Decent site but I wish you wouldnt charge for withdrawls
The withdrawals are free of charge, we only deduct the miner's fee and nothing else

Same thing, you make your customer pay. It makes you look really cheap by not paying the couple of bucks for miner's fee.

Hello, any updates on this manner? My fee was too high last time so I am hesitant to make another deposit until you fix this.
How much did you pay for the fee on your last withdrawal? Was it when the bitcoin network so crazy where most tx fee were so high?
By the way I checked the terms of services page and I found something as quoted below:
You agree that you are not using any of our services with funds that originate from criminal or illegal activities. BetBTC may charge up to 0.25% on every withdrawal.
I wonder when on what things that may make btcbet charge 0.25% on withdrawal?
Regarding this withdrawal's topic, we are still working on a fair and optimised solution of handling transaction fees & priority, for users and BetBTC.
That solution will give users either the option of choosing the miner's fee to pay, or just using betbtc suggestion (current solution / automatic).
This feature will be deployed in the upcoming days.
The 0.25% fee you referred was never charged, but we have it included in our terms of service to protect us against abusers like we had in past.
For example users who register an account and deposit a very high amount, (example 10btc) and then withdrawal right after without having any betting activity, with the sole purpose of mixing the funds and hiding the trace of origin funds.
As explained before: BetBTC do not profit with user's withdrawals, all the funds deducted from a regular withdrawal are used 100% to pay the miner's fee and will be equivalent to the fees you will pay on a regular transaction in the btc ecosystem (we do not overcharge, and the fees may be over average only when market is really crazy and there is no other option)