January 12, 2015, 12:43:00 PM |
this coin is getting more interesting the longer it gets. great dev.
will watch how much price this coin can get in the future
January 12, 2015, 03:23:00 PM |
ENTER THE SHADOW Converting sdc to shadow is never a prob. going the other way can be a little fiddly at the moment (no big deal) but that will change when peeps start converting more of their holdings into Shadow Send a few sdc>shadow txs of diff size to mix it up some. Check the Chain Data section of ur wallet to see what you've created! keep them as shadow as long as you can and convert different amounts back to sdc gradually if need be.. Someone mentioned sending 1111.11111111, thats a cool idea. be creative. these shadowy tokens are the shizzle. We must destroy sdc to create Shadow. We must restore balance to the Force. At the moment there is too much light. We need the power of the dark side to grow (50/50 shadow/sdc) live long anon \o/ It's as if Ryno + Technovert just gave us a new car, say it's a Ferrari. Now we gotta learn how to drive it. We're still parked. (hehe) UPDATE: At this time I count roughly 42,000 shadow on the Chain Data. Lets see how quickly we can get to 420,000 Shadow and then to 1,000,000 (we should have a celebration for this milestone  )  UPDATE: Now at roughly 60,000 Shadow tokens on the network. Well done those of you that have begun destroying some SDC in favour of the ZK anon Shadow tokens! But we need MORE! MUCH MUCH MORE!So still under 1% of SDC has entered the way of the Shadow. The target should be (at least) 50% IMO. Reminder: - We need more Shadow tokens to add more anon inputs/outputs for anon transactions. - Also don't forget to stake your SDC! Shadow tokens don't stake BUT using them will add transaction fees for staking wallets to collect. - Destroying SDC for Shadow will decrease available SDC supply. Think about that. I am curious about this. I think we can assume the dev team owns MUCH more than 60,000 SDC. Is there a reason why they have not converted more to Shadow themselves? Perhaps they feel like staking SDC to protect the network is more important than converting right now? Can someone shed some more light on this? Thanks!
Activity: 1133
Merit: 1050
January 12, 2015, 04:02:41 PM |
I am curious about this. I think we can assume the dev team owns MUCH more than 60,000 SDC. Is there a reason why they have not converted more to Shadow themselves? Perhaps they feel like staking SDC to protect the network is more important than converting right now?
Can someone shed some more light on this? Thanks!
I'm not part of the development team, but I know the reason why I haven't converted more Shadow for myself: lack of commerce opportunities. I assume this is the case for many holders. It's great seeing the amount of Shadow available grow but I'm assuming until the marketplace is ready, places like accept it and shop owners accept it the amount will stay low compared with SDC. The majority of transactions are either OTC trades or transfers between exchanges and traders atm (my guess).
January 12, 2015, 04:16:39 PM |
I am curious about this. I think we can assume the dev team owns MUCH more than 60,000 SDC. Is there a reason why they have not converted more to Shadow themselves? Perhaps they feel like staking SDC to protect the network is more important than converting right now?
Can someone shed some more light on this? Thanks!
I'm not part of the development team, but I know the reason why I haven't converted more Shadow for myself: lack of commerce opportunities. I assume this is the case for many holders. It's great seeing the amount of Shadow available grow but I'm assuming until the marketplace is ready, places like accept it and shop owners accept it the amount will stay low compared with SDC. The majority of transactions are either OTC trades or transfers between exchanges and traders atm (my guess). Spot on. Until the decentralized marketplace in the wallet gets added I will keep my SDC as SDC but as soon as that switch happens, I will swap it all.
"the destruction of privacy widens the existing power imbalance between the ruling factions and everyone else" -- Julian Assange
January 12, 2015, 06:03:16 PM |
Over 0.5 btc was donated in the last 24 hours... Keep going as the target is not far off.
Less than 2 btc in order to raise enough funds for the SDC peer review.
That's not even 0.02 btc per person if 100 community members chip in, under $6 each!
DONATE TODAY AND FEEL PROUD TO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO A PART OF CRYPTO HISTORY  Ok i sent a donation  BUMP! Get ur hands outta ur pockets!  Shadow community, only 1.6 BTC remaining... let's go!
Automatic Monkey
January 12, 2015, 06:24:04 PM |
I am curious about this. I think we can assume the dev team owns MUCH more than 60,000 SDC. Is there a reason why they have not converted more to Shadow themselves? Perhaps they feel like staking SDC to protect the network is more important than converting right now?
Can someone shed some more light on this? Thanks!
I'm not part of the development team, but I know the reason why I haven't converted more Shadow for myself: lack of commerce opportunities. I assume this is the case for many holders. It's great seeing the amount of Shadow available grow but I'm assuming until the marketplace is ready, places like accept it and shop owners accept it the amount will stay low compared with SDC. The majority of transactions are either OTC trades or transfers between exchanges and traders atm (my guess). Over on the Tor dark markets they mostly use BTC, they know about DRK, but they don't seem to know about Shadow. Maybe we can spread the word. SDC has been pretty stable in the past few weeks which is more than can be said for BTC!
Try ShadowCash, the first coin with instant and decentralized private transactions! SDC address: SUPERMAN8eDvcPL6RWYMVwtPzUtqWi2zCr Wallet Private Key: 7S6fJBEzXqJuuGCvEPcgBSbd5wmjVTvDj7591gNKcTmS7X47e98
January 12, 2015, 06:50:55 PM |
I am curious about this. I think we can assume the dev team owns MUCH more than 60,000 SDC. Is there a reason why they have not converted more to Shadow themselves? Perhaps they feel like staking SDC to protect the network is more important than converting right now?
Can someone shed some more light on this? Thanks!
I'm not part of the development team, but I know the reason why I haven't converted more Shadow for myself: lack of commerce opportunities. I assume this is the case for many holders. It's great seeing the amount of Shadow available grow but I'm assuming until the marketplace is ready, places like accept it and shop owners accept it the amount will stay low compared with SDC. The majority of transactions are either OTC trades or transfers between exchanges and traders atm (my guess). Over on the Tor dark markets they mostly use BTC, they know about DRK, but they don't seem to know about Shadow. Maybe we can spread the word. SDC has been pretty stable in the past few weeks which is more than can be said for BTC! There is this new site "Silk Road Reloaded" that operates on i2p: use BTC, DRK, Anoncoin, and a bunch of others I guess. They say they will be adding more coins too. Seems like Shadow would be a good fit.
January 12, 2015, 07:24:53 PM |
I am curious about this. I think we can assume the dev team owns MUCH more than 60,000 SDC. Is there a reason why they have not converted more to Shadow themselves? Perhaps they feel like staking SDC to protect the network is more important than converting right now?
Can someone shed some more light on this? Thanks!
I'm not part of the development team, but I know the reason why I haven't converted more Shadow for myself: lack of commerce opportunities. I assume this is the case for many holders. It's great seeing the amount of Shadow available grow but I'm assuming until the marketplace is ready, places like accept it and shop owners accept it the amount will stay low compared with SDC. The majority of transactions are either OTC trades or transfers between exchanges and traders atm (my guess). Spot on. Until the decentralized marketplace in the wallet gets added I will keep my SDC as SDC but as soon as that switch happens, I will swap it all. No, no, no! Do we understand the concept of a bittorent share ratio? Do we stop seeding a torrent if we are the last seed? Do we upload content to the bittorrent network? Do you expect something for nothing? Besides donating to the code review the ONLY thing you need to do to show your commitment to this project is DESTROY SDC and create SHADOW. Is that asking too much? As a community we should demonstrate our conviction that Anonymity is something worth fighting for. IMHO If members of this community don't destroy 10% of their SDC to create Shadow they SUCK. Unless your intention is to sell all your SDC asap then gtfo of this community and sell your coins to somebody who actually appreciates this tech and cares about the human race. There is NO GOOD REASON not to start destroying SDC. Moreover you completely miss the point. Having lots of Shadow helps with Shadow>SDC tx's as much as Shadow>Shadow. Destroy 10% of your SDC or (IMO) you suck and have no place in this community Now erok and LiteBit I know to be good men. Please reply to this message by telling me you have destroyed some of your SDC. Gauntlet thrown gentlemen. Prove yourselves. p.s. the only reason we have 60k shadow is because of me, the DEV team and a couple other players.
Activity: 1133
Merit: 1050
January 12, 2015, 07:59:44 PM |
I have " destroyed converted" some SDC to Shadow, never said otherwise. I'm not as worried about this as you seem to be tho. We aren't destroying SDC like some folks "burn" coins for other coins, and those are never to be seen again. SDC can go to Shadow and Shadow can go back to SDC. They will both be around and that's OK. Holding one's coins as Shadow or SDC or some variant of both is a personal choice. A Shadow can be made in an instant and be gone even faster. 
January 12, 2015, 08:50:07 PM |
I have "destroyed converted" some SDC to Shadow, never said otherwise.
I'm not as worried about this as you seem to be tho. We aren't destroying SDC like some folks "burn" coins for other coins, and those are never to be seen again. SDC can go to Shadow and Shadow can go back to SDC. They will both be around and that's OK. Holding one's coins as Shadow or SDC or some variant of both is a personal choice. A Shadow can be made in an instant and be gone even faster.  \o/I just dont get people who choose NOT to create Shadow. As I said. IMO this is not in the spirit of Shadow. I stand by everything I wrote above. As a community we should demonstrate our conviction that Anonymity is something worth fighting for.
IMHO If members of this community don't destroy 10% of their SDC to create Shadow they SUCK. Unless your intention is to sell all your SDC asap then gtfo of this community and sell your coins to somebody who actually appreciates this tech and cares about the human race. There is NO GOOD REASON not to start destroying SDC.
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
January 12, 2015, 08:53:11 PM |
Since we are on the topic of marketplaces, maybe we could try to get an online pharmacy to start accepting shadow? accepts bitcoin, litecoin, doge, darkcoin, and peercoin. Maybe they'd be interested in expanding that list?
Automatic Monkey
January 12, 2015, 09:22:10 PM |
Since we are on the topic of marketplaces, maybe we could try to get an online pharmacy to start accepting shadow? accepts bitcoin, litecoin, doge, darkcoin, and peercoin. Maybe they'd be interested in expanding that list?
Another excellent idea, online pharmacies being one of those things that tread the line of legality and have a need for privacy but do not offend most people. Online casinos the same, and being they are only exchanging coin for like coin in their games there should be little resistance to just accepting another coin.
Try ShadowCash, the first coin with instant and decentralized private transactions! SDC address: SUPERMAN8eDvcPL6RWYMVwtPzUtqWi2zCr Wallet Private Key: 7S6fJBEzXqJuuGCvEPcgBSbd5wmjVTvDj7591gNKcTmS7X47e98
January 12, 2015, 09:46:05 PM |
Question: If I change SDC to Shadow it seems general consensus is it helps the network. It seems the issue is in the wallet it occasionally says something on the lines of "not enough anonymous outputs". So therefore changing SDC to Shadow is creating more anonymous outputs I am assuming. But what happens when you change from Shadow back to SDC, does this reduce the number of anonymous outputs or does anonymous outputs still remain the same? If it remains the same it would mean its advantageous to transfer from SDC to Shadow, back to SDC and back to Shadow many times, to increase the anonymous outputs. Any insight?
January 12, 2015, 10:19:47 PM |
Question: If I change SDC to Shadow it seems general consensus is it helps the network. It seems the issue is in the wallet it occasionally says something on the lines of "not enough anonymous outputs". So therefore changing SDC to Shadow is creating more anonymous outputs I am assuming. But what happens when you change from Shadow back to SDC, does this reduce the number of anonymous outputs or does anonymous outputs still remain the same? If it remains the same it would mean its advantageous to transfer from SDC to Shadow, back to SDC and back to Shadow many times, to increase the anonymous outputs. Any insight?
As i understand it: the amount of anon inputs/outputs is directly correlated to the amount of Shadow in the system. Therefor: Destroying SDC to create Shadow increases available I/O. Converting Shadow back to SDC reduces the available I/O. I believe it's as simple as that. So what are you all waiting for…?
January 13, 2015, 02:24:50 AM Last edit: January 13, 2015, 10:35:33 AM by child_harold |
I AM SHADOWJe suis Charlie
January 13, 2015, 08:52:22 AM |
+1000 Reap what you sow. Come on. Nearly there
Monero - Wir sind die Leute vor denen uns unsere Eltern gewarnt haben!
January 13, 2015, 12:27:29 PM |
I am curious about this. I think we can assume the dev team owns MUCH more than 60,000 SDC. Is there a reason why they have not converted more to Shadow themselves? Perhaps they feel like staking SDC to protect the network is more important than converting right now?
Can someone shed some more light on this? Thanks!
I'm not part of the development team, but I know the reason why I haven't converted more Shadow for myself: lack of commerce opportunities. I assume this is the case for many holders. It's great seeing the amount of Shadow available grow but I'm assuming until the marketplace is ready, places like accept it and shop owners accept it the amount will stay low compared with SDC. The majority of transactions are either OTC trades or transfers between exchanges and traders atm (my guess). Spot on. Until the decentralized marketplace in the wallet gets added I will keep my SDC as SDC but as soon as that switch happens, I will swap it all. No, no, no! Do we understand the concept of a bittorent share ratio? Do we stop seeding a torrent if we are the last seed? Do we upload content to the bittorrent network? Do you expect something for nothing? Besides donating to the code review the ONLY thing you need to do to show your commitment to this project is DESTROY SDC and create SHADOW. Is that asking too much? As a community we should demonstrate our conviction that Anonymity is something worth fighting for. IMHO If members of this community don't destroy 10% of their SDC to create Shadow they SUCK. Unless your intention is to sell all your SDC asap then gtfo of this community and sell your coins to somebody who actually appreciates this tech and cares about the human race. There is NO GOOD REASON not to start destroying SDC. Moreover you completely miss the point. Having lots of Shadow helps with Shadow>SDC tx's as much as Shadow>Shadow. Destroy 10% of your SDC or (IMO) you suck and have no place in this community Now erok and LiteBit I know to be good men. Please reply to this message by telling me you have destroyed some of your SDC. Gauntlet thrown gentlemen. Prove yourselves. p.s. the only reason we have 60k shadow is because of me, the DEV team and a couple other players. 
January 13, 2015, 01:00:15 PM Last edit: January 13, 2015, 01:44:35 PM by erok |
I am making a 10k date with shadow this weekend. I hope she treats me gud. *edit* 5k  <-- cuz I am scared of new.
"the destruction of privacy widens the existing power imbalance between the ruling factions and everyone else" -- Julian Assange