Welcome #MinerSanta – a new MinerGate’s social media event!
We are happy to announce our very festive #MinerSanta event!
Gifts are a quintessential part of the holiday season, and an overwhelmingly popular way of exchanging gifts is to play Secret Santa. Out of all the different holiday games out there, though, do you wonder why we decided to arrange Secret Santa? It’s a classic that’s often played at work holiday parties and family gatherings, where there are enough people to make the game interesting. But as with most cultural traditions, Secret Santa has a fascinating aspect to gather people together and make them have a lot of fun!
To express gratitude towards our dearest community we set up the digital version of Secret Santa. Even our CEO Claude Lecomte will take part in this holiday amusement. Furthermore, you’ll find out another pleasant surprise at end of the event, as well.
Let's get started!
Sign up form and more information about the rules: https://minergate.com/blog/welcome-minersanta-a-new-minergate-social-media-event/