binaryFate (OP)
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1012
Still wild and free
June 15, 2014, 08:33:18 PM Last edit: September 09, 2016, 09:33:33 PM by binaryFate |
Pools Spread around the hashrate! Join the smaller pools to improve network health. Larger pools can only reduce your variance, but on average you get less than on small pools due to ddos-attacks, higher fees, downtimes and slower hashing modulesOnly open-source pools are mentioned, sorted by donation then fees. Fees include the donation, so miners won't pay more than the fees listed on the "fees" column. Misleading advertisement = undetermined ban ("undetermined" doesn't mean "forever", just "as long "as we deem it necessary"). Manager's note is a list with 100 character max, no exclamation points and no links. For updates, please contact Quanttek (same on IRC) Beware: we are doing our best to stay current regarding fees, but always double-check on the pool itself. We recommend to use only the bolded pools, which are up-to-date on important updates and security fixes. (When none are bolded, all are up-to-date)URL | Mixin | Country | Manager (IRC) | Donations (% of fees) | Total Fees | Manager's note | | 3 | Canada | triplef | Total: 73% | Fees: 1.1% | #backuppool IRC-channel, Charts ,10 minutes payout , instant support french/english | | 3 | US | osensei | Total: 37.5% | Fees: 1.6% | 20Gbps DDOS protected, reliable, secure (https), up-to-date pool - USA - NY | | 3 | Netherlands | trampk | Total: 0% | Fees: 1.5% | | | | Lithuania | mind-less | Total: 20% | Fees: 1% | Fast & helpful support, DDOS protected, Well maintained server. | | 0 | Belgium | PCFil | Total: 8% | Fees: 1.3% | Stable dedicated server, hosted in datacenter, fast link, fast support | | 0 | France | onishin, superresistant | Total: 5% | Fees: 2% | | | 1 | France | xnbya | Total: 5% | Fees: 2% | | | | Hungary | hegemoOn | Total: 3% | Fees: 1.5% | #cmc-pool on freenode | | 0 | Germany | xmining | Total: 0% | Fees: 0% | First cryptonote-universal-pool implementation. FCN/MCN support. | | | UK | CryptonotepoolUK | Total: 0% | Fees: 1% | Long running pool with reputation for reliability and support, all fees donated to xmr dev fund | | 4 | Luxembourg | wallet42 | Total: 10% | Fees: 1.9% | First Monero pool, finding blocks reliable since May 2014, auto payments every 2 hours |
Monero's privacy and therefore fungibility are MUCH stronger than Bitcoin's. This makes Monero a better candidate to deserve the term "digital cash".
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
June 15, 2014, 08:54:52 PM Last edit: June 16, 2014, 03:05:56 PM by xnbya |
| currently has a blockfinders bonus of 1XMRbonus has ended, payouts are viewable at and join us now, spread the hash! =>
Sr. Member
Activity: 560
Merit: 250
"Trading Platform of The Future!"
June 15, 2014, 11:18:14 PM |
I switched vps providers to Amazon, they are handling the DDoS. The pool is up again.  Thanks for creating this thread, I agree the spamming in the main thread is ridiculous. 
Sr. Member
Activity: 560
Merit: 250
"Trading Platform of The Future!"
June 15, 2014, 11:46:34 PM |
I switched vps providers to Amazon, they are handling the DDoS. The pool is up again.  Thanks for creating this thread, I agree the spamming in the main thread is ridiculous.  This didn't work, the DDoS continues. 
binaryFate (OP)
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1012
Still wild and free
June 15, 2014, 11:56:18 PM |
I switched vps providers to Amazon, they are handling the DDoS. The pool is up again.  Thanks for creating this thread, I agree the spamming in the main thread is ridiculous.  This didn't work, the DDoS continues.  Do you have cloudflare? First level protections are very cheap and should be already much better than nothing.
Monero's privacy and therefore fungibility are MUCH stronger than Bitcoin's. This makes Monero a better candidate to deserve the term "digital cash".
June 15, 2014, 11:58:57 PM |
Cloudflare would do it for http/https, but not do it for the stratum so it's useless.
binaryFate (OP)
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1012
Still wild and free
June 15, 2014, 11:59:46 PM |
Cloudflare would do it for http/https, but not do it for the stratum so it's useless.
Ah, thought they could work with any port. Good luck then! 
Monero's privacy and therefore fungibility are MUCH stronger than Bitcoin's. This makes Monero a better candidate to deserve the term "digital cash".
June 16, 2014, 12:11:04 AM |
Anyone know what is up with ? They've got 8% of the network, but haven't found a block in 9 hours, no payments for me either at all.
Datacenter Technician and Electrician. If you have any questions feel free to ask me as I am generally bored looking at logs and happy to help during free time.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1000
June 16, 2014, 12:17:44 AM |
Shutting down rigs till we can have a decent working pool...
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
June 16, 2014, 12:20:31 AM |
10% Mining Bonus at
Consistently finding blocks | Larger payments | Solution to Dust problems | Private optimizations is consistently finding blocks, and welcomes you to cash in on the bonus! Profit now!
minerd -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -p x -u address
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
June 16, 2014, 01:47:59 AM |
Anyone know what is up with ? They've got 8% of the network, but haven't found a block in 9 hours, no payments for me either at all. They are working on fixing the problem, they know what the issue is. Quote from the Admin "Block finding statistics are stuck, we are working on it - should be solved soon."
June 16, 2014, 02:36:34 AM |
Looks like it is paying out now, just not scoring on the website as you said. Thanks!
Datacenter Technician and Electrician. If you have any questions feel free to ask me as I am generally bored looking at logs and happy to help during free time.
Jr. Member
Activity: 38
Merit: 14
June 16, 2014, 02:57:12 AM |
have anyone are mining XMR by solo or by P2Pool? Tell me how to do it ?
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1003
June 16, 2014, 11:39:50 AM |
June 16, 2014, 11:56:26 AM |
have anyone are mining XMR by solo or by P2Pool? Tell me how to do it ?
P2Pool is currently not implemented. You could solo CPU mine from the daemon: start_mining <your_address> <number_of_threads> You could solo mine on a single address from multiple machines. Currently if you have 3500 H/s you should get about a block each 2 days on average (more if you are lucky or less if you are not). With the difficulty raising each day I would not recommend you to solo mine with less then 2000-3000 H/s, but if you have 7000 H/s (this is a lot) you should solo mine for sure. If you want to GPU solo mine you should set a private pool of yours in order to do it (the pool software is open source), because you can't GPU mine from the daemon. If you set a pool you should automate the checking if the daemon freezes and restart it, because it's happening with the current code and you won't find blocks.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1131
June 16, 2014, 01:21:08 PM |
I'm sick of these attacks.
Everyone complain but what can we do ?

Activity: 348
Merit: 10
June 16, 2014, 01:22:44 PM |
Yesterday I left few hashes on few smaller pools. Today I got payed from every pool, except, so either they cheating miners or they don't have a clue what are they doing.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1131
June 16, 2014, 01:24:13 PM |
Yesterday I left few hashes on few smaller pools. Today I got payed from every pool, except, so either they cheating miners or they don't have a clue what are they doing. Address ?
June 16, 2014, 01:33:39 PM |
After the pools DDOS attack it's obvious that this should be prevented from the pools. There are some BTC pools on constant multi-layer different protocols attacks. For example Eligius pool (, operated by wizkid057 is always accepting shares and you are always mining no matter how hard the DDOS attack is to mitigate. If wizkid057, or other competent operators of big pools (constantly ddosed) could help the XMR pools in exchange of some XMR this would be of great help for the stability of the network on the long run.