Why doesn't David Zimbeck implementing all these things into blackhalo?
I don't think anyone likes working for literally free.
If anything he probably has more incentive to develop his services if he's getting paid for it.
I don't see the bad thing with that but I do see the bad thing in asking for a million bucks straight up/top 30 in marketcaps.
Killed all kinda credibility for me similar to when retailers overprice their products leads to no one buying that particular product.
I think they overvalued themselves. I can see 300 or 400 BTC being reasonable at best.
I barely think they will get that as ICOs are pretty much dying out right now.
It's not good to value yourself that high off the bat. It leaves literally no room for the investor to make any gains. So why should they invest in you?
I think not only me but a lot of people are going to be picky about that number. It's just very hard in the current bear market to see any return on something starting at a $1mm market cap.