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Author Topic: [ANN] [RBY] ★★ Rubycoin ★★ A precious gem for the digital age  (Read 287468 times)
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February 27, 2014, 09:11:36 AM

Rubycoin calculator:
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February 27, 2014, 09:31:40 AM

Wow there such a drasticly diferent opinions about this coin in this thread. Hard to tell what is the truth and what is just over-expectations towards mining. I don't want to support scam in case oh ruby-team actualy owning most of coins. I would like more facts. Any one ?

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February 27, 2014, 09:45:25 AM
Last edit: February 27, 2014, 08:02:20 PM by MrMine

Updated - I was complaining about not getting bounty but it seems I was missing some info as per the below so will get over to reddit and patiently wait. Fingers crossed.
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February 27, 2014, 12:07:51 PM

Where's the dev Huh Are you guys sure there's actually person behind this coin or just a bot  Tongue
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February 27, 2014, 12:14:58 PM

Where's the dev Huh Are you guys sure there's actually person behind this coin or just a bot  Tongue

There's several members of the dev team.  Tongue They are in the irc 24/7 if you want to speak with any of them.

Hey dawj20: your username looks familiar.. Well, they should stick to their IRC and reddit and watch the coins value crash.  Tongue
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February 27, 2014, 12:19:57 PM

For those that still believes in the dev, your buy order should be 0.00000001 btc per Ruby.  Waste of time and money. Gonna be dead    Sad
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February 27, 2014, 12:49:33 PM

For those that still believes in the dev, your buy order should be 0.00000001 btc per Ruby.  Waste of time and money. Gonna be dead    Sad

It's hard to establish a value with such low volume. It's almost certain the coin will see a significant spike when it hits a larger exchange whether people believe it's a shitcoin/scamcoin or not.

High Volume gets the coin to a bigger exchange not the way around
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February 27, 2014, 01:09:10 PM

For those that still believes in the dev, your buy order should be 0.00000001 btc per Ruby.  Waste of time and money. Gonna be dead    Sad

It's hard to establish a value with such low volume. It's almost certain the coin will see a significant spike when it hits a larger exchange whether people believe it's a shitcoin/scamcoin or not.

High Volume gets the coin to a bigger exchange not the way around

Or money/votes.

Both when it's premine scam coin  Lips sealed
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February 27, 2014, 01:22:33 PM

For those that still believes in the dev, your buy order should be 0.00000001 btc per Ruby.  Waste of time and money. Gonna be dead    Sad

It's hard to establish a value with such low volume. It's almost certain the coin will see a significant spike when it hits a larger exchange whether people believe it's a shitcoin/scamcoin or not.

High Volume gets the coin to a bigger exchange not the way around

Or money/votes.

Both when it's premine scam coin  Lips sealed

You're secretly buying up all the cheap Rubycoin right now, aren't you?   Cool

No,  I will not waste my money on this SHITCOIN. I have seen a lot of supposedly rare coin that was premine by the Dev. Just look at Astrocoin (140,000 total coins)  it almost dead now. Rubycoin is going down, it's not gonna recover this is not an opportunity to buy cheap.
The Rubycoin team invited trouble and I'm dishing out to them
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February 27, 2014, 01:31:23 PM

It seems unfair to those that already invested in RubyCoin. Since these claims are hurting your pocket than the Dev. Good luck  Kiss
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February 27, 2014, 01:35:17 PM

 Pool 1:

has someone problems with this pool? Do not work autopayments and manual cahs out
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February 27, 2014, 02:34:16 PM

It seems like one of the biggest complaints / reasons for calling this a scam is that people haven't received bounties. The devs did say (days ago) that they would begin paying bounties out on Feb 27th (today) and that they would be paid out in installments. Whether you agree with their decision to pay several days after launch, and pay over installments, is a whole separate issue, however, let's wait and see if they start paying the bounties as promised today. Even if they only pay out the first 25% installment that would be a very large chunk of the 1.2 million and should (hopefully) put some of the FUD-mongering to rest.
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February 27, 2014, 04:12:28 PM

Everyone needs to clam down and go play Pacman Ruby Game With Dev Team Ghosties! Small 5 second intro that can be skipped by pressing any keys. Movement is W/A/S/D Q is for quit game so be careful and small cheat for invul if you hit space bar. Made for Windows, dont have Mac extensions atm. Go through reddit link below, for some reason forum wont let me post direct link.
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February 27, 2014, 05:41:45 PM

Good sign that everyone defending this garbage has about 5 posts.  But goodluck, and mine on!

Yes because having 300 + posts ( regardless of their individual content ) = credibility?

I might not agree with all of cryptohunter's views on things, but when you've seen the same type of thing happen over and over and over, I mean why is this different?  There is a huge influx of new people coming to the game and if what you consider FUD posts will drive a few people to do some due dilegence and research on things then my job is done here.

Goodluck to you and your choices of mining/investing.

Well said ... +1 and would send you some rubies ... but can't, ... not for the lack of your wallet address.... BUT CAUSE WE ALL GOT FUCKED ON LAUNCH!!       

SCAM coin ... Oh yea baby... one of the best .....

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February 27, 2014, 06:31:09 PM

It seems like one of the biggest complaints / reasons for calling this a scam is that people haven't received bounties. The devs did say (days ago) that they would begin paying bounties out on Feb 27th (today) and that they would be paid out in installments. Whether you agree with their decision to pay several days after launch, and pay over installments, is a whole separate issue, however, let's wait and see if they start paying the bounties as promised today. Even if they only pay out the first 25% installment that would be a very large chunk of the 1.2 million and should (hopefully) put some of the FUD-mongering to rest.

As stated above, bounties are supposed to start going out today. Please post in this thread once you have received some Ruby.

So it's not only my problem  Shocked

I made the 3rd block explorer and dev replied me in Reddit soon. Still no RUBY for me after almost 1 day
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February 27, 2014, 06:32:58 PM

It seems like one of the biggest complaints / reasons for calling this a scam is that people haven't received bounties. The devs did say (days ago) that they would begin paying bounties out on Feb 27th (today) and that they would be paid out in installments. Whether you agree with their decision to pay several days after launch, and pay over installments, is a whole separate issue, however, let's wait and see if they start paying the bounties as promised today. Even if they only pay out the first 25% installment that would be a very large chunk of the 1.2 million and should (hopefully) put some of the FUD-mongering to rest.

As stated above, bounties are supposed to start going out today. Please post in this thread once you have received some Ruby.

So it's not only my problem  Shocked

I made the 3rd block explorer and dev replied me in Reddit soon. Still no RUBY for me after almost 1 day

also didn't receive bounty (yet). Responsible for design #5. Posted address on reddit. Patiently waiting.
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February 27, 2014, 07:19:23 PM

I think that Ruby is good advertising and people will buy it .... I invest in it as well ... And coming soon will update.
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February 27, 2014, 08:03:01 PM

Well I was looking forward to this coin but unfortunately I must also declare it a scam after completing work for the dev, delivered before the release and now the dev ignores all my messages and post on the thread with no bounty being delivered. That will teach me for trusting people!

All those posts saying this isn't a scam because the pre-mine was for bounty...think again!  Sad

RBY - If you have genuinely not seen my messages please contact me and I will edit or remove this post.

Bounties are being handled on reddit now. Find the link and info in the OP.

Thanks for the info, I've updated my post and will get over to Reddit and wait, thanks.
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February 27, 2014, 08:12:21 PM

For those that still believes in the dev, your buy order should be 0.00000001 btc per Ruby.  Waste of time and money. Gonna be dead    Sad

It's hard to establish a value with such low volume. It's almost certain the coin will see a significant spike when it hits a larger exchange whether people believe it's a shitcoin/scamcoin or not.

High Volume gets the coin to a bigger exchange not the way around

Or money/votes.

Both when it's premine scam coin  Lips sealed

You're secretly buying up all the cheap Rubycoin right now, aren't you?   Cool

No,  I will not waste my money on this SHITCOIN. I have seen a lot of supposedly rare coin that was premine by the Dev. Just look at Astrocoin (140,000 total coins)  it almost dead now. Rubycoin is going down, it's not gonna recover this is not an opportunity to buy cheap.
The Rubycoin team invited trouble and I'm dishing out to them

Hmm if you won't waist your $ on this 'shit coin' then why are you wasting your time, here in this thread? Time = Money no? ( sorry if that was OVERLY obvious of me. )
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February 27, 2014, 10:25:23 PM

For those that still believes in the dev, your buy order should be 0.00000001 btc per Ruby.  Waste of time and money. Gonna be dead    Sad

It's hard to establish a value with such low volume. It's almost certain the coin will see a significant spike when it hits a larger exchange whether people believe it's a shitcoin/scamcoin or not.

High Volume gets the coin to a bigger exchange not the way around

Or money/votes.

Both when it's premine scam coin  Lips sealed

You're secretly buying up all the cheap Rubycoin right now, aren't you?   Cool

No,  I will not waste my money on this SHITCOIN. I have seen a lot of supposedly rare coin that was premine by the Dev. Just look at Astrocoin (140,000 total coins)  it almost dead now. Rubycoin is going down, it's not gonna recover this is not an opportunity to buy cheap.
The Rubycoin team invited trouble and I'm dishing out to them

Hmm if you won't waist your $ on this 'shit coin' then why are you wasting your time, here in this thread? Time = Money no? ( sorry if that was OVERLY obvious of me. )

People "waste" their time here because of the scammy nature of the coin.

I too was scammed into mining Ruby for around 3 hours.

We're just trying to help others understand scam coins and why scammers make them.
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