OK We have a QBK Multipool at , the more people the more earnings will be paid out so we have set a mining Bonus !!
This is how it will work , I have set miners up on all of the Algos (SHA256,Scrypt,X11,X13) , every friday I will generate a report which will tell me the % of shares each miner has submitted/contributed to the QBK multipool, of the QBK the QBK miners earn 50% of these will be split between all miners of the pool based on the % of shares contributed by them , and will be paid directly to the username/QBK wallet address they are using !!
The other 50% of QBK earn't will be used for running costs of the miners we are using and and anything above that will be placed into the Bagholders dividend fund to be used in payouts every month!!
So this will be paid out every weekend!!
This is another way we are supporting QBK supporters , help increase our presents in the crypto community , increase demand on QBK in general and build our assets for all QBK members in the long run!!
So point your miners,computers or pick's (if thats what you mine with and get the hash rate vooooommmming!!
The more Hash rate there the more valuable coins can be added and mined and in turn the higher the payouts for all QBK miners!!
QBK multipool