What a quick deleting my posts Pizpie. I'm impressed. So it's true - you are worring about big dump and come back to regular price of HZ? Just come on, pay your debts and pay all of it in one payment. You scre*ed so take consequences. You can do it manually easy - i counted 20-30 addresses with nodes. Or you really have no idea how to do it.
And I'm not "troll" like you said. Nice argument anyway - critic = competition
I just have "few" nodes and I'm regullary dumping all of my bounty on exchanges. Why? Because I have right to.
You don't understand how any of the math or technology works. If you did, you'd know it doesn't do lump payments. That's not how transactions are recorded or stored. Node payouts have never been done manually, nor can they. Horizon has been here for almost a year, so I think we know what we are doing.
You're free to do what you want with your node payouts, we aren't holding your hand.
You can view the node chart here:
https://explorer.horizonplatform.io/?page=graphs&graph=nodesSome people have 100's of nodes.
And your last post was immature and speculative, not constructive.