I've added this coin to the list of NFactor coins - the following is the schedule I've calculated. If the coin author believes this to be incorrect, please contact me
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj3vcsuY-JFNdC1ITWJrSG9VeWp6QXppbVgxcm0tbGc&usp=drive_web#gid=003/10/14 15:39:36 NFactor = 4
03/16/14 17:17:44 NFactor = 5
03/19/14 18:06:48 NFactor = 6
03/22/14 18:55:52 NFactor = 7
03/31/14 21:23:04 NFactor = 8
04/03/14 22:12:08 NFactor = 9
04/28/14 04:44:40 NFactor = 10
05/10/14 08:00:56 NFactor = 11
06/15/14 17:49:44 NFactor = 12
08/03/14 06:54:48 NFactor = 13
09/20/14 19:59:52 NFactor = 14
04/03/15 00:20:08 NFactor = 15
07/09/15 02:30:16 NFactor = 16
04/25/16 09:00:40 NFactor = 17
05/18/17 17:41:12 NFactor = 18
06/11/18 02:21:44 NFactor = 19
08/19/21 04:23:20 NFactor = 20
09/11/22 13:03:52 NFactor = 21
03/15/31 10:28:08 NFactor = 22