Insanity Sunday - Week 1 ResultsSummary- Total Pot: 79.52639466 BTC
- Total Acquired: 43940.88047998 WOLF
- Percentage Acquired Back: 55.25% of WOLF sold.
- Average Price: 80.98% over base (0.001809845 BTC)
- Maximum Price: 125% over base (0.00225 BTC)
- Minimum Price: 45% over base (0.00145 BTC)
- Market Activity: ~$85,000 USD (134 BTC @ $630)
- Peak Market Cap: $1,273,100 USD (((987947.27558637 /11)*10)*0.00225)*630
- Trade List:
Developer Feedback:I honestly expected to be getting 25%-30% back with an average price of 0.003 / max 0.005 today. I was pleasantly surprised I managed significantly better.
I was amazed that people kept making each others bids cheaper. I thought most would have realised that if one person decides to go lower the best thing you can do is go higher, then they are left by themselves with no
support. I made this clear through the week, yet still everybody went lower even with additional BTC in the pre-pump, and a known pot of almost 80 BTC coming in minutes or hours.
For wolf and the pack long term, the most efficient model is "free wolf", buy 100, sell 50 for original investment = 50 free wolf, this forces exponential purchase of wolf, the faster it runs out, the faster it's a normal market with guaranteed bumps and no fixed supply available. This also maximises profit long term for the individual.
Mid way is as above but with reinvestment in to wolf, driving your overall purchase price down and wolf balance up ( 100+( 50*8 ) = 500 WOLF for 0.1 BTC with a value of 0.5 BTC, 400% profit over base, real profit probably xxxx%).
Short term and the lowest profit, but most guaranteed on a per week basis is the individual strategy sell everything each week for btc profit. This still benefits the pack as it's destroyed, lowering the coins in circulation making each single wolf worth more, but does reduce every bodies profit overall, most significantly the one with this individual strategy.
This is the only week I'll give feedback, various strategies have been discussed in my previous posts.
Other Updates- new stable windows-qt client ready for tomorrow (thanks pompobit!)
- new stable mac client ready for tomorrow (thanks the samson)
Coin DestructionTotal to Destroy: 43940.88047998
3630.98913454You can see
the money supply decreasing here,
here, and again
hereI'd like to thank everybody who took part in the first Insanity Sunday. Coin Supply opens at 10:00 UTC tomorrow for week two.