I apologize for not having a response in quite while. As I mentioned on my earlier reply, my place was hit and affected with the
super typhoon, due to this I've been struggling connecting online with rotational b/out here as the main source of electricity was hit pretty hard in the center part of the country, can't do the spreadsheet and not available to upload images for tx proofs.
As crwth posted all his activities, kindly check my tracks as well, start on january this year, spreadsheet link
The meals/snack might be vague coz I really forget the specifics of the amount as most of these don't have receipts given, I just round off as what I remember the amount is.
2 outgoing txes for bL4nkcode and total was: 0.56639445 BTC
This were the time where funds sent to crwth and cabalism, check (tx below). Also, check the track records of crwth on his spreadsheet posted earlier.
To cabalism -
https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/transaction/917fc3c5eaf5154dae2e79477b0496dad4750238ff242474681bef5e544ddb92 and
https://etherscan.io/tx/0x16a2883d0c1fb8971a296c82934b8943454f46f00114fe026e94530bbdc6f861To crwth is an internal transfer on binance.
Activity: 02-24-21:
Funds used: 168,392 PHP
Conversion & Withdrawal:
Recovered receipts:
Activity: 12-05-21, 12-12-21, 12-19-21
Funds used: 88320 PHP
Conversion & Withdrawal:
This is the outgoing tx to binance,
Recovered receipts:
Unfortunately, this is the only I recovered as this kind of paper dont fade away easily unlike thermal papers used by grocery stores.
Total fund used on all activities, 256, 712 PHP or around 5523.15 USD/T
As for the comparison of number of funds received for the activities, I guess I received the less compared crwth and cabalism considering I only held 1 activity before 2021, and funds were sent for almost the same amount for the 3 of us in january 2021, check my sheet and crwth sheet.
While the way of me handling of charity funds is in questioned, I totally admit that this is my first time handling charity funds and the process may poorly processed and amateurly done but that's the basic way I think it could work for. I mean, they will tell me what activity they were trying to do, where, when, the estimate cost, then that's it, lately I will send the funds as agreed.
For the alts issue, sorry they/were not.
For the question of me having a loan to cabalism, it was used for a business related as described on the trust page reference, not for personal use.
I hope that cabalism do list his previous tracks as well, as he made an activity recently. Again, I apologize and I admit that this charity/activity was done poorly esp. showing the receipts, transparency, but hear me out, all the donated funds were used to help others and all posted activities are all happened.
The main purpose of those people involved is to help. If you can observe I only do activities when there's a calamity whether a typhoon hits, flash floods, etc. near me. I volunteered coz I feel it is important to help others esp. those who in need.
As this may end as still doubtful, I hope this good deeds will still continue (of helping people) even in little ways.
Thank you! Happy holidays and wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!