Looks like we have a second winner! (and it's not me...)
I won't mention any names either, but congrats to the winner!
Please let us know your thoughts on the miner relative to other miners you own, and your opinions on current, real products you do not own.
I try not to clutter the thread with my n00bish questions so I will add each in one post per page. Please direct me to the proper subforum if I ask things which should be discussed in such.
Back on the topic of luck being previously discussed.
I was taught early in my first days reading here and another forum luck is the master of mining and pools. It is obvious from the things people say if they know what they are talking about. I read through this entire thread so I had a good feel for the 'community' and then started moving hashpower here.
Unfortunately I am not the type of person to leave something alone unless I am confident it is not only functioning, it must be functioning correctly. Correct to me means to the best of its ability be that intended by the manufacturer or not. I am the same way with software and hardware. It is what I have done for 20+ years, albeit in a different niche industry, but the concepts are the same, I am learning the correct terms, syntax, etc and dying to find more resources.
When I read ck or kano say the cgminer defaults are the best and if you don't know what you are doing you shouldn't be playing with it, well they are dead on. In my case I want to know where I can learn about it so I can make the choice if I should change something and I will spend the time to learn it. I have a much better understanding of PPLNS today than I did yesterday and I thought I understood it well yesterday.
So I constantly reach out. A friend in Florida (I knew the guy for ten years online before we ever met in rl) he helped me learn and install DOS on an 8088. While I had played with C64, Ti offerings, etc I'd never felt the control the way DOS did. From there win 31 and on. I have not spent enough time with Unix / Linux but that is changing. I am building a linux box to use as a private web server and miner monitor which shows me the pool speed and local speed. I want the ability to see individual and collective actual and averages. When I want to learn something I pick a project and do it. I haven't started anything yet which I didn't finish, with the exception of some household chores I better do today
Thank you for listening if you did, and thanks in advance for putting up with the many n00bish things I may bring up. I like the feel of this pool from a community and learning standpoint and want to offer myself in that same vein. If I can do anything to help, need a unit to test something with, or in general see something I need to correct always feel free to hit me up.
Edit 1: Is the best place to read about the options or switches which may be used with cgminer in the password field of a miner in the cgminer documentation? I should read the TOC for CGminer before asking... yes, same as I remembered. I see:
--lowmem Minimise caching of shares for low memory applications
From what I understand at this point I can add this in my password field. Lets say my pass is currently 123, would I leave the 123 and the password field looks like: "123 --lowmem" (without quotation marks of-course)
Now, for exactly what thios option does I am not sure, but using common sense and reading the description provided:
A. Minimise caching of shares = OK, so CGminer will refresh the cache which holds share information more often.
B. for low memory applications = On this it is harder for me to guess as what defines a low memory application?
This is an example of where I am regarding these types of things. On the cusp of learning, and knowing where I should look for more information about this exact example will do more in teaching me how to fish rather than feeding me. Though I appreciate all of the above!
Thanks for the pool, and the great information shared.