This happened when a load of ppl, including atcsecure were in IRC testing various functions, mainly xchat across platforms. I was running as a node to assist this. Whoever asked how I just noticed this, the amount has only just recently disappeared off my wallet balance, with no action taken by me, as you can see below there were all kinds of fruity weird transactions flying around:
I assumed this was part of the 'normal' workings of a node, now it appears I am out of pocket big time. Maybe I've done something stupid, maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I'm totally baffled and as I'm sure you can imagine my confidence in XC has been dented big time.
Man XC sucks but that's not important.
If I were you I would do this:
Open up the debug window and unlock the wallet with
walletpassphrase 'YourPasspphrase' 60
Then do:
dumpprivkey XE93qiQx5kynyvz4xx9rtQvDxY1gdGAoeW
If that address is in your wallet, it'll show you the private key for it. That means you have access to the funds but your wallet is stupid. If not, well, you're SOL.
If it does return the key, I would create a new wallet and send all funds to it and then import that private key into the new one with
importprivkey 'privkey' true
Hypothetically, let's say none of the above works. What you should then do is launch the wallet with the flag
--zapwallettxes=2 and then --rescan=1
If the above fails, well I would just sell everything because who would want software where 1000 coins get sent to an unknown non-controlled address.
Also, the transaction definitely happened; it's in the block explorer you're not forked, just probably fucked.