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Author Topic: [ANN][CLOAK] Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digital Currency  (Read 811111 times)
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November 09, 2017, 03:45:03 PM

Can you tell me what the difference is with verge? They claim the same. If this will work its great!
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CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!

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November 09, 2017, 03:46:42 PM

Can you tell me what the difference is with verge? They claim the same. If this will work its great!

How can Verge be the same than cloak ? In what ways are they similar ? Verge is like a scam to me

.♦♦♦.XSL Labs.♦♦♦.
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November 10, 2017, 12:54:15 AM

What will you do in the case that you need to do some repairs to an investment?
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November 10, 2017, 09:55:49 AM

Cloak price tanking again  Undecided
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November 10, 2017, 11:25:26 AM
Last edit: November 10, 2017, 12:19:19 PM by lasvegas83

Hey Cloak Community,

I hope you're all well!
I would like to give you a short status report.

We will continue to progress every day and of course we will keep to our goals according to the roadmap.

As you can see on the roadmap, we have founded a public testnet group. All transactions with Enigma were successful in testing and ran smoothly. After more intensive testing, we have noticed that a small amount of coins (0.0x Cloaks) was missing in each Enigma transaction at the recipient's end.
Raizor personally fixed this bug very quickly.

After further testing, we noticed that one Enigma transaction was received via the "Earning Assist".
This problem is very rare and only appeared with one member of the testnet.

Deepend is currently fixing this bug and has a great support from Anorak by now!

It's not an issue you make on command, so it's a little tedious to find it. Also it's not a dramatic problem, but we want to offer you a clean, stable and secure system! As soon as Deepend gives us the go, the source immediately goes to the audit company (which is also waiting for us) and continues with our roadmap.

Besides the development of the source, other team members are working very hard.

Only recently, we had to do a complete server move that went without any problems.
The second phase of the website has started and is currently under development and will be finished soon.

In addition, the PR team works intensely! A lot of preparations are being made for the big PR campaign. All known exchanges (especially DEX) were contacted and many contacts with big crypto news sites were made. So we're on a very good way...

The android and iOS wallet are also under development, but we still have some time until then.
We are also trying to add new developers for the iOS mobile wallet to our dev team.

So far the current status. I hope, I have enriched you with this information.
In the future there will be more often a status report from me, so the community will be always up to date.

Have a nice day and stay Cloakstrong Smiley

Peace and Love


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CloakCoin |  Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digital Currency|  Enigma
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Sr. Member
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Activity: 504
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November 10, 2017, 02:52:01 PM

Hey Cloak Community,
I hope you're all well!
I would like to give you a short status report.
Glad to hear some progress is going on behind the scenes. Thanks for the update, it's been a bit since we've heard much.

I'm starting a technology blog, check it out!
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Activity: 1131
Merit: 1001

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November 10, 2017, 03:03:07 PM

Hey Cloak Community,
I hope you're all well!
I would like to give you a short status report.
Glad to hear some progress is going on behind the scenes. Thanks for the update, it's been a bit since we've heard much.

Yes we've been a bit quiet here in BTCTalk. But everything is in progress and there're many things going on behind the scenes to follow the road map.
Hero Member
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Activity: 574
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November 11, 2017, 07:46:37 AM

Regular updates from Cloak team will help to expand community and prevent trolls activity in this thread. Trolls are active when developers are silent. Follow the Cloak development and waiting for the next big breakthroughs.

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November 11, 2017, 08:52:55 AM

Hey Cloak Community,

I hope you're all well!
I would like to give you a short status report.

We will continue to progress every day and of course we will keep to our goals according to the roadmap.

As you can see on the roadmap, we have founded a public testnet group. All transactions with Enigma were successful in testing and ran smoothly. After more intensive testing, we have noticed that a small amount of coins (0.0x Cloaks) was missing in each Enigma transaction at the recipient's end.
Raizor personally fixed this bug very quickly.

After further testing, we noticed that one Enigma transaction was received via the "Earning Assist".
This problem is very rare and only appeared with one member of the testnet.

Deepend is currently fixing this bug and has a great support from Anorak by now!

It's not an issue you make on command, so it's a little tedious to find it. Also it's not a dramatic problem, but we want to offer you a clean, stable and secure system! As soon as Deepend gives us the go, the source immediately goes to the audit company (which is also waiting for us) and continues with our roadmap.

Besides the development of the source, other team members are working very hard.

Only recently, we had to do a complete server move that went without any problems.
The second phase of the website has started and is currently under development and will be finished soon.

In addition, the PR team works intensely! A lot of preparations are being made for the big PR campaign. All known exchanges (especially DEX) were contacted and many contacts with big crypto news sites were made. So we're on a very good way...

The android and iOS wallet are also under development, but we still have some time until then.
We are also trying to add new developers for the iOS mobile wallet to our dev team.

So far the current status. I hope, I have enriched you with this information.
In the future there will be more often a status report from me, so the community will be always up to date.

Have a nice day and stay Cloakstrong Smiley

Peace and Love


Thank you for this great news.

You do a great job and I still think that Cloakcoin is an anonymous piece of great quality!

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lab rat hoax
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November 12, 2017, 02:12:38 AM

cloak sets a new standard in financial privacy...raises the bar

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November 12, 2017, 01:24:46 PM

An cloak insider explained it's all a fantasy, they aren't focusing on the gold coin. Just cashing out every single day cloak from large wallet for BTC
they told me cloak would enslave all devices in the world and exterminate humanity
how weird the devs arent on the same line
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November 13, 2017, 10:35:30 AM

An cloak insider explained it's all a fantasy, they aren't focusing on the gold coin. Just cashing out every single day cloak from large wallet for BTC
they told me cloak would enslave all devices in the world and exterminate humanity
how weird the devs arent on the same line

This must be the true idea behind all cryptos.
Robots will eventually rule the world and the internet will take over everything we know.
At least we are investing in this future.
Now back to reality?

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November 13, 2017, 12:24:11 PM

when we will see expected cloak price to 0.012 btc/cloak Huh in 5 months? or in 2 months?
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November 14, 2017, 12:24:09 PM

Today just arrive new shirts and bags....  Cheesy

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AKA RJF - Member since '13

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November 14, 2017, 09:56:48 PM

when we will see expected cloak price to 0.012 btc/cloak Huh in 5 months? or in 2 months?

Sorry, crystal ball broken and I can't find anyone to fix it....

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
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November 15, 2017, 01:31:29 AM
Last edit: November 15, 2017, 02:01:36 AM by mycotoxin

Looking at the market behavior  , Ive a suspicion we will be seeing Cloak over at  $50 or much  higher next year -  
Privacy coins are going to become very valuable and cloak with its Enigma Technology will be one of the surprises gainers  in 2018 . sure to HOOLDDL the cloak...
Jr. Member
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November 15, 2017, 10:51:23 AM

I've noticed that too, the 100k high from this weekend was a warming-up. Anyone noticed the 9btc then in the buy order books at trex? I don't know if the guy/girl actually bought it..

..But yeah you're right, people are asking me questions about VPNs etc etc, people are paranoid for their own misbehaviour nowadays. They all want privacy, so it's a go.

Personally I don't sell, I just buy from the depths. While in the deep, they throw masses of coins at us, remember to eat and you'll have a nice xmas, and if not, if opensourcing is later, don't get disappointed at the devs and buy more from disappointed sellers.

HODL is the strategy here, afaik everywhere lol.
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November 15, 2017, 07:00:08 PM

Haha men you are the dreamer............ CLOAK to $50!!! LOL  Grin Grin Grin  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

NOT anytime soon. All you guy do is the speculation of the crypto........ that does not mean its going that high. NO Reason to.. the bull market is OVER ok?

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AKA RJF - Member since '13

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November 15, 2017, 08:19:02 PM

Haha men you are the dreamer............ CLOAK to $50!!! LOL  Grin Grin Grin  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

NOT anytime soon. All you guy do is the speculation of the crypto........ that does not mean its going that high. NO Reason to.. the bull market is OVER ok?

Whatever you say. Tell your handlers it isn't working...  Grin

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
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November 15, 2017, 09:11:50 PM

I think that the best strategy with cloak is ... Hold
the year 2018 promises to be interesting and promising for this coin

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