Some conversations in Slack: Join us [8:16 AM]
fun fact, $ARCH information flow and shareholder management was inspired by the zetacoin community
btcarchitect [8:18 AM]
I have tweeted this before
btcarchitect [8:18 AM]
I'll explain
btcarchitect [8:20 AM]
Those who were around should remember. When the zet community closed doors socially and took on a more corporate approach during the fud/attacks was when it recovered and grew stronger
btcarchitect [8:22 AM]
This is just conceptual information related to how communities do not really work
btcarchitect [8:23 AM]
Just look around
btcarchitect [8:24 AM]
Disclaimer: Im not against anything or anyone, just taking some time to expand on some of the details of how arch was designed (edited)
btcarchitect [8:26 AM]
If you have any question about this, just ask
btcarchitect [8:28 AM]
How does this benefit arch in relation to typical "communities"?
btcarchitect [8:29 AM]
Good question btca :wink:
kingkong [8:33 AM]
asking questions to yourself, i think your working too hard
kingkong [8:33 AM]
btcarchitect [8:34 AM]
Your idea of crypto community as a number is overly optimistic. In truth we are a few hundred, a couple of thousand out there with relevant BTC amounts to make a difference or be able to support a decentralized token for long without being convinced to eventually move your BTC to a "better" token, so everyone is really fighting for the same small market share
btcarchitect [8:35 AM]
it was rhetorical @kingkong :wink:
drei4u [8:35 AM]
this is not a community. we are part owners. we expect you btcarchitect to have archventures generate income
drei4u [8:37 AM]
actually this setup is unique as we have a direct line to the top ceo :smile:
drei4u [8:39 AM]
imagine chatting up with zuckerberg or draper on a daily basis
drei4u [8:40 AM]
and then asking them what the news today :lmao:
kingkong [8:40 AM]
or asking them to hurry up, lol
btcarchitect [8:42 AM]
Hence why Arch was designed as it was. We have a real product and are venturing in new ones. I was way ahead in developing Moby way before I got into crypto. It didnt appear because of it, its not being built because of it. Its my contribution to it because I knew I can do better than 99% of the nerds out there coding vaporware and make history in crypto at the same time... with honesty
btcarchitect [8:47 AM]
No one depends on community interaction or in crypto in Arch. We will get our marketcap from people that have no idea what crypto or bitcoin is
drei4u [8:48 AM]
whereas a coin community, decentralized in nature, struggles to push for mass adoption by developing new tech in which every trader/investor is speculating