HOW TO create a GAIA wallet skin:1. Create a dir with your skin name. For example (New Skin):
wallet/public/themes/newskin2. Copy some skin files there. A good example is theme4.
3. Do modifications in files, change images, css etc.
4. Open the following file with a text editor:
wallet/public/views/modal/settings.html5. Add skin name and dir name.
<option value="newskin">New Skin</option>
newskin = dir name with new skin(wallet/public/themes/newskin)
New Skin = skin name seen in Settings --> Wallet
This section before editing:
<option value="gaia">Gaia</option>
<option value="theme1">Dark Blue</option>
<option value="theme2">Black & Blue</option>
<option value="theme3">Black & Violet</option>
<option value="theme4">WoW!</option>
Should now look like:
<option value="gaia">Gaia</option>
<option value="theme1">Dark Blue</option>
<option value="theme2">Black & Blue</option>
<option value="theme3">Black & Violet</option>
<option value="theme4">WoW!</option>
<option value="newskin">New Skin</option>
6. Save the file.
7. Go to Settings --> Wallet --> Current theme and choose "New Skin".
8. Enjoy!
~ ~ ~
HOW TO add sounds to your skin:1. Create a dir in wallet/public/audio with your theme name, example:
2. Put your sound files there. For example:
3. Open the following file with a text editor:
4. Change paths in animate.js:
'src':'audio/swoosh.wav', to:
'src':'audio/newskin/sound1.mp3'5. Enjoy!