October 25, 2018, 12:11:03 PM |
Right! Most of us lose money when the market drops. I lost a lot of money. I have been investing bitcoin for a few years now, I keep some bitcoin and now the bitcoin price drops. I lost more than half compared to the first. Until now I have not sold and have not recovered capital.
October 25, 2018, 12:39:20 PM |
So with how much bitcoin and all the altcoins are down, is it even possible for any trader to make any money? Example let say this. You buy btc at a very low price due to these dips. Now you could either keep btc or buy altcoins with it. Now the market goes down every single day. First off, does anyone know if btc or any altcoins ever have a day where the prices drop every single hour? Or is that impossible?
Anyways, with how much all the coins are dropping, is it even possible for any trader to make money on days or weeks like this? Im thinking its only possible if they make sure they sell it at the right hour and minute etc in order to profit. But of course if they are down almost all day, how is it even possible for anyone to make any money? Sure when the market goes back up in a while, and the price gets higher than they bought it at and now they sell, the profit. However, the same ppl who hold the coins will profit as well.
Because doesn't it seem like there is no skill involved at all it seems? Because if the market is down for a long time, what percentage of traders are even making any money when the market is down? Of course if you got a coin at like 10 cents a long time ago and then it went to 5 dollars... and now because of this.. its now down to say 1 dollar, well you are still up money if you sell it now. But the same ppl who got this coin probably got it at over 3 dollars and lost a huge percentage of its value.
So is it true almost everyone loses money when the market is down? And almost everyone makes money when the market is up? Because if btc goes up, the alts follow. BTC drops, everything follows. Its like there is zero skill at all almost. Such that yes when it goes up, some altcoins might go up higher than others. Also why do certain very good altcoins drop when btc drop if that project is very good etc? Yes i know you need btc to get that coin and vice versa but its like its either everyone wins or everyone loses.
So right now market is down a lot especially for those who bought not that long ago. So where is the skill here? Its basically when to sell and when to buy right? However, when market is down like this, who is damn making any money? Because isn't almost everyone losing money? The only ppl that i could see that likes this huge dip are those that have usd/usdt ready and picking when to buy. Of course they could have waited till btc was 8k and thought great i buy now or buy alts and each of these already lost a lot already.
Who is making any money now when the market is down? The ppl who are selling? Surely not since the price they sell now is much less than before. Also just curious but does this apply to stocks and forex trading as well? I know that well stock market goes up, doesn't almost all the stocks all go up it seems? The same can be said of forex or am i wrong here? I only know forex is money trading with different currencies etc. Because when you look at other things like poker or sportsbetting... someone is winning and someone is losing. Also to anyone that bets sports or knows about sports, you might hear how all the wise guys are losing money. Wise guys are sophisticated sharp bettors that are much smarter than your average joe. That average joe most likely bets very square picks... meaning like obvious public teams etc. However, the thing is the public does win. And when they do that, sportsbook would lose money. But usually they get it back and the average joe loses it back betting very public plays and the sophisticated bettors aka sharps win again. However, i heard of sharps having really bad seasons etc.
So based on that, doesn't it seem like crypto trading is basically everyone wins or everyone loses? Because in sportsbetting, yes the house does win and they house could also have a losing streak. But eventually they win back the average joes money. But if the average joe gets lucky and goes on a huge run whether betting favorites or underdogs or whatnot, its possible for him to win for a long time or lose for a long time. Also let say you have a few players who are sharp sportsbettors and a few average joes. Well if the sharp guys are winning, most likely the average joes are losing. If the sharp guys are losing, average joes are most likely winning. I say this because they usually play opposite plays most of the time. But no matter what, someone has to win. Whether its the sportsbook or the bettor. Also in sportsbetting, there is something called live betting where its like trading. Basically you can bet on either side while the game is going on when odds change always etc. But when you live bet, if one player bets this team while another player bets another team... remember each of these players are betting against the sportsbook, one player will win... the other loses. Thus that is where the skill comes in. So does anyone here feel like the market dictating winning or losing is just stupid? I mean if market is down, who is making any money? Its like ppl say when there is a bull market, everyone thinks they are a genius. Well if its a bull market, the only thing you have to think about is okay i will buy btc but should i exchange it for altcoin or not and which one.
Anyone here have thoughts or opinions on this? I got excited about cryptocurrency and trading and wanted to do it. But now when i look at it, its basically look at the market. There doesn't seem to be any skill in it. Can anyone here correct me with any of my statements especially if i made any especially in sportsbetting? Thanks.
Yeah ofcourse as long as this will continue all of us experienced losses in our coins except those who lucky enough to cashout their assets and turn in dollars accenditally. lol hope there will be.
Jr. Member
Activity: 378
Merit: 1
October 25, 2018, 01:12:58 PM |
I don't think so, not everyone is losing their money when the market goes down because everyone has their own way to survive and overcome current market conditions, because I see many who take this opportunity to get profit
Agreed that everyone has their own method and experience to survive in this market but when the market falls, this is always something very unexpected, not too many people can react to it, and so I believe most people lose money. The case without losing money is just some lucky ones and whales, and as you say, this is an opportunity to make a profit, but in reality, our money is in trouble and forced to hold, not too many people can take advantage of this opportunity, the market is always under control and beyond our knowledge
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Activity: 1904
Merit: 1000
October 25, 2018, 01:39:03 PM |
I don't think so, not everyone is losing their money when the market goes down because everyone has their own way to survive and overcome current market conditions, because I see many who take this opportunity to get profit
Agreed that everyone has their own method and experience to survive in this market but when the market falls, this is always something very unexpected, not too many people can react to it, and so I believe most people lose money. The case without losing money is just some lucky ones and whales, and as you say, this is an opportunity to make a profit, but in reality, our money is in trouble and forced to hold, not too many people can take advantage of this opportunity, the market is always under control and beyond our knowledge Only people who buy coins while the price is high from today and still hold it until now who will suffer from the downtrend. But to try to cover up the previous decision, we can buy again at the current price and hold it for a period of time. At least we will have the opportunity if one day prices will rise again.
October 25, 2018, 01:57:20 PM |
Only sellers in a down market or panic sellers are main cause of their loss money. While the market go down, many people can make profit. When price begin to increase who lose money feel bored for selling so sooner.
October 25, 2018, 02:53:44 PM |
Lol those who losses money in time of downtrend are the people who has a weaker personality for the simple reason of selling their coins when the value is down
Why not just hold because the volume of our coins doesnt change in the dip market it was just the value has in recovery time then the value will grow again if we can afford to hold longer
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October 25, 2018, 02:58:43 PM |
Only sellers in a down market or panic sellers are main cause of their loss money. While the market go down, many people can make profit. When price begin to increase who lose money feel bored for selling so sooner.
absolutely right and a lot of panicked sellers who lost their money and suffered losses because surely the panicked seller was still a beginner and did not know about how to deal with a broken market condition again, so if my advice so that no more loss is better be patient and continue to wait until the market has stabilized and the coin that you hold has a new increase you can sell so you can get a profit
Activity: 82
Merit: 0
October 26, 2018, 02:24:33 AM |
I don't think so, not everyone is losing their money when the market goes down because everyone has their own way to survive and overcome current market conditions, because I see many who take this opportunity to get profit
Because bitcoin prices are dynamic, falling prices are also an opportunity. Speculators are always waiting for prices to fall, because they have the opportunity to buy bitcoin. Wait for prices to rise as desired, then sell while calculating profits.

Activity: 420
Merit: 11
October 26, 2018, 10:49:30 AM |
yeah ... I made a mistake, I panicked when the price of bitcoin decreased, I sold the bitcoin that I had when the price was low and now I can only regret it and I have lost my money more than half that I invested.. 
October 26, 2018, 10:54:38 AM |
Not everyone loses money in decreasing market because there are some ways to make money like margin trading probably.
Yepp. Not all people loses money. They lose money if they didn't know how to handle it properly like when they don't consider the market price. But ofcourse a wise and knowledgeable trader is know how to margin trading like setting some limits and cautions in trading when the market is on los state. They consider the situation not the profits or earnings.
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October 26, 2018, 01:28:15 PM Last edit: October 26, 2018, 01:46:48 PM by Jateng |
Yes I think everyone loses money when the market crashes but some people are wise enough to stop losing money and still gain even though the market is down so they easily get back the money. We must also be like them, we all know that it is always fly to the moon, we cannot avoid the crash and we cannot let that everytime there is crash we will just lose money so we must learn how to overcome it.

Activity: 784
Merit: 10
October 26, 2018, 01:36:40 PM |
That's right, whoever loses money when the market goes down. We are talking to investors or speculators. They suffered a sudden loss when the market suddenly fell sharply. But believe me, the Crypto market will definitely recover in the future and great rewards are always for those who have the patience!
October 26, 2018, 04:36:42 PM |
I don't really think about what will happen to the market because the crypto currency base is not static. never feel like a failure with the present situation. we also know sooner or later the market will be normal and keep in mind the risk that every investment will always be there remain calm in any market situation
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October 27, 2018, 01:36:15 AM |
People who lost money because the prices of coins in markets are dropping , is simply those people who have the funds before this situation happens, their funds almost doubled or multiple in decrease due to the drop of major coins in the crypto market. Not all people lose some funds, there are still other people who take advantage this situation to make profits, some buy in this dip and patiently holding their coins for now.
October 27, 2018, 04:25:36 AM |
You are totally losing money when price drops you sell even no profit gains. Those who sell during down trend are losers and dont believe on the crypto they invest. So think many times before selling your coins.
October 27, 2018, 04:57:53 AM |
You are totally losing money when price drops you sell even no profit gains. Those who sell during down trend are losers and dont believe on the crypto they invest. So think many times before selling your coins.
No, I don't think if everyone loses money when the market is down, we can sell it (Cut loss) at that price, but buy back when the price very down again. Cut loss is very important thing in the world of Trading.
October 27, 2018, 05:11:39 AM |
Right! Most of us lose money when the market drops. I lost a lot of money. I have been investing bitcoin for a few years now, I keep some bitcoin and now the bitcoin price drops. I lost more than half compared to the first. Until now I have not sold and have not recovered capital.
as long as you haven't sold it yet. then you have not lost anything dude. Don't look at your estimated balance at this time because it will only make you panic and fear. if you believe the coins you buy still have the potential to recover. then be patient and hold it. the price is not always in below position right?
October 27, 2018, 07:01:43 AM |
right. because there has been a lot of loss when the market has experienced a drastic decline, and what causes the loss is that when the sword has begun to panic it is certainly a sign of loss. whereas if you all want to be patient waiting for sure you can avoid losses and will benefit too
Jr. Member
Activity: 115
Merit: 2
October 27, 2018, 07:37:43 AM |
I do not really think everyone is losing money when market is down. There are those professional traders who can still manage to make profits with sinking market. I don't know how they do it but they are very good at it.
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October 27, 2018, 09:54:57 AM |
when the price conditions at the exchange place fall I don't think that will make their money disappear as long as they don't sell it at a cheap price, but if he sells at a cheap price then certainly the assets they have are reduced and certainly will only get losses.