Activity: 1876
Merit: 1000
December 23, 2016, 01:18:53 AM |
when BTC is hitting $860 USD you would expect a blood bath, but it has a bottom,
tell that too maxcoin holders 
Activity: 1876
Merit: 1000
December 23, 2016, 09:17:16 AM |
i heard rumors when maxcoin was not yet completely failed that max suggested swapping maxcoin 1:1 for startcoin. well that never happened. funnily enough though now startcoin is lower then the price i bailed on maxcoin (and i thought i'd bailed on that low), now i could use that bitcoin to buy up startcoin and get better then 1:1 
December 23, 2016, 07:37:55 PM Last edit: December 24, 2016, 12:49:16 AM by sulfurtank |
to suggest people who aren't even part of the project are trying to scam everyone,
are you suggesting now Max Keiser isn't part of the project  None is scamming anyone. They just do not manage to get sufficient traction in this coin. On the recent infowars Max Keiser again promoted StartCoin, its just that people overestimate his influence.... Here is the infowars episode: LINK Max Talks about StartJoin and StartCoin around 2:40. So I would say buy StartCoin if you think that Max Keiser will be capable of making this platform great, if not it's better just to sell. I still have some StartCoins. Got a shitload of loss on them, but the volume in this coin is really low. It's just a gamble. Max Keiser is an attention whore, he advertises humus which he consumes in large quantities after he's done with promotions. I would talk u out of watching interviews with him, listening to radio broadcasts where he's the host, because following him is a disgrace even for self-pity men. Max Keiser is just Max Keiser. He does not pretend to be anyone else. He never did. He's a weirdo, I agree. But he's famous because he's this weirdo. And being a weirdo is rather subjective and time-related... The thing is that the fact that this coin has Max Keiser gives it more potential than 90% of the other coins out there with their false promises. If u take all dead presidents out of his Cambodia offshore bank account nobody will recall him in a year from now. Nor will anyone give a flying fuck to how he died or what his face looked like because he contributed nothing to crypto, never needed crypto and never wielded any power to level up this space. That's how famous ur keiser is.
Piston Honda
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1068
Juicin' crypto
December 24, 2016, 01:40:33 AM |
man you better hope ppl dont kill themselves re. start investements given btc is going to $1k USD most likely......and start has dumped NON stop. yes it is the market makers but holy shit....unsure if shakeout or just ths coin/project going to SHIT lmao. what the fuck kinda leadership is this?   i'd feel like a huge cuck if it were my $$$ and company/brand! better hope they turn it around for 2017
$ADK ~ watch & learn...
December 24, 2016, 06:32:21 PM Last edit: December 24, 2016, 07:14:48 PM by CrowdWhale |
You all talk so much nonsense it's all the more disgusting that you're smug about it. As an honest person I've always had trouble telling when people are stupid or lying, but either way you'll never take responsibility for your FUD when this all predictably plays out exactly as I've described.
You've got... 1. The entire altcoin market in the dumps with even major coins down more than 50%. 2. BTC exploding at the time of year when alts typically slump anyway, compounding the bloodshed. 3. People panic selling into an inactive market at a time when people just aren't buying alts. 4. And yes, a poorly planned StartJoin relaunch that amounts to a temporary, not permanent, setback, but provides great FUD fodder these penny stock pump & dumpers know how to exploit.
Then you've got a dedicated "uncensored" FUD crew... 1. Running several unofficial StartCoin branded Twitter accounts trash talking the project. 2. Running a chat room they hang out in EVERY day for a coin they claim is dead. 3. Running a fake t-shirt business masquerading as an unrelated 3rd party promoting the idea that START being dead is common knowledge... a "done deal"... and basically a meme. 4. Claiming Karl is exit dumping the dev fund as he sells a small portion to *gasp* fund development. 5. Claiming Max is a scammer because he made a call that had no chance of coming true after a hack no one could have predicted. 6. Spreading fear about a 51% attack and then trying to organize one by renting mining capacity when it didn't happen on its own, because it was never going to. 7. Talking about the price they'll rebuy at despite their claims the coin is "dead". 8. Etc, etc, etc.
And what will actually happen? The post holiday altcoin rally will come, just as BTC cools off. StartJoin will finish START integration. Volume will suddenly return. Hundreds of people will decide it's time to buy/rebuy at the exact same time and find only a few BTC for sale. The price will recover practically overnight. Everyone will suddenly change their tune, and FUDers will go silent until the next top and retrace when they'll start the FUD cycle all over again.
Selling now is like auctioning off a family heirloom when the auction house is closed and only one guy is standing outside making you an offer. There's no competition. There's no liquidity. The market is not functioning in any realistic way. How many people can buy a significant amount without tripling the price? A handful, if that. But in a space of hours, when things turn around, everything will look entirely different and all the people who sold at a loss will learn a valuable lesson. Don't listen to liars and bitter fools. Don't trade on emotion. Don't sell at a loss when the market is essentially "on hold". And the entire character of a market, along with the sentiments surrounding it, can change in the blink of an eye.
I've only bought Bitcoin with fiat once in my life... 0.2 BTC in December of 2013. Since then I've only cashed out tens of thousands of dollars and I've never gone bust, though things have looked superficially bleak numerous times just as they do now. I guarantee this time will be no different and if I'm wrong about this I will delete my account. That's not going to happen and anyone with significant experience in these markets knows it.
I also know idiots will come back with more smug comments, accusations of hype, and attempts to appear "wise" as they join in the FUD like sheep and tell everyone "I told you it was a scam". And when I don't respond, because I'm done letting you waste my time, you'll claim I don't have an answer to your nonsense. In the end you'll just disappear like always.
This is all... so... predictable. Watch and learn.
Activity: 1876
Merit: 1000
December 24, 2016, 09:58:13 PM |
CrowdWhale, firstly i would agree that very bad timing, ie troubles within startcoin etc at the same time as big rallies in bitcoin, litecoin, have caused startcoin to possibly be oversold.
We don't call Max a scammer purely based on any calls he's made hyping startcoin, we call Max a scammer because of is consistent history in crypto., do you need me to break it all down for you?
December 24, 2016, 10:16:02 PM |
startcoin is some bad joke guys.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1000
A Wound in Eternity
December 24, 2016, 11:07:15 PM |
| Arbitrage Firm now accepts START! Live chat support is now available on-site to START users, or forum support is also available on our BitcoinTalk ANN: note that while we offer services with START, we are not directly affiliated with the developers of the coin. Please read our Terms of Service before using the Coinitrage Arbitrage Platform! Guys, THIS IS A SCAM, do not use!! You have been warned, cheap HYIP scam.
December 25, 2016, 05:56:15 PM |
Merry Christmas START fam! May the new year bring us all wealth, renewal, and many uplifting projects. It's going to be an interesting year. 
December 26, 2016, 04:20:50 PM |
Merry Christmas START fam! May the new year bring us all wealth, renewal, and many uplifting projects. It's going to be an interesting year.  Merry X-Mas to you as well ! Regardless of my doubts and all the FUD, I just bought some more START. Up untill now, this has not been a good decision, but I always like to be right in the end...  So let's see what January will bring us. If the promises that are made will not come true, I will dump all my START and move on to greener pastures. Happy hodldays everyone !!!
"The Blade that was Broken shines again!"
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1002
December 26, 2016, 04:30:34 PM |
I also still have good hope for START in upcoming it will get succeed to get new start. Still holding some coins and buying at new low price for profitable 2017.
Piston Honda
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1068
Juicin' crypto
December 26, 2016, 06:32:05 PM |
You all talk so much nonsense it's all the more disgusting that you're smug about it. As an honest person I've always had trouble telling when people are stupid or lying, but either way you'll never take responsibility for your FUD when this all predictably plays out exactly as I've described.
You've got... 1. The entire altcoin market in the dumps with even major coins down more than 50%. 2. BTC exploding at the time of year when alts typically slump anyway, compounding the bloodshed. 3. People panic selling into an inactive market at a time when people just aren't buying alts. 4. And yes, a poorly planned StartJoin relaunch that amounts to a temporary, not permanent, setback, but provides great FUD fodder these penny stock pump & dumpers know how to exploit.
Then you've got a dedicated "uncensored" FUD crew... 1. Running several unofficial StartCoin branded Twitter accounts trash talking the project. 2. Running a chat room they hang out in EVERY day for a coin they claim is dead. 3. Running a fake t-shirt business masquerading as an unrelated 3rd party promoting the idea that START being dead is common knowledge... a "done deal"... and basically a meme. 4. Claiming Karl is exit dumping the dev fund as he sells a small portion to *gasp* fund development. 5. Claiming Max is a scammer because he made a call that had no chance of coming true after a hack no one could have predicted. 6. Spreading fear about a 51% attack and then trying to organize one by renting mining capacity when it didn't happen on its own, because it was never going to. 7. Talking about the price they'll rebuy at despite their claims the coin is "dead". 8. Etc, etc, etc.
And what will actually happen? The post holiday altcoin rally will come, just as BTC cools off. StartJoin will finish START integration. Volume will suddenly return. Hundreds of people will decide it's time to buy/rebuy at the exact same time and find only a few BTC for sale. The price will recover practically overnight. Everyone will suddenly change their tune, and FUDers will go silent until the next top and retrace when they'll start the FUD cycle all over again.
Selling now is like auctioning off a family heirloom when the auction house is closed and only one guy is standing outside making you an offer. There's no competition. There's no liquidity. The market is not functioning in any realistic way. How many people can buy a significant amount without tripling the price? A handful, if that. But in a space of hours, when things turn around, everything will look entirely different and all the people who sold at a loss will learn a valuable lesson. Don't listen to liars and bitter fools. Don't trade on emotion. Don't sell at a loss when the market is essentially "on hold". And the entire character of a market, along with the sentiments surrounding it, can change in the blink of an eye.
I've only bought Bitcoin with fiat once in my life... 0.2 BTC in December of 2013. Since then I've only cashed out tens of thousands of dollars and I've never gone bust, though things have looked superficially bleak numerous times just as they do now. I guarantee this time will be no different and if I'm wrong about this I will delete my account. That's not going to happen and anyone with significant experience in these markets knows it.
I also know idiots will come back with more smug comments, accusations of hype, and attempts to appear "wise" as they join in the FUD like sheep and tell everyone "I told you it was a scam". And when I don't respond, because I'm done letting you waste my time, you'll claim I don't have an answer to your nonsense. In the end you'll just disappear like always.
This is all... so... predictable. Watch and learn.
man shit for the amount you love start and "say" you're in the "know" about what is better be DAMN sure this shit will succeed. can't say i'm as confident cos the market is manipulated to shit and the ONLY potential good thing is that those same fucks doign it will finally turn the jets on and blast the price back UP instead of into oblivion.
$ADK ~ watch & learn...
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
December 29, 2016, 10:55:25 PM |
Hahahaha, has anyone been over to the new site lately?

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
December 29, 2016, 11:25:48 PM |
Hahahaha, has anyone been over to the new site lately?
haha, nice site... I'm glad i sold this coin long time ago!
█ Districts █ 3D Blockchain Platform █ ICO █ Bounty
December 30, 2016, 10:06:57 AM |
Looks like the whale with 1.5M StartCoin has put his SC on bittrex again and put up a 500k sellwall..
December 30, 2016, 10:57:46 PM |
just been over and had a gander at and its good reading! Startcoin is tarnished now and in 3 weeks will anyone care? As a bagholder i cant wait to dump this garbage
Activity: 1876
Merit: 1000
December 31, 2016, 12:44:15 AM |
Sub-1000 will soon sound like a dream.
agreed, when tis sub 100 sat  seriously the title should be changed form StartCOIN 2.0 to Maxcoin 2.0. 
December 31, 2016, 12:49:15 AM |
You all talk so much nonsense it's all the more disgusting that you're smug about it. As an honest person I've always had trouble telling when people are stupid or lying, but either way you'll never take responsibility for your FUD when this all predictably plays out exactly as I've described.
You've got... 1. The entire altcoin market in the dumps with even major coins down more than 50%. 2. BTC exploding at the time of year when alts typically slump anyway, compounding the bloodshed. 3. People panic selling into an inactive market at a time when people just aren't buying alts. 4. And yes, a poorly planned StartJoin relaunch that amounts to a temporary, not permanent, setback, but provides great FUD fodder these penny stock pump & dumpers know how to exploit.
Then you've got a dedicated "uncensored" FUD crew... 1. Running several unofficial StartCoin branded Twitter accounts trash talking the project. 2. Running a chat room they hang out in EVERY day for a coin they claim is dead. 3. Running a fake t-shirt business masquerading as an unrelated 3rd party promoting the idea that START being dead is common knowledge... a "done deal"... and basically a meme. 4. Claiming Karl is exit dumping the dev fund as he sells a small portion to *gasp* fund development. 5. Claiming Max is a scammer because he made a call that had no chance of coming true after a hack no one could have predicted. 6. Spreading fear about a 51% attack and then trying to organize one by renting mining capacity when it didn't happen on its own, because it was never going to. 7. Talking about the price they'll rebuy at despite their claims the coin is "dead". 8. Etc, etc, etc.
And what will actually happen? The post holiday altcoin rally will come, just as BTC cools off. StartJoin will finish START integration. Volume will suddenly return. Hundreds of people will decide it's time to buy/rebuy at the exact same time and find only a few BTC for sale. The price will recover practically overnight. Everyone will suddenly change their tune, and FUDers will go silent until the next top and retrace when they'll start the FUD cycle all over again.
Selling now is like auctioning off a family heirloom when the auction house is closed and only one guy is standing outside making you an offer. There's no competition. There's no liquidity. The market is not functioning in any realistic way. How many people can buy a significant amount without tripling the price? A handful, if that. But in a space of hours, when things turn around, everything will look entirely different and all the people who sold at a loss will learn a valuable lesson. Don't listen to liars and bitter fools. Don't trade on emotion. Don't sell at a loss when the market is essentially "on hold". And the entire character of a market, along with the sentiments surrounding it, can change in the blink of an eye.
I've only bought Bitcoin with fiat once in my life... 0.2 BTC in December of 2013. Since then I've only cashed out tens of thousands of dollars and I've never gone bust, though things have looked superficially bleak numerous times just as they do now. I guarantee this time will be no different and if I'm wrong about this I will delete my account. That's not going to happen and anyone with significant experience in these markets knows it.
I also know idiots will come back with more smug comments, accusations of hype, and attempts to appear "wise" as they join in the FUD like sheep and tell everyone "I told you it was a scam". And when I don't respond, because I'm done letting you waste my time, you'll claim I don't have an answer to your nonsense. In the end you'll just disappear like always.
This is all... so... predictable. Watch and learn.
According to Karl there's 2-3 weeks left until StartJoin implementation of START payments. As the poor guy who sold 6+ BTC at the bargain basement price of 800 found out today, demand is growing and will keep increasing the next few weeks. Altcoins in general are coming back to life right on schedule and this will only fuel the fire. If you plan on getting back in, now is definitely the time to beat the FOMO. Sub-1000 will soon sound like a dream.
January 01, 2017, 03:06:01 AM Last edit: January 02, 2017, 10:39:37 AM by PumpMyCoin |
Dear StartCOIN Investors-Developers We would love to announce that your coin has been added to PumpMyCoin community public Votes. you can participate in this vote on to nominate your coin for the next PUMP. sincerely PumpMyCoin Team We Pump But Never Dump
January 01, 2017, 07:37:38 AM |
Informal enrollment in the shitcoins list is not necessary. START is legit. START will be 1$ in 2017 