thanks for the celebration
here is what we have calculated (I'll check those numbers again tomorrow just to be sure):
first round:
65.159 BTC directly
322.450758 LTC directly
90.663216 BTC via escrow (Anon + 3 other escrowed transactions not with him)
341.2812 LTC escrow (all with Anon)
LTC -> BTC conversion rate:
1.5 BTC == 50 LTCfirst round total (sum):
175.7345961 BTC2nd round:
29.8063 BTC escrowed (all with Anon)
87.49165256 BTC directly
2nd round total (sum):
116.6380 BTC[[sum both stages: 292.3725487 BTC ]]
100,000,000 EXO -> 50,000,000 for mining + 4,000,000 for giveaway after launch and bounties + 4,000,000 for mail giveaway + 42,000,000 for 1st and 2nd stage -> == 100% distribution after 6 months (end of mining).
initial spreading for 1st/2nd stage regarding current spreading plan: 23,500,000 EXO 1st stage + 18,500,000 EXO 2nd stage. To face the fact that there have been more investments in 1st than in 2nd round we have changed the proportions to 26,000,000 EXO 1st stage + 14,000,000 EXO 2nd stage (this procedure has been communicated here: (last lines of page)). There have been more email applications lately so their block increases back again a bit to 6%.
That means:
1st stage 1 BTC investor gets: 147,950.3784 EXO
2nd stage 1 BTC investor gets: 120,029.5418 EXOadvantage of being 1st stage investor: 123,26% -> nearly 20% as communicated earlier
Obviously if you invested more or less than 1 BTC just multiply your value with that. E.g. a 0.7 BTC 2nd stage investor gets 0.7 * 120,029.5418 EXO
mail applicants: each valid application will get at the moment 6,000,000 / 1500 people =~ 4,000 EXO (equals a 2nd stage investment of 0.033 BTC)
mail applications have not been verified yet. So the number still can decreases or increases. The possibility to apply for the mail giveaway will end on 23th April 23:00:00 GMT.Correct me if you find any mistake in the calculation. As stated going to recheck those number and the transaction lists tomorrow again just to be sure.
These information will be displayed on our website as well tomorrow.
next beta update cannot be delivered today unfortunately. Please wait until tomorrow for the next version. Thanks for patience and understanding!
btw: the used algo for the mining will be a new combination that have not been used before. More information at a later point.
best regards
#edit: Going to answer all PMs that have not yet been answered in less than 12 hours.