i was brain storming an idea last night trying to think of solutions to some of the general coin issues
and i came up with the idea of having a License system in place for miners for a new and improved coin.
where as it could help prevent and deter guys running massive botnets etc..
in reality pools offer little but a massive advantage for botnets. we shoudln't be using them in the first place.. they have become common and accepted sadly.
The original intention was to have the Milk Crate guys sitting at home mining keeping the network alive.. pushing tx's etc.
and i do not subscribe to this theory that asics are great and keep coins alive.. i think its bs from Asic guys making up crap to justify their position and income.
Bottom line is while we sit here and bicker about scammy Altcoins the big players have walked in and seized control of Bitcoin itself rendering all the little guys as outsiders
and it concerned me how the guy on a recent coindesk story / interview running a mining farm worth millions for Bitcoin in Washington state USA, said
if Litcoin becomes more popular and worth more he will setup some multi million dollar mining op's for that too.
Guys there is no debate at all about the bad behavior.. sorry but its common knowledge and not even up for debate, it's simply a fact period.
Call me a hater or what ever ya ya stfu and go away.. your dumb excuses sound dumb congrats, you might as well post "hey i'm an idiot and I'm making excuses"
we see through your dumb bs clearly so don't even waste your breath.. we're busy thinking of wars to put a fork in you punks.. your done.. sooner or later.
Worried about your scamcoin investment ? simple solution for ya dipshits.. don't invest in stupid scammy coins.
you sunk money into AUR for example then your a moron.. when a coin breaks a record for largest premine ever and you say "take my money" then you deserve to drown.
no sympathy from me douche bags.. your greed is your demise, don't blame me, look in the mirror it's your own fault greedy pigs.
I've never made a coin and i have never wanted to but the community in general i think needs some innovation and we need to move forward.
Clinging to clones etc is ridiculous and any coin that has some IPO before or at Launch should have their accounts banned for life that is a newer level of scammy behavior
and i can rattle off probably a dozen scammy methods these corrupt greedy pricks use to scam us all and i am long sick and tired of the coin spammers
defending their coins with alt shell accounts and suckering in noobs with the temptation of making 1 bitcoin while the coin spammer make 100 bitcoins.
Game over jerks.. you ALL know who you are and there is a lot of people that are going to make sure you fail.
The best way to destroy the scammy garbage is to make a coin that is better.
I am not saying we need to attack and kill coins and i am saying we need to focus our brains on an alternative that entices people to want to part in it.
A constructive response is what i am suggesting and i don't care who is involved or their history so much as i am about whether they are interested in moving crypto forward long term.
I've had a bunch of ideas that revolve around the REAL problem.. Botnets and mega rich investors and huge massive mining operations.
THESE are the issues we need to be focused on.. they laugh at us and seize 99% control while we bicker about 'flappy coin' or what ever and they get even richer..
I envision a situation down the road where users are mining solo with a license to mine verified by other clients somehow maybe
and NO pools.. they offer nothing but a massive opportunity for rich people and botnets to exploit the networks.
Bottom line is a coin needs to be created that returns the power and control BACK to the people.. all of us smaller guys.
And it also should be Asic and Botnet resistant if possible and that is the best solution to stifle the crappy clones i think. (making a better alternative)
BUT if i can offer any hash power to attack some shit coins i would prob do it ..i have to admit i hate these scumbags and want to hold their heads under water.
Polish your turds scam coin
devs copy paste kiddies and scam coin defenders.. while your doing that the smart people will be building something worth getting involved with
and THAT will steal away all your users.. all your traders, investors and miners etc will bolt leaving your shitcoins dead so fast you won't know what hit you.
make that turd shine pricks and exploit people as much as you can now while you can before the game ends.. time is running out on you greedy pricks.
and PS: we need a real Altcoin exchange Cryptsy etc is a god damn joke.. how the hell we can we have a shred of respect for an exchange that adds
any coin at all no matter how bad ? They have no criteria except "user demand" it seems and and user demand is the problem..
people will mine anything no matter how bad or from whom so leaving it up to them and even worse selling votes is just plain sick.
sadly most douches out there double click on the wallet .exe far before even thinking about who posted it, moron lemmings.
and the battle is between masked scammers hiding in the shadows vying for the support from these idiot lemmings and we will win because we're smarter..
hell maybe we can make a coin and fight scammy fire with fire ? why not make a new coin that is revolutionary and then get this angle..
Let's keep the source code private LOL
no more copy and paste Github repo's for you script kiddy greedy punk bitches hahaha
I'd gladly say screw the open source stuff if it kicks out the fucking faggots i wanna drown.. why share when its going to be abused so badly ? ..screw it !
You will know who is who when something is released and your sitting on the side line watching
All i need myself is the right idea and i will start coding like a tsunami and have my 1 million'th program uploaded online.
my coding resume is loooooong i have made and posted a ton of code used by people across the globe for decades
but i don't do squat unless i have golden unique and useful idea.. I AM NOT A CLONER (like most dipshit scammer wannabe coder bitchs here)
The right light bulb goes off then look out.. my idea or some other guys new idea will catch fire and a waive will be unleashed.
who will it be ?
Gavin Anderson said about Satoshi's identity before something like he doesn't care who had the idea whether the person is good or evil
and i thought ya exactly!.. this isn't personal.. lets just come up with a better way and make it happen and MOVE FORWARD.
If anyone actually read this far down? i hope i inspired some people.. lol
we need new ideas and focus on what matters and we DO have a problem..
Look who owns and controls Bitcoin and look who controls Altcoins and when any ALT becomes profitable enough group A) the rich guys will take control from group B).
Then factor in the govt looming on all this crap.. we better get cracking on a new system and not re-posting Dog coin v2 or Franko v2 or DGB or insert scrypt coin name..
We wouldn't be bickering over Altcoins if the big guys didn't take over Bitcoin on us.. Satoshi created Bitcoin to fuck the governments and big banks and put control in the hands of the common man and they stole Bitcoin from us so we moved to ALTS and they can take any alt they want at any time too.. can you smell those Litecoin Asics ?
Lets look at the real problem please.