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Author Topic: [ANN][FAIR] FairCoin - for a fair economy, featuring proof-of-cooperation  (Read 376920 times)
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Activity: 1918
Merit: 1122

Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform

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April 10, 2015, 06:34:31 PM

Maybe API's can built for both GetFairCoin and FairToEarth.  So that their respective volumes can be shown on - - as part of the daily trading volumes for FairCoin.

Seems feasible for fairtoearth because is an automatic process, but i imagine that for getfaircoin is more difficult because is a manual action, anyway i will ask   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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Jack Liver
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Activity: 1981
Merit: 1039

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April 11, 2015, 06:43:21 PM
Last edit: July 20, 2017, 04:40:42 PM by Jack Liver

Backup of the first page 20/07/2017


FairCoin is a decentralised virtual currency, distributed through a vast airdrop process during the 6th and 8th of March, 2014. An approximate 49,750 addresses were logged for the giveaway, each able to claim 1000 FAIR per hour. Automated airdrop claiming methods had no effect, as each IP address could register once per hour, and 2 different captchas had to be solved. These security precautions were hidden till the day of distribution. FairCoin's vast distribution method allowed a good portion of the cryptocurrency community to claim a little bit of the 50,000,000 FairCoins, each.
After Fair.Coop was funded adopting faircoin, faircoin is being developed to be the coin of the fair economy worldwide.


Faircoin 2 launch postponed to 18 of july of 2017
Download here the public betatesting wallets:

The last techinical paper of proof of cooperation is here:

This is the link for asking to be CVN node:

2/09/2016 Call for nodes:
We plan to launch the new blockchain based in proof of cooperation(POC), around final of september or beginning of october.  One of the main characteristics of POC is that running the blockchain will become a task of the nodes which has proof that can be trustable by the network, for cooperate in the faircoin blockchain security. This proof process is what we call Certification. And then the nodes,becomes Certified Validation nodes (CVN)

Thats why we need to make this “Call for nodes”, before the launch. [...]

10/06/2016  Published faircoin 2 new white paper version, with all the details related to the current implementation !!
Read it here
Comment it here:
Code development here:

17/05/2016  Launched Faircoin2 Crowdinvestment campaign.

The first goal is to fund the Faircoin 2 development. FairCoin 2 will be an important blockchain-based innovation to allow the Faircoin blockchain to function, secured with ‘proof of cooperation’, and bring to the world a really functional alternative to the current unfair systems that are based on competition between nodes.

Special offer during 40 days with that campaign to get faircoin at 1 eur = 40 FAIR supporting Faircoin 2 development
and the stability of faircoin ecosystem

Economic goal 40000 Euros.


Launched Fairmarket Beta version, fully functional.


The faircoin dev team is already working hard with FairCoin 2.0. A more definitive whitepaper will be launched on march
and after that the focus will be in the programming and extend the funding for making it happen.

- Fairmarket Beta will be launched in march with full operability for buying/selling
Meanwhile the alpha testing version has been updated in


Faircoin development Team launch FairCoin 2.0 white paper. Proof of Cooperation (PoC)

Faircoop Launches Coopshares plan and crowdinvestment campaign  "to develop everything"
Faircoop Launches Fairmarket alpha version on  World Fair trade Day
Faircoop Launches donation rush. 100.000 FAIR to the first 100 non profits that accepts faircoin donations
Released Faircoin Android Wallet. Beta version.


Download the new FairCoin Core Wallet v1.5.2 here:
Sources are here:



UPDATED: new checkpoints
ADDED: optional change address for the sendmany RPC command
FIXED: various minting display bugs
FIXED: invalid signature with crafted length bug
Recommended upgrade. Maintenance release:
IT has been a hard fork release, in fact more like releasing a completely new coin. The existing block chain has been converted to make use of the much faster and proven SHA256 hash algorithm. This gives us 2 major advantages:
* It is much easier to port existing software that was written for Bitcoin to the FairCoin network.
           E.g. The Bitcoin wallet for android, the Electrum Bitcoin wallet, libbitcoin, etc.
*Much better performance! The scrypt hash algorithem that was used up until now is much slower compared to the SHA256 hash algorithm. You will experience much shorter start up time of the wallet. Also the android wallet would be way too slow when using scrypt. During the scrypt tests with the FairCoin android wallet my phone became a pleasant hand warmer and the battery ran low in no time.
* The new wallet will now make use of LevelDB for transaction storage, which is much more efficient and faster compared to the old Berkeley DB.
* Connection Bloom filtering has been implemented, which is needed for SPV (simplified payment verification) clients, like the Android wallet, or a potential MultiBit wallet port.
* Your existing wallet.dat file which contains all your FairCoin addresses is fully compatible with the new release. There is no user action needed to transfer your existing balance to the new block chain. All your FAIR balance has been transferred to the new block chain during the migration process. Your coins are also available in this beta test block chain. The new block chain is of cause not compatible with the old and needs to be downloaded. The download automatically begins when you start the new wallet software.
* A multisig dialog has been added to the wallet which greatly simplifies the complex management of multisig addresses. Please note: this feature is still considered experimental (development preview), and needs a good understanding about multi-signature.
* Coin control implemented
* Added Minting view
* Windows and Mac OS X installer are now FairCoin branded
* New look with new icons (thanks to SomeRelax)
* Added new hardened checkpoints
* Replaced currency symbol FAC with FAIR
* Menu entry in trasaction view to clear orphan minted/mined blocks
* We don't poll It doesn't exist any more
* Fixed spinner icon which is displayed during block chain download
* fixed a bug where all mined block would be rejected. See here:
* added new checkpoint and activated synchronous checkpointing
* re-activated mining for the following algos: grøstl, scrypt and sha256
  remember this is NOT a PoW coin but PoS, if you mine this coin you only supports the network.
  The reward is only 0.001 FAIR
* unlock wallet menu item and unlock wallet button (to easily start minting blocks)
* updated to Qt5
* testnet optimizations
* immediate availability of binaries for the following operation systems:
  Linux 32 and 64bit, Windows 32 and 64bit, Mac OS X and RasperryPi (Official)
A new block explorer is in development  buy faircoin with credit card, paypal, bank wire transfer, local cash nodes  sell faircoin in 10000 spanish ATM and 4000 polish ATM


  Set up your shop in the Fairmarket Beta version  Directory of places accepting faircoin Pay all your bills easy and fast with FairCoins Pay all your Bitcoin Invoices instantly with other Cryptocurrencies Accept easily payments in your website though litepaid payment processor  Faircoin donation button for your webpage  FairCoin paper wallet  MarketCap  Charts and Orderbook Easy Currency Conversion, Widgets Realtime statistics, API MarketCap statistics, Widgets   MarketCap & Statistics

You can follow inside updates of new projects in

FairCoin v1.5.0
This release contains some major changes to FairCoin. Our aim is to develop FairCoin further and prepare it for broad adoption. With the changes we've made to the code base the development of merchant applications, alternative FairCoin wallets and mobile applications now becomes easier and can be implemented faster. We have improved the performance of the FairCoin wallet significantly. The overall speed gain and still maintaining the same high level of block chain security is also a prerequisite to establish a reliable and stable monetary system for https://Fair.Coop.
What do you need to do
On thursday, the 26th of February 2015 at block height 94613 all versions older than v1.5.0 are obsolete and must not be used any more. It is best to avoid using the old wallet the entire day, although it is possible to use it until block 94613 occurred on the network. At around 19:00 - 23:00 UTC the new wallet will be available for download here:
 After you have downloaded the new release, please follow the guide below.
   1.  Make a copy of your wallet.dat file and store it at a safe place! Write down the FAIR balance that is displayed in your old wallet.
   2.  If you haven't done yet make a copy of your wallet.dat file and store it at a safe place!
   3.  If you missed step one and two, make a copy of you wallet.dat file and store it at a safe place!
   4.  Now, after you made a copy of your wallet.dat file and stored it in a safe place, delete the entire FairCoin data directory
  5.   Start the new wallet and let it download the new block chain. This takes about 10 to 30 minutes depending on your internet connection and your computers performance. (Your balance will NOT be displayed yet, so don't worry!) Also, you should not create a FairCoin.conf file, it is not needed.
   6.  After your new wallet successfully synchronized to the network, stop it
   7.  Copy your old wallet.dat file (you made a backup copy of earlier) to the newly create FairCoin data directory
   8.  Start the wallet again and it will display your complete balance (if your balance differs from the one your wrote down please contact us at
Please note that there will be timely gap of about 1 to 3 hours between the end of the old block chain and the availability of the new wallet version because we have to convert the hole block chain and build and deploy the new binary release. This means that the old and the new version can not be used at the same time, because the new wallet does not work on the old block chain and vice versa.
Questions and support
If you still have any questions or need support please contact our forum thread here or contact us directly at
Further information with the technical details of the block chain conversion process here:
NEXT 1.5 FairCoin Wallet Release: CALL FOR TESTERS
see the complete statement and acces to the beta wallet here:
The upcoming version of the FairCoin client software will be an important step for the Faircoin development!!
IT will not only be a hard fork release, it is in fact more like releasing a completely new coin. The existing block chain will been converted to make use of the much faster and proven SHA256 hash algorithm. This gives us 2 major advantages:
    It is much easier to port existing software that was written for Bitcoin to the FairCoin network.
    E.g. The Bitcoin wallet for android, the Electrum Bitcoin wallet, libbitcoin, etc.
    Much better performance! The scrypt hash algorithem that was used up until now is much slower compared to the SHA256 hash algorithm.
Also one important step will be the solve of the mintpal claimed coins problem with this new release
The new block chain will contain a special block that recovers about 4,000,000 FAIR that were freely distributed at the start of FairCoin back in March 2014 and have never been used since then or are simply lost.
Read the link for further information. Again:
PLEASE, TEST IT, and share your experience here in this topic.
(you could also test it with your friends, to send test faircoins from different wallets, and testing of multisignature feature)
Getfaircoin launch
13/01/ 2015
Second Faircoop Bulletin ->
Please read carefully!
- Introduction
we waited until we have more information, to make this statement. With the possibility to give us time enough to study the better strategy,
for solving the problems that we relate below, without increasing the possibility for an hypotetical scammer to make unrecoverable the coins or sell for bitcoins. Now we think that this possibilities are reduced enough to make it public and require the collaboration of the faircoin community.
- how the situation of mintpal coins arrived to the hands of Faircoin development team
The Mintpal Wallet contained:                      14946903.112935999408 FAIR
The balance of the account data counted:   21787698.41457512 FAIR
Faircoins withdrawed in mintpal v2:               -243666,36021 FAIR
Coins missing:                                               -6597129,30163912
- how we have procedeed the withdrawal of mintpal coins.
Smartaction had an account in mintpal of 9079874,833373 faircoin that belongs to a cooperative investment fund in benefit of different local projects.
He decided to give the advantage to other holders to withdraw their coins first, and everyone had the oportunity to receive their coins
and at least three weeks of time to do it.
Therefore the current  7174225,79808514 * in
will be withdrawed by smartaction and after this yet will be missing 6597129,30163912
1905649,03528786 from smartaction
4691480,26635124          unclaimed

* after deduct 40973,05805086 claimed by [Suspicious link removed] that we have frozen until confirm the balance of this multipool with faircoin users.

- Next steps
After this, we need your help for finishing the analysis where the lost coins are, and confirm if we have data enough to recover it and if it makes sense to do it.
At the technical level Thomas has done a development to make possible to recover lost coins without changing yet nothing of the blockchain, therefore
all depends if we are secure enough about what needs to be done, and if the comunmunity support our plan.
In fact, we have done already a lot of work this past weeks related blockchain analysis and we discovered that the first thesis that mintpal v1 told us does not makes sense enough. Therefore there is no proof that this coins are in the hands of Ryan/aleen green from moolah, at least not most of them.
An important proof of this is there are not enough unidentified coins in adress younger than march 31 (data of mintpal beginning) to cover this 6.6 M coins.
The most probably option is that Mintpal V1 suffered in the early days of faircoin in mintpal, (march 31 - april 8 ; when faircoin had unvoluntary hard forks) from a block chain fork, a bug or a hack. If this is true, they credited coins to the balance of users when they actually shouldn't have.
Well, now, particularly, what we want now is to confirm if the addresses with a big amount which are not identified, belong to anyone that is reading us, or if are stolen or lost. For this reason we have copied here this list of adresses: 
(43 adresses older than 31 march not identified with more than 20000 FAIR)
Please PM smartaction if any of this addresses is yours and after you confirm your ownership we will update this list, and this will help us
to finish our analysis. Please process your personal search as soon as possible in order we can advance to the next steps sooner.
Otherwise if you detected in the past specially first days of Faircoin in Mintpal, any irregularity when you made deposits in Mintpal (like no transaction appeared in the good blockchain, but the balance was updated in your mintpal account), let us know.
- After this
If we decide together on how to recover the confirmed lost coins. This will be distributed in this order to
* smartaction pending coins
* unclaimed coins that became claimed -only until december 31th, 2014
* projects and bounties to continue improving the faircoop and faircoin environtment
Enric Duran (smartaction) and Thomas Konig (thokon00)
Faircoin development team.
First FairCoop Bulletin ->
17-18-19-.... /11/2014
The mintpal coins are coming back to their owners
If you was a mintpal user, you did receive an email with the required steps
to receive your coins on 18-11-2014 GMT
Here everyone can follow the mintpal coins being delivered ->
yet, lots of users pending of filling their form!
GOOD NEWS, FINALLY!!!    Grin  Grin  Grin
Mintpal V1 has sent the wallet.dat and user/ balances info to the faircoin dev team!
Now, we are in control of the mintpal v1 coins ->
Today we will begin withdrawals with the already filled forms, will ask adress to the other users, and will begin proceding with the next steps to recover the faircoin normality! 
The Mintpal form has been closed  we will give you updates regards the Mintpal recovery soon
To all the FairCoin fellows who had or have yet their FairCoins at Mintpal!
We were talking with the Mintpal V1 team about how to redistribute the missing FairCoins, they don't have access to the Mintpal V2 system, but they have confirmed that Ryan doesn't control the FairCoins! Mintpal V1 is in control of the missing FairCoins and these are good news!
So we are going to help the Mintpal V1 team by requesting additional information to help to quickly set up a working withdrawal procedure.
lease fill in the form below to prepare a possible manual withdrawal. It is important to provide as accurate information as possible so we can correctly match it to your balance.
The form is open!
This form will be available only until Tuesday, October 28th at 23:00 GMT.
Yours Enric Duran (smartaction) and Thomas König (thokon00)
October 24th
New FairCoop Video "Faircoin and a fair economic system" ->>
Updated the Fair Coop councils members ->>
September 22th
Fair Coop Crowdfunding campaign (Fairfunding + Fairsaving) launched ->>
September 17th
Fair coop Launched ---->>>  See the Roadmap here ->
September 16th
Fair Coop Pre-Launch Promotion video:
September 11th update:
Launched a shorter privacy friendly to promote the fair economy
September 9th update:
Launched the new main wallet. 1.2 Version with new features like coincontrol and minting view
September 8th update: 
The people from the Coop together with people from other groups around the world are working hard from lasts weeks
in a new broader cooperative that has been called Fair Coop
This coop will not accept fiat money and faircoin will be the only cryptocurrency accepted.
I, as a member of this launching team, have the mandate today to show this picture in advance:

Right now begins the precampaign in social media, to prepare the launch day
You can collaborate by:
- Liking on Facebook
- following on twitter
- tweeting with the double hashtag #faircoop #faircoin
- Subscribing to the faircoin subreddit that will be shared between faircoin and faircoop
The launch will be some day between 16 and 19 of september.  Meanwhile a lot of work is being done daily with about 10-12 people
working in a permanent online hackaton for this launch
Best regards for everyone
New Wallet version v1.2.0 available
The FairCoin Development team is proud to announce the availability of the new
FairCoin wallet release v1.2.0. Get it here, sources:
Please note we have a new FairCoinTeam user, which is accessible by smartaction, drakandar and thokon00
Please also note that there was a hard fork at block 15680 (2014-07-24 18:54:34 GMT). Please update your wallet immediately. If you do not update you won't be able to sync to the network and you even might loose coins.
WARNING: always backup your wallet.dat file prior updating
For those of you who didn't update yet, please DO IT NOW! If you mint on the wrong block chain your staked blocks are LOST. And don't move any funds around until you update your wallet to at least v1.1.1 or you will LOOSE COINS!!
You can get the wallet v1.2.0 for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X here:

Note from the FairCoin Development Team:
Faircoin begun in march with this First ANN
FairCoin was abandoned at the end of April 2014 by its original developer; but not after promising huge projects, private investors, and much more. The FairCoin community was left to sit with unfulfilled promises, high hopes diminished, and a moral completely drained. A few leaders in the remaining community organized a new development team, consisting of some of the most devoted members.
This was the context of our second ANN
From the initial community take over, a team of three committed individuals, was who really give continuity to the dev team: smartaction, drakandar and thokon00
Because the creator of the second ANN was not really involved and this was inefficient to have a good communication, we decided to close the second ANN at the same time of the First hard fork, and we created this third ANN really accessible by the current FairCoin Development Team.
Thanks for your confidence
FairCoin Development Team
Breaking news july 31th:
A cooperative of about 4000 members has endorsed faircoin
A cooperative of about 4000 members interested in to promote the fair
economy, has decided to endorse faircoin and is working in a project for
the publical promotion and extension of faircoin that will be published
with all the details in september. Because they want to lead directly
the communication of their campaign we are not authorised to publish
more details at the moment.
This will be a big step for our community, and we call everybody to be
involved and be part of this faircoin and fair economy project, when
becames released.
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Activity: 1918
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Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform

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April 12, 2015, 08:50:57 AM

i made this first page refresh concept, tell me if you like it all the text buttons weight only 144kb less than half of size of current faircoin.png logo, a text can be added to the sides of top image.


FairCoin is a decentralised virtual currency, distributed through a vast airdrop process during the 6th and 8th of March, 2014. An approximate 49,750 addresses were logged for the giveaway, each able to claim 1000 FAIR per hour. Automated airdrop claiming methods had no effect, as each IP address could register once per hour, and 2 different captchas had to be solved. These security precautions were hidden till the day of distribution. FairCoin's vast distribution method allowed a good portion of the cryptocurrency community to claim a little bit of the 50,000,000 FairCoins, each.

Promotes Equality and a Fair Economy.

    Faircoin is the first fairly distributed crypto currency.
    99.99% Proof-Of-Stake, rewarding savers.
    All the coins were premined and fairly distributed to thousands from all over the world.
    Backed by a strong, diverse and committed community.
    Promotes prosperity and financial freedom with real value.
    Working to become the coin of fair trade.

Faircoop Launches donation rush. 100.000 FAIR to the first 100 non profits that accepts faircoin donations

Released Faircoin Android Wallet. Beta version.

Released Faircoin wallet V1.5.1
Recommended upgrade. Maintenance release:


FairCoin v1.5.0


This release contains some major changes to FairCoin. Our aim is to develop FairCoin further and prepare it for broad adoption. With the changes we've made to the code base the development of merchant applications, alternative FairCoin wallets and mobile applications now becomes easier and can be implemented faster. We have improved the performance of the FairCoin wallet significantly. The overall speed gain and still maintaining the same high level of block chain security is also a prerequisite to establish a reliable and stable monetary system for https://Fair.Coop.

What do you need to do

On thursday, the 26th of February 2015 at block height 94613 all versions older than v1.5.0 are obsolete and must not be used any more. It is best to avoid using the old wallet the entire day, although it is possible to use it until block 94613 occurred on the network. At around 19:00 - 23:00 UTC the new wallet will be available for download here:

 After you have downloaded the new release, please follow the guide below.

   1.  Make a copy of your wallet.dat file and store it at a safe place! Write down the FAIR balance that is displayed in your old wallet.
   2.  If you haven't done yet make a copy of your wallet.dat file and store it at a safe place!
   3.  If you missed step one and two, make a copy of you wallet.dat file and store it at a safe place!
   4.  Now, after you made a copy of your wallet.dat file and stored it in a safe place, delete the entire FairCoin data directory
  5.   Start the new wallet and let it download the new block chain. This takes about 10 to 30 minutes depending on your internet connection and your computers performance. (Your balance will NOT be displayed yet, so don't worry!) Also, you should not create a FairCoin.conf file, it is not needed.
   6.  After your new wallet successfully synchronized to the network, stop it
   7.  Copy your old wallet.dat file (you made a backup copy of earlier) to the newly create FairCoin data directory
   8.  Start the wallet again and it will display your complete balance (if your balance differs from the one your wrote down please contact us at

Please note that there will be timely gap of about 1 to 3 hours between the end of the old block chain and the availability of the new wallet version because we have to convert the hole block chain and build and deploy the new binary release. This means that the old and the new version can not be used at the same time, because the new wallet does not work on the old block chain and vice versa.
Questions and support

If you still have any questions or need support please contact our forum thread here or contact us directly at

Further information with the technical details of the block chain conversion process here:

NEXT 1.5 FairCoin Wallet Release: CALL FOR TESTERS

see the complete statement and acces to the beta wallet here:

The upcoming version of the FairCoin client software will be an important step for the Faircoin development!!

IT will not only be a hard fork release, it is in fact more like releasing a completely new coin. The existing block chain will been converted to make use of the much faster and proven SHA256 hash algorithm. This gives us 2 major advantages:

    It is much easier to port existing software that was written for Bitcoin to the FairCoin network.
    E.g. The Bitcoin wallet for android, the Electrum Bitcoin wallet, libbitcoin, etc.

    Much better performance! The scrypt hash algorithem that was used up until now is much slower compared to the SHA256 hash algorithm.

Also one important step will be the solve of the mintpal claimed coins problem with this new release

The new block chain will contain a special block that recovers about 4,000,000 FAIR that were freely distributed at the start of FairCoin back in March 2014 and have never been used since then or are simply lost.

Read the link for further information. Again:

PLEASE, TEST IT, and share your experience here in this topic.
(you could also test it with your friends, to send test faircoins from different wallets, and testing of multisignature feature)

Getfaircoin launch

13/01/ 2015
Second Faircoop Bulletin ->

Please read carefully!

- Introduction

we waited until we have more information, to make this statement. With the possibility to give us time enough to study the better strategy,
for solving the problems that we relate below, without increasing the possibility for an hypotetical scammer to make unrecoverable the coins or sell for bitcoins. Now we think that this possibilities are reduced enough to make it public and require the collaboration of the faircoin community.

- how the situation of mintpal coins arrived to the hands of Faircoin development team

The Mintpal Wallet contained:                      14946903.112935999408 FAIR
The balance of the account data counted:   21787698.41457512 FAIR
Faircoins withdrawed in mintpal v2:               -243666,36021 FAIR
Coins missing:                                               -6597129,30163912

- how we have procedeed the withdrawal of mintpal coins.

Smartaction had an account in mintpal of 9079874,833373 faircoin that belongs to a cooperative investment fund in benefit of different local projects.
He decided to give the advantage to other holders to withdraw their coins first, and everyone had the oportunity to receive their coins
and at least three weeks of time to do it.

Therefore the current  7174225,79808514 * in
will be withdrawed by smartaction and after this yet will be missing 6597129,30163912

1905649,03528786 from smartaction
4691480,26635124          unclaimed

* after deduct 40973,05805086 claimed by [Suspicious link removed] that we have frozen until confirm the balance of this multipool with faircoin users.

- Next steps
After this, we need your help for finishing the analysis where the lost coins are, and confirm if we have data enough to recover it and if it makes sense to do it.

At the technical level Thomas has done a development to make possible to recover lost coins without changing yet nothing of the blockchain, therefore
all depends if we are secure enough about what needs to be done, and if the comunmunity support our plan.

In fact, we have done already a lot of work this past weeks related blockchain analysis and we discovered that the first thesis that mintpal v1 told us does not makes sense enough. Therefore there is no proof that this coins are in the hands of Ryan/aleen green from moolah, at least not most of them.
An important proof of this is there are not enough unidentified coins in adress younger than march 31 (data of mintpal beginning) to cover this 6.6 M coins.
The most probably option is that Mintpal V1 suffered in the early days of faircoin in mintpal, (march 31 - april 8 ; when faircoin had unvoluntary hard forks) from a block chain fork, a bug or a hack. If this is true, they credited coins to the balance of users when they actually shouldn't have.

Well, now, particularly, what we want now is to confirm if the addresses with a big amount which are not identified, belong to anyone that is reading us, or if are stolen or lost. For this reason we have copied here this list of adresses:  
(43 adresses older than 31 march not identified with more than 20000 FAIR)

Please PM smartaction if any of this addresses is yours and after you confirm your ownership we will update this list, and this will help us
to finish our analysis. Please process your personal search as soon as possible in order we can advance to the next steps sooner.

Otherwise if you detected in the past specially first days of Faircoin in Mintpal, any irregularity when you made deposits in Mintpal (like no transaction appeared in the good blockchain, but the balance was updated in your mintpal account), let us know.

- After this

If we decide together on how to recover the confirmed lost coins. This will be distributed in this order to
* smartaction pending coins
* unclaimed coins that became claimed -only until december 31th, 2014
* projects and bounties to continue improving the faircoop and faircoin environtment

Enric Duran (smartaction) and Thomas Konig (thokon00)
Faircoin development team.

First FairCoop Bulletin ->

17-18-19-.... /11/2014
The mintpal coins are coming back to their owners

If you was a mintpal user, you did receive an email with the required steps
to receive your coins on 18-11-2014 GMT

Here everyone can follow the mintpal coins being delivered ->

yet, lots of users pending of filling their form!

GOOD NEWS, FINALLY!!!    Grin  Grin  Grin

Mintpal V1 has sent the wallet.dat and user/ balances info to the faircoin dev team!

Now, we are in control of the mintpal v1 coins ->

Today we will begin withdrawals with the already filled forms, will ask adress to the other users, and will begin proceding with the next steps to recover the faircoin normality!  

The Mintpal form has been closed  we will give you updates regards the Mintpal recovery soon


To all the FairCoin fellows who had or have yet their FairCoins at Mintpal!

We were talking with the Mintpal V1 team about how to redistribute the missing FairCoins, they don't have access to the Mintpal V2 system, but they have confirmed that Ryan doesn't control the FairCoins! Mintpal V1 is in control of the missing FairCoins and these are good news!

So we are going to help the Mintpal V1 team by requesting additional information to help to quickly set up a working withdrawal procedure.

lease fill in the form below to prepare a possible manual withdrawal. It is important to provide as accurate information as possible so we can correctly match it to your balance.

The form is open!

This form will be available only until Tuesday, October 28th at 23:00 GMT.

Yours Enric Duran (smartaction) and Thomas König (thokon00)


October 24th
New FairCoop Video "Faircoin and a fair economic system" ->>
Updated the Fair Coop councils members ->>

September 22th
Fair Coop Crowdfunding campaign (Fairfunding + Fairsaving) launched ->>

September 17th
Fair coop Launched ---->>>  See the Roadmap here ->

September 16th
Fair Coop Pre-Launch Promotion video:

September 11th update:
Launched a shorter privacy friendly to promote the fair economy

September 9th update:
Launched the new main wallet. 1.2 Version with new features like coincontrol and minting view

September 8th update:  
The people from the Coop together with people from other groups around the world are working hard from lasts weeks
in a new broader cooperative that has been called Fair Coop

This coop will not accept fiat money and faircoin will be the only cryptocurrency accepted.

I, as a member of this launching team, have the mandate today to show this picture in advance:

Right now begins the precampaign in social media, to prepare the launch day
You can collaborate by:

- Liking on Facebook
- following on twitter
- tweeting with the double hashtag #faircoop #faircoin
- Subscribing to the faircoin subreddit that will be shared between faircoin and faircoop

The launch will be some day between 16 and 19 of september.  Meanwhile a lot of work is being done daily with about 10-12 people
working in a permanent online hackaton for this launch

Best regards for everyone

New Wallet version v1.2.0 available

The FairCoin Development team is proud to announce the availability of the new
FairCoin wallet release v1.2.0. Get it here, sources:

Please note we have a new FairCoinTeam user, which is accessible by smartaction, drakandar and thokon00

Please also note that there was a hard fork at block 15680 (2014-07-24 18:54:34 GMT). Please update your wallet immediately. If you do not update you won't be able to sync to the network and you even might loose coins.
WARNING: always backup your wallet.dat file prior updating

For those of you who didn't update yet, please DO IT NOW! If you mint on the wrong block chain your staked blocks are LOST. And don't move any funds around until you update your wallet to at least v1.1.1 or you will LOOSE COINS!!

You can get the wallet v1.2.0 for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X here:

Note from the FairCoin Development Team:
Faircoin begun in march with this First ANN

FairCoin was abandoned at the end of April 2014 by its original developer; but not after promising huge projects, private investors, and much more. The FairCoin community was left to sit with unfulfilled promises, high hopes diminished, and a moral completely drained. A few leaders in the remaining community organized a new development team, consisting of some of the most devoted members.

This was the context of our second ANN

From the initial community take over, a team of three committed individuals, was who really give continuity to the dev team: smartaction, drakandar and thokon00

Because the creator of the second ANN was not really involved and this was inefficient to have a good communication, we decided to close the second ANN at the same time of the First hard fork, and we created this third ANN really accessible by the current FairCoin Development Team.

Thanks for your confidence

FairCoin Development Team

Breaking news july 31th:
A cooperative of about 4000 members has endorsed faircoin

A cooperative of about 4000 members interested in to promote the fair
economy, has decided to endorse faircoin and is working in a project for
the publical promotion and extension of faircoin that will be published
with all the details in september. Because they want to lead directly
the communication of their campaign we are not authorised to publish
more details at the moment.
This will be a big step for our community, and we call everybody to be
involved and be part of this faircoin and fair economy project, when
becames released.

- POW/POS Hybrid
- 50,000,000 premined coins distributed through the airdrop on March 6th and 8th of the year 2014
- Flat 6%/year minting reward, halving every year until reaching the baseline of 1.5%
- 21/90 days Min/Max Weight
- 3.3 Minutes Block Target
- DarkGravityWaveV3 Difficulty Retarget
- 0.001 Coin Mining Reward

Download the new FairCoin Wallet V1.5.1 here:
Sources are here:

* Coin control implemented
* Added Minting view
* Windows and Mac OS X installer are now FairCoin branded
* New look with new icons (thanks to SomeRelax)
* Added new hardened checkpoints
* Replaced currency symbol FAC with FAIR
* Menu entry in trasaction view to clear orphan minted/mined blocks
* We don't poll It doesn't exist any more
* Fixed spinner icon which is displayed during block chain download

* fixed a bug where all mined block would be rejected. See here:

* added new checkpoint and activated synchronous checkpointing
* re-activated mining for the following algos: grøstl, scrypt and sha256
  remember this is NOT a PoW coin but PoS, if you mine this coin you only supports the network.
  The reward is only 0.001 FAIR
* unlock wallet menu item and unlock wallet button (to easily start minting blocks)
* updated to Qt5
* testnet optimizations
* immediate availability of binaries for the following operation systems:
  Linux 32 and 64bit, Windows 32 and 64bit, Mac OS X and RasperryPi (Official)

A new block explorer is in development

 Pay all your bills easy and fast with FairCoins  Faircoin donation button for your webpage  Realtime statistics, API Easy Currency Conversion, Widgets    MarketCap & Statistics   MarketCap

You can follow inside updates of new projects in

I like this refresh!  Cheesy

If everyone likes it. I could do a review before making this update in the ANN   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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April 12, 2015, 09:31:55 AM

it looks great!
Jack Liver
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April 12, 2015, 01:25:31 PM

please don't quote  Grin

refer to this post i'm still updating

I like this refresh!  Cheesy

If everyone likes it. I could do a review before making this update in the ANN

if anyone has suggestions...

when everything is fine i can post code on pastebin, if needed i can pack all images for a private hosting.
Jack Liver
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Activity: 1981
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April 12, 2015, 04:21:09 PM

ok i've integrated Specs and Values in the top image, total weight of the page is less than 210kb  Cool

this is the code edit as you like, add 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 wallet changelogs if you have them  Grin

these are files if you want to host on a private space instead of imgur.!Ct1VQRoR!QvwuZslwRZQ93bWTmUIFsAlwYGyvYlKKGEFcloe4Ut8
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April 13, 2015, 06:31:37 PM

nice activity on bitterex today.. Smiley
Jack Liver
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Activity: 1981
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April 13, 2015, 06:32:33 PM

Can we ask to add FairCoin to this site is awsome  Shocked

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April 13, 2015, 06:36:56 PM

Do we have a faircoin richlist ?
Jack Liver
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April 13, 2015, 06:48:02 PM

i think soon Enric replied some weeks ago to that question  Wink

bitinfocharts is marvelous, first thing i noticed is blockchain size of peercoin,
really small, maybe thanks to the fees that prevent blockchain spam ?
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April 13, 2015, 06:58:03 PM

If you have reddit account you can upvote chip chap news in the bitcoin reddit (already in the first page)

they announced support for Bitcoin and Faircoin for the bigger ATM network in the world
and i added a comment here:
that also can be upvoted :-)   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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April 13, 2015, 07:09:16 PM

Can we ask to add FairCoin to this site is awsome  Shocked

I suggested this contact to our PR person  Wink   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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Faircoin Development Team Member

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April 13, 2015, 08:16:37 PM

Doing some 'wallet testing' for friends Wink

FairCoin; sharing it, loving it Smiley

Faircoin, the coin of the fair economy | | | The Earth cooperative to create a new economic system, based in global fairness
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April 13, 2015, 08:19:43 PM

Can we ask to add FairCoin to this site is awsome  Shocked

I suggested this contact to our PR person  Wink
Great site indeed Smiley

For the time being; one of my personal favorites:

Faircoin, the coin of the fair economy | | | The Earth cooperative to create a new economic system, based in global fairness
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April 13, 2015, 08:43:07 PM

Doing some 'wallet testing' for friends Wink

FairCoin; sharing it, loving it Smiley

Gr8 Job!! drakandar!
FairCoinTeam (OP)
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April 13, 2015, 11:17:46 PM
Last edit: April 13, 2015, 11:40:18 PM by FairCoinTeam

ok i've integrated Specs and Values in the top image, total weight of the page is less than 210kb  Cool

this is the code edit as you like, add 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 wallet changelogs if you have them  Grin

these are files if you want to host on a private space instead of imgur.!Ct1VQRoR!QvwuZslwRZQ93bWTmUIFsAlwYGyvYlKKGEFcloe4Ut8

Great! Updated in the frontpage  Cheesy
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April 13, 2015, 11:40:51 PM

And..... the price in has changed from 1€ = 95 FAIR  to 1 = € 90 FAIR in order to adjust to the sustained demand that makes grows the cost of getting faircoin in Bittrex.   Smiley   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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Jack Liver
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April 14, 2015, 02:05:49 AM

i see some problems in the first page, so i've update the pastebin with additional text in the What is Faircoin and Changelogs, just delete everything and paste  Grin

i'm thinking a way for make more compact History a solution can be: FairCoinTeam make or edit an old post with the History and we link at that post in the main thread, unfortunatly the board doesn't support spoiler tags  Sad
FairCoinTeam (OP)
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April 14, 2015, 07:06:20 AM

i see some problems in the first page, so i've update the pastebin with additional text in the What is Faircoin and Changelogs, just delete everything and paste  Grin

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Activity: 286
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April 14, 2015, 07:19:52 AM

Doing some 'wallet testing' for friends Wink

FairCoin; sharing it, loving it Smiley

Gr8 Job!! drakandar!

Thnx, but most kudo's go to Canton Becker for creating (for BitCoin) it in the first place, then to Thomas for adapting it to FairCoin Smiley

Faircoin, the coin of the fair economy | | | The Earth cooperative to create a new economic system, based in global fairness
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