Of course the first people to obtain Uno were the miners. Now if each miner sold to two people, and those two people each sold to two people. Boom, fair distro, no ipo, no bullshit.
UNO is the X(as in NO) B.S. coin.
The first distro was a competitive mining epoch (already more than a year ago completed).
The next distro was to the committed miners (stick with it Hash guys) and the first round of serious investors.
The prices have been fairly stable in the $ ranges for 1 year, that gives more rounds of distro to new investors.
UNO has demonstrated the will to reach $5/kg once that is achieved this will bring on a whole new group of interested investors.
A fair a wide distro all the way along. Plus the occasional shake out to test ones faith.
Yeap that is the No B.S. 'fair' way to do it.
(ps ... Mr. Green might be the mascot of the 'ask' sellers and Mr. Blue the mascot of the 'bid' buyers