Interesting, thinking of investing. few questions:
1. Private keys are encrypted and sent over RPC-SSL? So that nasty OpenSSL heartbleed vulnerability would have created a gaping hole in rootcoin network. How can we be sure than OpenSSL - and so rootcoin - is safe to use?
no. private keys will be pgp-encrypted. RootCoin protocoll is safe. heartbleed bug affects rpcssl and ssl communication layer.
(well if you use an OLD openssl-version in your server-infrastructure and have a daemon running there, then you re not safe, thats right, but then also a bitcoindaemon or anyother sensible data wouldn't be safe) --> ROOTCOIN itself is a safe proejct.
2. if the sender's client is creating the private key, what is to prevent a double spend if the receiver does not sweep the key and transfer funds to their own address immediately?
thats also correct. i am the only person which will have access to the private-keys. means every investor should
transfer them to an own key to really make sure no risk is given.
and as i already posted in the OP. i am also able to transfer the coins AFTER the launch to a provided ROOT-addr.
hope it s clear. if you still have questions just drop me a note.