you are probably right. you have two options really (well, three)
1. power down and wait for prices to rise
2. keep mining on speculation
(3). it's cheaper to just buy the coin.
Mining on speculation is really dumb if you do have the opportunity to purchase the coin cheaper elsewhere. You are better off switching to a more profitable coin, sell that coin and buy Litecoin.
there is NO better coin...if so it just saves me 5c a day..big 8000mh and 90% of all miners that mine pow-scrypt are all in the hole at 35c a day or some
such..because 90% of the pow scrypt miners that still manage to run are Bitmain L3+'s...what do you think is gonna happen when they all shut off? diff drops.they
all turn on ..diff goes up...I've been watching it yo/yo between 35c loss a day to 50c loss a day for last 2 weeks
if they go off...they all go off and again...some relief on the other pow-scrypt coins..but NOT enough to matter ..this includes the algo at prohashing
and god help the pow scrypt world if bitmain mines a say supposed 3x the hash same watts machine all summer before preorders in late fall
pow scrypt could frigging die....
saw it with scrypt N one week 12-15 coins (including vertcoin) than poof...all gone when knc titans did the scrypt N patch
crap can tank and/or the only one left able mine the pow scypt network of any asic coin flavor etc is bitmain
again, difficulty has outstripped the machines available and they are the LATEST machines....if NO price recovery ...all pow scrypt coins could tank big time
just from this network pow-scrypt farce...
again, hope I'm wrong ...but not looking like it ...again if someone has 1/2 the elec rate of me on an L3+ and is losing 25c a day vs my 50c a day...they
too will shut off ...and if diff dumps all will turn machines on again and 3 days later same diff with the difficulty ..back to your loss depending on your elec costs
but you always lose at the present prices...I need 115 ltc with a month on 8000mh just to break even on electric big whoop
again, not looking good ...too many of the same miners ...too little cost for pow-scrypt way out I can see but a crash
(again, not to be harsh..beat me up, smarter minds than me...but everyone has the same toaster and I am assuming all will go off at the same time if this
becomes can mine a month or so at a loss ..but eventually, you just shut it off...with all the same equipment...we could yo/yo quite a
bit and be bled dry in smaller bits...but eventually folk will tire of chasing this car and scrypt-pow as a network method will suffer
again beat me up ..hope I'm dead wrong..all my miners wish you well in beating me up