Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
September 22, 2017, 07:14:49 PM |
 CLOAK Accumulation Time Again
Since the double bottom target 380/390k was reached we see another correction phase. We can clearly see the volume is there in the green candles and the volume is decreasing in the red candles and in correctionsphases. I can't see a dump here, all price levels between 100k and 200k are potential buy levels.
Buy the dips!
Important price levels and targets
Strong Support: 85k sat. 125k sat.
Resistance: 345k sat. 550k sat. Target: 1M sat. (0.01 BTC / CLOAK) 1.4M sat.
September 22, 2017, 07:39:21 PM |
While everything else is red CLOAK is back in the green, I am sure that the price is about to rebound here soon.
Just made a quick buy and I’m planning on selling in a few hours when I expect the price to be up, if it doesn’t I’ll just add it to my bag.
I'm starting a technology blog T4CH.top, check it out!
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
September 23, 2017, 04:42:56 AM |
http://www.bilderload.com/daten/20170922200613myimgurv391myimguredenfmx6494AV6.png CLOAK Accumulation Time Again
Since the double bottom target 380/390k was reached we see another correction phase. We can clearly see the volume is there in the green candles and the volume is decreasing in the red candles and in correctionsphases. I can't see a dump here, all price levels between 100k and 200k are potential buy levels.
Buy the dips!
Important price levels and targets
Strong Support: 85k sat. 125k sat.
Resistance: 345k sat. 550k sat. Target: 1M sat. (0.01 BTC / CLOAK) 1.4M sat.
I missed today's BTFD when the USD dipped below $6.00. I still picked up a couple more just a little above that. It's all good. Staking continues...
September 23, 2017, 08:43:58 AM |
And BTC going up again, we won't go down below 3500$ i presume we can go now to 5000$. This will double price of Cloak easily. It is very hard to stay clear minded these days when we have so much Fud, on every corner someone yells crash, the end is coming etc..So use this post as reminder what is their sole purposes in this game. Prepare yourself for even worse, once when Cloak becomes free. Imagine how many of them will strike after fake reviews, they will find "errors in code", they will attack team day and night..Be ready for this. 
Sr. Member
Activity: 1078
Merit: 310
AKA RJF - Member since '13
September 23, 2017, 06:04:38 PM |
And BTC going up again, we won't go down below 3500$ i presume we can go now to 5000$. This will double price of Cloak easily. It is very hard to stay clear minded these days when we have so much Fud, on every corner someone yells crash, the end is coming etc..So use this post as reminder what is their sole purposes in this game. Prepare yourself for even worse, once when Cloak becomes free. Imagine how many of them will strike after fake reviews, they will find "errors in code", they will attack team day and night..Be ready for this.  "Barking dogs seldom bite." I've learned that the "Ignore" button is your friend.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
September 23, 2017, 06:17:07 PM |
If you aren't patient or really think it's a scam just leave, why waste your energy posting about how its a scam? I mean the currency works, I can send money with more anonymity than with BTC/LTC and other main currencies. So others don't get ripped off? Does the currency work to anonymize transactions? We will never know until it is open sourced. All I see is a lot of pumping and delays. Bail out.
well, actually Enigma Reserve Balance 100% only means that your whole amount of coins in your wallet could be used for an ENIGMA TX that's in the case the Enigma TX to cloak has the same amount of coins you have in your wallet. When there is no ENIGMA TX around and coins are mature they still might stake. Staking 6% p.a. (POS) and Enigma Rewards are on top of this!
@yogibear. That explanation doesn't make sense. How would the wallet know whether an ENIGMA transaction is going to be generated by the network? It can predict the future?
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
September 23, 2017, 07:05:03 PM |
If you aren't patient or really think it's a scam just leave, why waste your energy posting about how its a scam? I mean the currency works, I can send money with more anonymity than with BTC/LTC and other main currencies. So others don't get ripped off? Does the currency work to anonymize transactions? We will never know until it is open sourced. All I see is a lot of pumping and delays. Bail out.
well, actually Enigma Reserve Balance 100% only means that your whole amount of coins in your wallet could be used for an ENIGMA TX that's in the case the Enigma TX to cloak has the same amount of coins you have in your wallet. When there is no ENIGMA TX around and coins are mature they still might stake. Staking 6% p.a. (POS) and Enigma Rewards are on top of this!
@yogibear. That explanation doesn't make sense. How would the wallet know whether an ENIGMA transaction is going to be generated by the network? It can predict the future? When you send an anonymous transaction ENIGMA sends out random request to all nodes. I can't explain the tech and protocol as this is not my part and do not have the techn knowledge for it. Here's how ENIGMA works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzlP69bwHkcThis is an ENIGMA TX on the Blockchain: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/cloak/tx.dws?c359b3981059c84c92174a08dc2e50cc4a4892a35ba67fd6ef88379db0cb6eba.htm
September 23, 2017, 11:19:56 PM |
I got this answer from the main dev 2 months ago. Enigma works like a big transaction the sender adds their input (money in) and their output (money out to whoever they are paying). mixers/cloakers also add extra inputs (money in) and outputs (money out). the difference between sender and mixers is that mixers send money back to another address that they own (a mix of existing addresses and new 'change' addresses). during creation of the enigma transaction, the sender mixes all the inputs and all the outputs so that it's not possible to tell who is sending money to whom in the enigma transaction. so examining the enigma transaction doesn't show who is the real sender and who is the real receiver.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
September 24, 2017, 12:52:17 PM |
Dobar dan, vrlo svetlu buducnost Clouk-u i team-u zelimo  ! Vec neko vreme od 19 septembra mi stoji 0.09 minted pod Transactions ali josh pod znakom pitanja (5 dana).Transakcija josh nije potvrdjena. Jel mogu to da ubrzam? Verovatno postoje online informacije o svemu, (how to) za newbees i za one koje zele da se posvete Clouk-u na intenzivnijem nivou.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
September 24, 2017, 06:47:33 PM |
Thank you 
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
September 25, 2017, 03:11:51 PM |
The collapse doesn't stop! I told you folks!
176K and declining.. more CHEAP coins yet to come! Try 100K Satoshi!..
We are going far lower folks.. #DumpCloak #NeverCloak
Wait for cheaper price.. they are still selling lots of CLOAK and taking the big BTC money bags instead!!! Be careful!
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
September 25, 2017, 03:27:34 PM |
Facts: I don't see a lot of pressure to sell CLOAK. The daily volume proofs that. It is declining! Strong Support at 170k! Rally ahead! 
September 25, 2017, 07:05:54 PM |
Facts: I don't see a lot of pressure to sell CLOAK. The daily volume proofs that. It is declining! Strong Support at 170k! Rally ahead!  Nobody wants to sell Cloak cheap! We can see a daily bot trades with low volume. Hold Cloak and wait for good news, our great time will come. Many news will come in the near future.
lab rat hoax
September 25, 2017, 08:34:17 PM Last edit: September 26, 2017, 02:21:16 AM by lab rat hoax |
September 26, 2017, 07:57:32 AM Last edit: January 03, 2018, 05:42:43 PM by cloakteam |
Dear Cloakers,
We're very pleased and proud to announce that we've been added to a second Indian altcoin exchange! We'd like to extend warm thanks to BuyUcoin for supporting Cloak and look forward to get more attention in the Indian cryptomarket.

Peace and Love
Team Cloak
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
September 26, 2017, 10:51:06 AM |
160K Satoshi!! 160K and dropping!
Telling you folks.. get OUT. We are headed to 100K or less!! Very soon!!
I've been saying to sell since 220K and I am YET to be proven wrong but Cloak con-artists on here! Be VERY careful buying CLOAK.
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001
September 26, 2017, 11:30:14 AM |
Nice chance to accumulate! Still volume is low.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
September 26, 2017, 11:57:15 AM |
160K Satoshi!! 160K and dropping!
Telling you folks.. get OUT. We are headed to 100K or less!! Very soon!!
I've been saying to sell since 220K and I am YET to be proven wrong but Cloak con-artists on here! Be VERY careful buying CLOAK.
Are you serious? "CloakCoinScam" is your name? Registered since 19.09.2017?! Where have you been when cloak was 5ct? Cloak has a consistent gain for over three years now!! 