that I can forge coins on a $35 Raspberry Pi computer powered by a solar panel!"

I'll be collecting these recordings and compiling them into a series of 1-minute spots to promote Nxt.  Keep your answers short by focusing each one on a Nxt feature that that is important to YOU.

They are expecting a completed ad in a couple of days, so please make a submission before Wednesday, January 29.  Record SEVERAL short pieces, if you like -- just keep each one brief.  I'll wrap it into a nice package, and do us all proud.

its going to be really really really hard to make this not lame. i will applaud you if you somehow manage to pull it off. you aren't marketing a new sent for lysol wipes to 40 year old house wives. i suggest doing everything you can to treat the listeners of bitcointalk with the respect that their intelligence deserves. i don't think soundbites from random people is going to achieve that. random people telling us why they think nxt is super duper neat is going to make it sound like an late night infomercial when they cut to "ordinary people" talking about the product they just tried 10 seconds ago.

Agreed. This is a poor use of the LTB ad spot.

hes idea would be good for auditions for voice actors though but i think we need a voice actor and something well written for him to read.

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If one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
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January 27, 2014, 01:51:24 AM

its going to be really really really hard to make this not lame. i will applaud you if you somehow manage to pull it off. you aren't marketing a new sent for lysol wipes to 40 year old house wives. i suggest doing everything you can to treat the listeners of bitcointalk with the respect that their intelligence deserves. i don't think soundbites from random people is going to achieve that. random people telling us why they think nxt is super duper neat is going to make it sound like an late night infomercial when they cut to "ordinary people" talking about the product they just tried 10 seconds ago.

I'm not guaranteeing that I'm going to use all or even any of these recordings.  Please give me some credit!  If I get crap, I will write and record my own one-minute spots, leveraging my skills as an engineer as well as my fifteen years as a professional actor, theatre producer, film producer, and sound designer.

I want to provide an opportunity to hear other voices.  I'm rather realistic about my expectations.  We're also under a deadline Wink

I admin the Nxt Wiki at Please support my work by donating to Nxt account #1234567740944417915
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January 27, 2014, 01:53:51 AM

hes idea would be good for auditions for voice actors though but i think we need a voice actor and something well written for him to read.

Here's my LinkedIn profile.  It's a little different from my acting resume, which includes (among many other things) three years as a member of Canada's national theatre acting company.

I admin the Nxt Wiki at Please support my work by donating to Nxt account #1234567740944417915
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January 27, 2014, 05:24:46 AM

Hi everyone.

How about these for a couple of proofs of concept?  Two one-minute spots I recorded this evening:

General Nxt intro:
Nxt minute:

I welcome feedback.

I admin the Nxt Wiki at Please support my work by donating to Nxt account #1234567740944417915
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January 27, 2014, 08:33:49 AM
Last edit: January 27, 2014, 11:52:13 AM by bitcoinpaul

Hi everyone.

How about these for a couple of proofs of concept?  Two one-minute spots I recorded this evening:

General Nxt intro:
Nxt minute:

I welcome feedback.


Maybe a little less bass and sibilance. But I'm not a sound guy.
2. Know sibilance and how to avoid it.  Sssssssibilance in vocals is when the sound of the letter “S” sounds more like a hissing snake.  You can accentuate vowel sounds / add presence by increasing the EQ in the 4.5Khz to 6Khz.  However, the “S” sound lives between 5Kkz and 7Khz.  Therefore, be careful when adding presence because you can easily go from a great sound to a hissy sound.

edit: ok, ignore me. you ARE a sound guy  Smiley
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January 27, 2014, 10:50:55 AM

The exchange just went back online after months.

It would be great to push the owner realsolid to add Nxt.

He is often on the chat, we just have to insist about Nxt (without being annoying).
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CAUTION: Angry Man with Attitude.

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January 27, 2014, 10:51:39 AM

The exchange just went back online after months.

It would be great to push the owner realsolid to add Nxt.

He is often on the chat, we just have to insist about Nxt (without being annoying).

What happened, Why did it go down?
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January 27, 2014, 11:04:28 AM

The exchange just went back online after months.

It would be great to push the owner realsolid to add Nxt.

He is often on the chat, we just have to insist about Nxt (without being annoying).

What happened, Why did it go down?

It's been down because realsolid couldn't handle the success of his site. He refused any help because he has a trust problem with people. He was trying to manage everything himself : development, support, promotion, ... He had a sort of nervous breakdown and suspended all trades on mcxnow. He claimed that he couldn't manage the site and develop the news functions at the same time so he has been developing for few months until now. We don't know exactly what's the new stuff. He was talking about a game, a sort of pokemon game with fighters and betting but it's still not available and I don't have any update about it.
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January 27, 2014, 11:11:19 AM

REalsolid will not add NXT to mcxNOW because the client is in JAVA.
No way he add it for now.  100% FREE GAME SERVERS
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CAUTION: Angry Man with Attitude.

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January 27, 2014, 11:31:25 AM

The exchange just went back online after months.

It would be great to push the owner realsolid to add Nxt.

He is often on the chat, we just have to insist about Nxt (without being annoying).

What happened, Why did it go down?

It's been down because realsolid couldn't handle the success of his site. He refused any help because he has a trust problem with people. He was trying to manage everything himself : development, support, promotion, ... He had a sort of nervous breakdown and suspended all trades on mcxnow. He claimed that he couldn't manage the site and develop the news functions at the same time so he has been developing for few months until now. We don't know exactly what's the new stuff. He was talking about a game, a sort of pokemon game with fighters and betting but it's still not available and I don't have any update about it.

Wow, I hope he adds customer service from this sites trusted members or something. Its sort of his fault, But know he going to maybe go through the same process as before.
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January 27, 2014, 11:51:21 AM

leveraging my skills as an engineer as well as my fifteen years as a professional actor, theatre producer, film producer, and sound designer.

jackpot for nxt Smiley
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January 27, 2014, 12:39:56 PM

REalsolid will not add NXT to mcxNOW because the client is in JAVA.
No way he add it for now.

I've been talking with him. It is clear that he hates JAVA more than anything but if we can provide him an alternative client (best would be C++) he may consider it.
salsacz (OP)
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January 27, 2014, 04:43:19 PM

Bounty on a new topic:

It would be nice if anyone wrote about: - Nxt and its Decentralized P2P exchanges with mixing services = totally untraceable, anonymous and uncontrolled by any government.
- the sooner the better Smiley

Help Nxt by writing Articles

Is here anyone, who would write excellent and long articles about:

- Why is pure Proof of Stake in Nxt best solution for cryptocurrencies?

- How can you mine Nxt only with solar energy?

- How could decentralized exchanges change the world? (no Government, no censorship, USA, China...) - + decentralized messaging, DNS

- The 51% Attack - technical details, history of 51% attacks, how it ended, Nxt solution (is Nxt safer than other PoS currencies?) (Ghash's pool is risking Bitcoin's security again with 40% of the network's hashpower and no one is talking about it. Pools of PoW machines with enormous hashpower is Bitcoin's most pressing concern and biggest flaw right now. Nextcoin is the best answer to this. Why is it not being talked about more?)

- Nxt: gaming friendly currency (vs. Litecoin, a graphic cards killer) - Due to Litecoin's difficulty skyrocketing there is a global shortage of Graphic Cards, which piss off gamers tremendously and drive up the price for grahics cards. NXT solves this. (Uniqueorn's idea, maybe reserved for him..?)

- Nxt + Raspberry (+other similar platforms (Cubietruck)) (can be different articles, also short articles) (0 energy  forging package)

- Transparent Forging (very very technical, history of mining, comparisons)

You can make reservations on these articles.

Shorter articles/essays:

- Why should you invest in Nxt? (/Why should you invest in Nxt long term?)

- Why is Nxt so friendly currency?: (i) It *doesn't* have VC capital backing. ii) It *doesn't* have "slick sales guys*. iii) It *does* have smart devs and an increasing following.  iv) It *is* delivering its promises (more or less) on time.) - more about the community, people form all over the world, community funding, decentralized company - a world of free individuals who all believe in Nxt. 1200 pages in Bitcointalk

Future (short) articles: (now it's to soon):

- Who accepts Nxt as a payment? (+ fee in Nxt vs. Bitcoin vs. fiat (VISA))
- Nxt invites altcoins to host on it's blockchain
- Can be a new internet stored on Nxt's blockchain / DNS system?

Have you got any idea about some other article? Share it. We would love to have more scientific articles, financial, economical, IT...
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